Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
And, maybe, we can extract the Xsotan tech from his ship. I'll modify it so you can integrate it into your ship. | A možná budeme schopni extrahovat Xsotánskou technologii z jeho lodě. Upravím ji aby jsi ji mohl integrovat do vlastní lodě. | Details | |
And, maybe, we can extract the Xsotan tech from his ship. I'll modify it so you can integrate it into your ship. A možná budeme schopni extrahovat Xsotánskou technologii z jeho lodě. Upravím ji aby jsi ji mohl integrovat do vlastní lodě. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You'll get revenge on a man who betrayed you. | Dostaneš se ti pomsty na muže který tě zradil. | Details | |
You'll get revenge on a man who betrayed you. Dostaneš se ti pomsty na muže který tě zradil. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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He doesn't know that I know of a way to disable his precious hyperspace drive. | On netuší že já vím o způsobu jak vyřadit z provozu jeho milovaný hyperprostorový pohon. | Details | |
He doesn't know that I know of a way to disable his precious hyperspace drive. On netuší že já vím o způsobu jak vyřadit z provozu jeho milovaný hyperprostorový pohon. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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But he made a big mistake when he threw me out. | Ale udělal velkou chybu když mě vyhodil. | Details | |
But he made a big mistake when he threw me out. Ale udělal velkou chybu když mě vyhodil. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Now he can jump three times as far as other ships, and five times as quick, and nobody can catch him. | Nyní může skočit třikrát dále než ostatní lodě, a pětkrát tak rychleji, a nikdo ho nedokáže dopadnout. | Details | |
Now he can jump three times as far as other ships, and five times as quick, and nobody can catch him. Nyní může skočit třikrát dále než ostatní lodě, a pětkrát tak rychleji, a nikdo ho nedokáže dopadnout. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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It was me who integrated it into his ship. | To já jsem to integroval do jeho lodě. | Details | |
It was me who integrated it into his ship. To já jsem to integroval do jeho lodě. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A few months back, he got his hands on some Xsotan hyperspace tech. | Před pár měsíci, dostala se mu pod ruce nějaká Xsotánská hyperprostorová technologie. | Details | |
A few months back, he got his hands on some Xsotan hyperspace tech. Před pár měsíci, dostala se mu pod ruce nějaká Xsotánská hyperprostorová technologie. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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He won't do anything himself, and if there is only the slightest hint of combat, he'll jump away to safety. | Nic si neudělá sám, a pokud je tu sebemenší známka boje, ihned skočí do bezpečí. | Details | |
He won't do anything himself, and if there is only the slightest hint of combat, he'll jump away to safety. Nic si neudělá sám, a pokud je tu sebemenší známka boje, ihned skočí do bezpečí. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Or, more accurately, who lets others work for him. | Nebo, konkrétněji, někdo kdo nechá ostatní pracovat za něj. | Details | |
Or, more accurately, who lets others work for him. Nebo, konkrétněji, někdo kdo nechá ostatní pracovat za něj. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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He's a smuggler who operates in these sectors here. | Je to pašerák který operuje v těchto sektorech. | Details | |
He's a smuggler who operates in these sectors here. Je to pašerák který operuje v těchto sektorech. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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In order to catch him, we have to disable his hyperspace drive. | Aby jsme ho mohli chytit, musíme mu vyřadit z provozu hyperprostorový pohon. | Details | |
In order to catch him, we have to disable his hyperspace drive. Aby jsme ho mohli chytit, musíme mu vyřadit z provozu hyperprostorový pohon. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Bottan is a coward. He won't do anything himself, and if there is only the slightest hint of combat, he'll jump away to safety. | Bottan je zbabělec. Nic si neudělá sám, a pokud je tu jen malá známka boje, ihned skočí do bezpečí. | Details | |
Bottan is a coward. He won't do anything himself, and if there is only the slightest hint of combat, he'll jump away to safety. Bottan je zbabělec. Nic si neudělá sám, a pokud je tu jen malá známka boje, ihned skočí do bezpečí. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I've heard some impressive stories about you. Maybe we can work together to stop Bottan. | Slyšel jsem o vás zajímavé historky. Možná by jsme mohli spolupracovat a zastavit Bottan. | Details | |
I've heard some impressive stories about you. Maybe we can work together to stop Bottan. Slyšel jsem o vás zajímavé historky. Možná by jsme mohli spolupracovat a zastavit Bottan. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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That's none of my business. | Do toho mi nic není. | Details | |
That's none of my business. Do toho mi nic není. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Alright, I'll help you. | Dobrá tedy, pomůžu ti. | Details | |
Alright, I'll help you. Dobrá tedy, pomůžu ti. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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