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Welcome to the Avorion \c(0d0)Encyclopedia\c()! This is where you'll find information on a lot of Avorion's features.↵ ↵ Simply select one of the \c(0d0)categories\c() on the left to get started! | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Welcome to the Avorion \c(0d0)Encyclopedia\c()! This is where you'll find information on a lot of Avorion's features.↵ ↵ Simply select one of the \c(0d0)categories\c() on the left to get started! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Avorion Encyclopedia | Encyklopedie Avorion | Details | |
Avorion Encyclopedia Encyklopedie Avorion You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Encyclopedia | Encyklopedie | Details | |
Encyclopedia Encyklopedie You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Goods are automatically branded to the faction that buys them by all certified traders found on stations. So, goods obtained by destroying or robbing ships are \c(0d0)branded as 'stolen'\c(). No honorable station will accept goods that are branded as 'stolen'.↵ ↵ A special \c(0d0)license\c() is required to transport stolen goods. When someone is caught without a license, they will be fined and their cargo confiscated.↵ ↵ Smugglers are said to have means of unbranding stolen cargo, but these are not exactly legal. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Goods are automatically branded to the faction that buys them by all certified traders found on stations. So, goods obtained by destroying or robbing ships are \c(0d0)branded as 'stolen'\c(). No honorable station will accept goods that are branded as 'stolen'.↵ ↵ A special \c(0d0)license\c() is required to transport stolen goods. When someone is caught without a license, they will be fined and their cargo confiscated.↵ ↵ Smugglers are said to have means of unbranding stolen cargo, but these are not exactly legal. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Stolen goods | Ukradené zboží | Details | |
Stolen goods Ukradené zboží You have to log in to edit this translation.
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To transport \c(0d0)special goods\c(), the corresponding \c(0d0)license\c() of the respective faction is required. With a license, special goods can be traded as if they were normal goods. When someone is caught without a license, they will be fined and their cargo confiscated. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
To transport \c(0d0)special goods\c(), the corresponding \c(0d0)license\c() of the respective faction is required. With a license, special goods can be traded as if they were normal goods. When someone is caught without a license, they will be fined and their cargo confiscated. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Special goods | Speciální zboží | Details | |
Special goods Speciální zboží You have to log in to edit this translation.
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These trade goods are freely available to everyone. They are not subject to any further restrictions. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
These trade goods are freely available to everyone. They are not subject to any further restrictions. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Normal goods | Normální zboží | Details | |
Normal goods Normální zboží You have to log in to edit this translation.
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All goods on your ship are shown in the \c(0d0)Cargo Tab\c() of the Ship Menu. There you'll find a drop-down menu where you can set your ship to either pick up or not pick up stolen goods.↵ ↵ Smuggling and scavenging is a big problem, so military ships always scan for dangerous and illegal goods. When they catch someone, they fine them and confiscate the cargo. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
All goods on your ship are shown in the \c(0d0)Cargo Tab\c() of the Ship Menu. There you'll find a drop-down menu where you can set your ship to either pick up or not pick up stolen goods.↵ ↵ Smuggling and scavenging is a big problem, so military ships always scan for dangerous and illegal goods. When they catch someone, they fine them and confiscate the cargo. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Trade goods | Obchodujte se zbožím | Details | |
Trade goods Obchodujte se zbožím You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Trading | Obchodování | Details | |
Trading Obchodování You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Materials | Materiály | Details | |
Materials Materiály You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Salvaging | Záchrana | Details | |
Salvaging Záchrana You have to log in to edit this translation.
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