Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Founding Costs | Náklady na založení | Details | |
Founding Costs Náklady na založení You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Change Notes | Změna poznámek | Details | |
Change Notes Změna poznámek You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Bad Ping: %i | Špatný Ping: %i | Details | |
Bad Ping: %i Špatný Ping: %i You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Server load is over %i%%! | Načtení serveru je u konce %i%%! | Details | |
Server load is over %i%%! Načtení serveru je u konce %i%%! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Game simulation load is over %i%%! | Načtení herní simulace je u konce %i%%! | Details | |
Game simulation load is over %i%%! Načtení herní simulace je u konce %i%%! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Hides this window in the future. | Skryje toto okno v budoucnu. | Details | |
Hides this window in the future. Skryje toto okno v budoucnu. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Read until the end to not show this window in the future. | Čtěte až do konce, aby se toto okno v budoucnu nezobrazovalo. | Details | |
Read until the end to not show this window in the future. Čtěte až do konce, aby se toto okno v budoucnu nezobrazovalo. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Show me later | Ukaž mi později | Details | |
Show me later Ukaž mi později You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This will delete your ship. Are you sure? | Tohle smaže vaši loď. Jste si jistý? | Details | |
This will delete your ship. Are you sure? Tohle smaže vaši loď. Jste si jistý? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This will delete your ship. Are you sure? | Tím odstraníte vaši loď. Jsi si jistý? | Details | |
This will delete your ship. Are you sure? Tím odstraníte vaši loď. Jsi si jistý? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Delete Entire Ship | Smazat celou loď | Details | |
Delete Entire Ship Smazat celou loď You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Hiring a \c(3dd)Crew\c() when building a ship at a \c(3dd)Shipyard\c() may be convenient, but it's also very expensive: you'll pay 50% more for the crew and you'll have to wait longer for your ship to finish. | Najmutí posádky při stavbě lodi na loděnici může být výhodný, ale je to také velmi drahé: za posádku zaplatíte o 50% více a budete muset čekat déle, než se vaše loď dokončí. | Details | |
Hiring a \c(3dd)Crew\c() when building a ship at a \c(3dd)Shipyard\c() may be convenient, but it's also very expensive: you'll pay 50% more for the crew and you'll have to wait longer for your ship to finish. Najmutí posádky při stavbě lodi na loděnici může být výhodný, ale je to také velmi drahé: za posádku zaplatíte o 50% více a budete muset čekat déle, než se vaše loď dokončí. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You need relations of at least '%s' to this faction to hire these crew members. | Potřebujete alespoň vztahy '%s' k této frakci k najmutí těchto členů posádky. | Details | |
You need relations of at least '%s' to this faction to hire these crew members. Potřebujete alespoň vztahy '%s' k této frakci k najmutí těchto členů posádky. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You need relations of at least '%s' to this faction to hire these crew members. | Potřebujete vztah alespoň '%s' k této frakci k najmutí těchto členů posádky. | Details | |
You need relations of at least '%s' to this faction to hire these crew members. Potřebujete vztah alespoň '%s' k této frakci k najmutí těchto členů posádky. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Crew salary: %1% Credits↵ Due in %2% | Výplata posádky: %1% kreditů Splatné v %2% | Details | |
Crew salary: %1% Credits↵ Due in %2% Výplata posádky: %1% kreditů↵ Splatné v %2% You have to log in to edit this translation.
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