Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Persecutors | Pronásledovatelé | Details | |
Persecutors Pronásledovatelé You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Characters | Postavy | Details | |
Characters Postavy You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Consumers | Spotřebitelé | Details | |
Consumers Spotřebitelé You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Factories | Továrny | Details | |
Factories Továrny You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A \c(0d0)Military Outpost\c() represents the military force of a faction. Their personnel is well trained, so if you want the best \c(0d0)Gunners\c() this is where you look. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
A \c(0d0)Military Outpost\c() represents the military force of a faction. Their personnel is well trained, so if you want the best \c(0d0)Gunners\c() this is where you look. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If you ever find yourself in the possession of \c(0d0)Stolen Goods\c() you can sell or have them \c(0d0)unbranded\c() here. Unbranded goods can then be traded with any station. Nobody will ask questions at a \c(0d0)smuggler's market\c(). | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
If you ever find yourself in the possession of \c(0d0)Stolen Goods\c() you can sell or have them \c(0d0)unbranded\c() here. Unbranded goods can then be traded with any station. Nobody will ask questions at a \c(0d0)smuggler's market\c(). You have to log in to edit this translation.
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At \c(0d0)Scrapyards\c(), you can sell off old ships and \c(0d0)dismantle turrets\c() to get resources. Additionally, Scrapyards sell licenses allowing you to \c(0d0)salvage wreckages\c() to get turrets, subsystems and material scraps. | Na \c(0d0)Scrapyards\c() můžete prodat staré lodě a \c(0d0)dismantle turrets\c() a získat prostředky. Scrapyards navíc prodávají licence, které vám umožňují \c(0d0)salvage wreckages\c() a získat věže, subsystémy a zbytky materiálu. | Details | |
At \c(0d0)Scrapyards\c(), you can sell off old ships and \c(0d0)dismantle turrets\c() to get resources. Additionally, Scrapyards sell licenses allowing you to \c(0d0)salvage wreckages\c() to get turrets, subsystems and material scraps. Na \c(0d0)Scrapyards\c() můžete prodat staré lodě a \c(0d0)dismantle turrets\c() a získat prostředky. Scrapyards navíc prodávají licence, které vám umožňují \c(0d0)salvage wreckages\c() a získat věže, subsystémy a zbytky materiálu. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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At a \c(0d0)Fighter Factory\c(), you can design and build your own \c(0d0)custom Fighters\c(). You can combine a block design with 200 blocks or less with a turret of your choice to get a new fighter. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
At a \c(0d0)Fighter Factory\c(), you can design and build your own \c(0d0)custom Fighters\c(). You can combine a block design with 200 blocks or less with a turret of your choice to get a new fighter. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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At the \c(0d0)Research Station\c() you can combine items into a better, random new one. The better the items, the better the resulting item will be. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
At the \c(0d0)Research Station\c() you can combine items into a better, random new one. The better the items, the better the resulting item will be. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The \c(0d0)Headquarters\c() is a unique station for every faction. If you need to contact the whole faction, you should talk to their Headquarters. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
The \c(0d0)Headquarters\c() is a unique station for every faction. If you need to contact the whole faction, you should talk to their Headquarters. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Stations | Stanice | Details | |
Stations Stanice You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Indicators | Ukazatele | Details | |
Indicators Ukazatele You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The galaxy map has several types of markers: \c(0d0)Colonized sectors\c() are shown with a green blip, while sectors with \c(0d0)Hidden Mass\c() are marked with a yellow blip. Hidden mass sectors can contain good things, like huge asteroid fields, but also pirates. Be careful when venturing into the unknown!↵ \c(0d0)Visited sectors\c() are marked with dots. Green dots represent allies, purple ones neutral objects, red ones hostile forces.↵ ↵ \c(ddd)Note: to see the yellow markers it's necessary to install a \c(0d0)Radar Upgrade\c(ddd) with deep scan function.\c() | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
The galaxy map has several types of markers: \c(0d0)Colonized sectors\c() are shown with a green blip, while sectors with \c(0d0)Hidden Mass\c() are marked with a yellow blip. Hidden mass sectors can contain good things, like huge asteroid fields, but also pirates. Be careful when venturing into the unknown!↵ \c(0d0)Visited sectors\c() are marked with dots. Green dots represent allies, purple ones neutral objects, red ones hostile forces.↵ ↵ \c(ddd)Note: to see the yellow markers it's necessary to install a \c(0d0)Radar Upgrade\c(ddd) with deep scan function.\c() You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Map Markers | Značky na mapě | Details | |
Map Markers Značky na mapě You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Exploring | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Exploring You have to log in to edit this translation.
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