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The galaxy is filled with \c(3dd)valuable objects\c(), such as secret stashes or ship wreckages. Some of those wreckages can even be made functional again. | 宇宙中充满了\c(3dd)高价值目标\c(),比如秘密货箱和舰船残骸。有些残骸甚至依然有可能再次运作。 | Details | |
The galaxy is filled with \c(3dd)valuable objects\c(), such as secret stashes or ship wreckages. Some of those wreckages can even be made functional again. 宇宙中充满了\c(3dd)高价值目标\c(),比如秘密货箱和舰船残骸。有些残骸甚至依然有可能再次运作。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Your \c(3dd)Energy Storage\c() can't be charged with endless speed. You can only charge it with a 20th of its capacity per second, and excess energy will be lost. | \c(3dd)能量仓\c()储存能量的速度是有上限的。舰船最高只能以每秒5%的速度储存能量,多余的能量产出将会消失。 | Details | |
Your \c(3dd)Energy Storage\c() can't be charged with endless speed. You can only charge it with a 20th of its capacity per second, and excess energy will be lost. \c(3dd)能量仓\c()储存能量的速度是有上限的。舰船最高只能以每秒5%的速度储存能量,多余的能量产出将会消失。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If your ship doesn't produce enough energy, the energy consumption will drain its \c(3dd)Batteries\c(). Once they're empty, your ship's systems will work with less capacity or even fail. | 如果舰船产出的能量不足,系统将会消耗\c(3dd)电池\c()中储存的能量。如果储存的能量也耗尽了,舰船的系统就会在低效率下运行,甚至运行失败。 | Details | |
If your ship doesn't produce enough energy, the energy consumption will drain its \c(3dd)Batteries\c(). Once they're empty, your ship's systems will work with less capacity or even fail. 如果舰船产出的能量不足,系统将会消耗\c(3dd)电池\c()中储存的能量。如果储存的能量也耗尽了,舰船的系统就会在低效率下运行,甚至运行失败。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Your \c(3dd)Generator\c() generates energy and your systems drain it. Excess energy will be stored in your ship's \c(3dd)Energy Storage\c() and drained from there when your systems require more energy, for example in combat or during a \c(3dd)Hyperspace Jump\c(). | \c(3dd)能量发生器\c()能够产出能量以供舰船使用。超额产出的能量将会储存在\c(3dd)能量仓\c()中,以在战斗、\c(3dd)超空间跃迁\c()等需要消耗大量能量的情况中使用。 | Details | |
Your \c(3dd)Generator\c() generates energy and your systems drain it. Excess energy will be stored in your ship's \c(3dd)Energy Storage\c() and drained from there when your systems require more energy, for example in combat or during a \c(3dd)Hyperspace Jump\c(). \c(3dd)能量发生器\c()能够产出能量以供舰船使用。超额产出的能量将会储存在\c(3dd)能量仓\c()中,以在战斗、\c(3dd)超空间跃迁\c()等需要消耗大量能量的情况中使用。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Some blocks like \c(3dd)Solar Panels\c() need a lot of surface area instead of volume. | \c(3dd)太阳能面板\c()之类的方块需要更大的表面积,而非体积。 | Details | |
Some blocks like \c(3dd)Solar Panels\c() need a lot of surface area instead of volume. \c(3dd)太阳能面板\c()之类的方块需要更大的表面积,而非体积。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You can repair your ship in \c(3dd)Building Mode\c() while you're not in combat. | 未处于战斗状态时能够在\c(3dd)建造模式\c()中修理舰船。 | Details | |
You can repair your ship in \c(3dd)Building Mode\c() while you're not in combat. 未处于战斗状态时能够在\c(3dd)建造模式\c()中修理舰船。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The mass of your ship greatly influences its inertia - lighter ships are much easier to steer and don't need as many \c(3dd)Thrusters\c() and \c(3dd)Engines\c(). | 舰船的质量会极大的影响惯性——越轻的舰船越容易转向,并且需要越少的\c(3dd)推进器\c()和\c(3dd)引擎\c()。 | Details | |
The mass of your ship greatly influences its inertia - lighter ships are much easier to steer and don't need as many \c(3dd)Thrusters\c() and \c(3dd)Engines\c(). 舰船的质量会极大的影响惯性——越轻的舰船越容易转向,并且需要越少的\c(3dd)推进器\c()和\c(3dd)引擎\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Building ships made of higher-tier materials is more efficient. You have to pay less money for the same stats. | 使用更高级材料来建造舰船效率更高,你只需要花更少的货币就能达到相同的性能。 | Details | |
Building ships made of higher-tier materials is more efficient. You have to pay less money for the same stats. 使用更高级材料来建造舰船效率更高,你只需要花更少的货币就能达到相同的性能。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Thrusters\c() have the biggest effect if they're built far away from the center of mass of the ship. | \c(3dd)推进器\c()离舰船的质心越远,效果就越好。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Thrusters\c() have the biggest effect if they're built far away from the center of mass of the ship. \c(3dd)推进器\c()离舰船的质心越远,效果就越好。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Iron\c() and \c(3dd)Ogonite\c() are very heavy materials. Build your ship out of lighter materials to reduce drifting. | \c(3dd)铁金属\c()和\c(3dd)欧格金属\c()是非常重的材料,尝试使用更轻的材料建造舰船,以减轻漂移问题。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Iron\c() and \c(3dd)Ogonite\c() are very heavy materials. Build your ship out of lighter materials to reduce drifting. \c(3dd)铁金属\c()和\c(3dd)欧格金属\c()是非常重的材料,尝试使用更轻的材料建造舰船,以减轻漂移问题。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If you are having trouble with drift, consider building your ship out of a light material, such as \c(3dd)Titanium\c() or \c(3dd)Trinium\c(). | 如果你的舰船有严重的漂移问题,就考虑一下用\c(3dd)钛金属\c()、\c(3dd)淬尼金属\c()等更轻的材料来建造舰船吧。 | Details | |
If you are having trouble with drift, consider building your ship out of a light material, such as \c(3dd)Titanium\c() or \c(3dd)Trinium\c(). 如果你的舰船有严重的漂移问题,就考虑一下用\c(3dd)钛金属\c()、\c(3dd)淬尼金属\c()等更轻的材料来建造舰船吧。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Thrusters\c() reduce drifting and they will steer your ship in the direction it is looking. | \c(3dd)推进器\c()能够减轻舰船的漂移,它们会将舰船转向你的视线方向。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Thrusters\c() reduce drifting and they will steer your ship in the direction it is looking. \c(3dd)推进器\c()能够减轻舰船的漂移,它们会将舰船转向你的视线方向。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You can give your ships \c(3dd)orders\c(), for example you can tell them to escort you or to guard a certain location. | 你能够对自己的舰船下达\c(3dd)指令\c(),让它们给你护航,或保护指定地点。 | Details | |
You can give your ships \c(3dd)orders\c(), for example you can tell them to escort you or to guard a certain location. 你能够对自己的舰船下达\c(3dd)指令\c(),让它们给你护航,或保护指定地点。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Factories either pay high prices for the goods they need, or sell their goods for low prices, but never both. | 工厂要么会高价购买它们需要的货物,要么会低价出售它们拥有的货物,但不会同时做这两件事情。 | Details | |
Factories either pay high prices for the goods they need, or sell their goods for low prices, but never both. 工厂要么会高价购买它们需要的货物,要么会低价出售它们拥有的货物,但不会同时做这两件事情。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Turrets\c() drop when you destroy turrets on other ships. To get mining turrets you should destroy mining ships, and to get armed turrets, you should destroy armed ships. | 摧毁其他舰船时将会掉落\c(3dd)炮塔\c()。通过摧毁采矿船来获得采矿炮塔,摧毁武装舰船来获得武装炮塔。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Turrets\c() drop when you destroy turrets on other ships. To get mining turrets you should destroy mining ships, and to get armed turrets, you should destroy armed ships. 摧毁其他舰船时将会掉落\c(3dd)炮塔\c()。通过摧毁采矿船来获得采矿炮塔,摧毁武装舰船来获得武装炮塔。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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