Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Design Inactive | Neaktivní Návrh | Details | |
Design Inactive Neaktivní Návrh You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Not enough space available for the turret design. | Pro návrh věže není k dispozici dostatek prostoru. | Details | |
Not enough space available for the turret design. Pro návrh věže není k dispozici dostatek prostoru. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The turret doesn't lie completely in its bounding box! | Věž neleží zcela v ohraničujícím boxu! | Details | |
The turret doesn't lie completely in its bounding box! Věž neleží zcela v ohraničujícím boxu! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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No muzzle positions set! | Nebyla natavena pozice ústě! | Details | |
No muzzle positions set! Nebyla natavena pozice ústě! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Design is empty! | Návrh je prázdný! | Details | |
Design is empty! Návrh je prázdný! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Turret Base Block | Základna věže | Details | |
Turret Base Základna věže You have to log in to edit this translation.
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FPS Counter | Čítač RZS (FPS) | Details | |
FPS Counter Čítač RZS (FPS) You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I don't want to talk about it. (${x}:${y}) is no more. | Nechci se o tom už bavit. (${x}:${y}) již více není. | Details | |
I don't want to talk about it. (${x}:${y}) is no more. Nechci se o tom už bavit. (${x}:${y}) již více není. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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It's such a tragedy. ${name} Prime was the pride of our faction until it was eaten up by a rift. Maybe one day there will be a way to travel to (${x}:${y}) once again. | Je to taková tragédie. ${name} byla pýchou naší frakce, dokud nebyla spolknuta trhlinou. Možná budeme jednoho dne opět cestovat do (${x}:${y}) . | Details | |
It's such a tragedy. ${name} Prime was the pride of our faction until it was eaten up by a rift. Maybe one day there will be a way to travel to (${x}:${y}) once again. Je to taková tragédie. ${name} byla pýchou naší frakce, dokud nebyla spolknuta trhlinou. Možná budeme jednoho dne opět cestovat do (${x}:${y}) . You have to log in to edit this translation.
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${name} Prime used to be at (${x}:${y}), before "The Event" that is. | ${jmeno} Prime býval na (${x}:${y}), před "The Event". | Details | |
${name} Prime used to be at (${x}:${y}), before "The Event" that is. ${jmeno} Prime býval na (${x}:${y}), před "The Event". You have to log in to edit this translation.
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${name} Prime is at (${x}:${y}). | ${name} Hlavní je v (${x}:${y}). | Details | |
${name} Prime is at (${x}:${y}). ${name} Hlavní je v (${x}:${y}). You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You have been banned from the server. (%s) | Byl jsi vyhoštěn ze serveru. (%s) | Details | |
You have been banned from the server. (%s) Byl jsi vyhoštěn ze serveru. (%s) You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Your craft doesn't have torpedo storage or shafts. | Vaše loď nemá zásobník nebo odpalovač torpéd | Details | |
Your craft doesn't have torpedo storage or shafts. Vaše loď nemá zásobník nebo odpalovač torpéd You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Your craft has no hangar. | Vaše loď nemá hangár | Details | |
Your craft has no hangar. Vaše loď nemá hangár You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Your craft has no cargo bay. | Vaše loď nemá nákladový prostor | Details | |
Your craft has no cargo bay. Vaše loď nemá nákladový prostor You have to log in to edit this translation.
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