Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You already have a craft with that name. | Už máte plavidlo s tímto jménem. | Details | |
You already have a craft with that name. Už máte plavidlo s tímto jménem. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You can only rename crafts in the same sector as you are. | Můžete pouze přejmenovat plavidla ve stejném sektoru jako jste. | Details | |
You can only rename crafts in the same sector as you are. Můžete pouze přejmenovat plavidla ve stejném sektoru jako jste. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Squad Harvest | Četa sklizne | Details | |
Squad Harvest Četa sklizne You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Select the type of torpedo to automatically load into each shaft. | Zvolte typ torpéda, který se automaticky nabije do každého hřídele. | Details | |
Select the type of torpedo to automatically load into each shaft. Zvolte typ torpéda, který se automaticky nabije do každého hřídele. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Crew payment due: %s Credits | Platba posádky:%s kreditů | Details | |
Crew payment due: %s Credits Platba posádky:%s kreditů You have to log in to edit this translation.
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%1% %2% amount, goods. plural for goods is chosen correctly | %1% %2% | Details | |
%1% %2% %1% %2% You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Rename... | Přejmenovat... | Details | |
Rename... Přejmenovat... You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You must be in the same sector to rename crafts. | Musíte být ve stejném sektoru, abyste mohly přejmenovat plavidla. | Details | |
You must be in the same sector to rename crafts. Musíte být ve stejném sektoru, abyste mohly přejmenovat plavidla. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Show On Map | Ukázat na mapě | Details | |
Show On Map Ukázat na mapě You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Please enter a name for your ship: | Prosím vlož jméno tvé lodi: | Details | |
Please enter a name for your ship: Prosím vlož jméno tvé lodi: You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Friends | Přátelé | Details | |
Friends Přátelé You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Interact (docked) | Interakce [Zakotvení] | Details | |
Interact (docked) Interakce [Zakotvení] You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Stations with an exclamation mark have a mission for you on their bulletin board. | Stanice se zeleným vykřičníkem mají poslání pro vás na své nástěnce | Details | |
Stations with an exclamation mark have a mission for you on their bulletin board. Stanice se zeleným vykřičníkem mají poslání pro vás na své nástěnce You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Harvest (%s) | Sklízet (%s) | Details | |
Harvest (%s) Sklízet (%s) You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Interacting with stations as if docked | - Interakce se stanicemi jako, když jste zakotveni | Details | |
Interacting with stations as if docked - Interakce se stanicemi jako, když jste zakotveni You have to log in to edit this translation.
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