Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Resource Management | Správa zdrojů | Details | |
Resource Management Správa zdrojů You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Production Chains | Výrobní řetězce | Details | |
Production Chains Výrobní řetězce You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Founding Stations | Zakládající stanice | Details | |
Founding Stations Zakládající stanice You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Fleet Management | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Fleet Management You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This strange \c(0d0)Xsotan\c() ship seems to be guarding the center of the galaxy. It's a Xsotan mothership that can utilize the black hole's energy to open \c(0d0)Wormholes\c() to call more and more Xsotan reinforcements. | Zdá se, že tato podivná loď \c(0d0)Xsotan\c() hlídá střed galaxie.Jedná se o mateřskou loď Xsotan, která může využít energii černé díry k otevření \c(0d0)Wormholes\c() k vyvolání dalších a dalších xsotanských posil. | Details | |
This strange \c(0d0)Xsotan\c() ship seems to be guarding the center of the galaxy. It's a Xsotan mothership that can utilize the black hole's energy to open \c(0d0)Wormholes\c() to call more and more Xsotan reinforcements. Zdá se, že tato podivná loď \c(0d0)Xsotan\c() hlídá střed galaxie.Jedná se o mateřskou loď Xsotan, která může využít energii černé díry k otevření \c(0d0)Wormholes\c() k vyvolání dalších a dalších xsotanských posil. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The Wormhole Guardian | Ztrážce Červí Díry | Details | |
The Wormhole Guardian Ztrážce Červí Díry You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The \c(0d0)Four\c() are a group of ruthless scientists, trying to be the first over the Barrier. They'll try everything to get their hands on any of the exceedingly rare \c(0d0)Xsotan Artifacts\c(). | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
The \c(0d0)Four\c() are a group of ruthless scientists, trying to be the first over the Barrier. They'll try everything to get their hands on any of the exceedingly rare \c(0d0)Xsotan Artifacts\c(). You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The Four | Čtyři | Details | |
The Four Čtyři You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(0d0)Bottan\c() is an infamous smuggler, known to screw over friend and foe. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
\c(0d0)Bottan\c() is an infamous smuggler, known to screw over friend and foe. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Bottan | Bottan | Details | |
Bottan Bottan You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Apparently, the \c(0d0)AI\c() was once programmed to fend off the Xsotan. Legends say that the manufacturer promised it would never attack non-Xsotan! | Zdá se, že \c(0d0)AI\c() bylo jednou naprogramovaný tak, aby odrazil Xsotan. Legendy říkají, že výrobce slíbil, že nikdy neútočí na non-Xsotan! | Details | |
Apparently, the \c(0d0)AI\c() was once programmed to fend off the Xsotan. Legends say that the manufacturer promised it would never attack non-Xsotan! Zdá se, že \c(0d0)AI\c() bylo jednou naprogramovaný tak, aby odrazil Xsotan. Legendy říkají, že výrobce slíbil, že nikdy neútočí na non-Xsotan! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The \c(0d0)M.A.D. Science Association\c() researches \c(0d0)Xsotan\c() energy technology. They own multiple satellites all over the galaxy that give off weird vibes. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
The \c(0d0)M.A.D. Science Association\c() researches \c(0d0)Xsotan\c() energy technology. They own multiple satellites all over the galaxy that give off weird vibes. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(0d0)Swoks III\c() is the third offspring of a pirate dynasty. After his older brothers were defeated, he became the pirate king! | \c(0d0)Swok III\c() c () je třetím potomkem pirátské dynastie. Poté, co byli poraženi jeho starší bratři, se stal pirátským králem! | Details | |
\c(0d0)Swoks III\c() is the third offspring of a pirate dynasty. After his older brothers were defeated, he became the pirate king! \c(0d0)Swok III\c() c () je třetím potomkem pirátské dynastie. Poté, co byli poraženi jeho starší bratři, se stal pirátským králem! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Swoks | třese | Details | |
Swoks třese You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Adventurer | Dobrodruh | Details | |
Adventurer Dobrodruh You have to log in to edit this translation.
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