Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Hyperspace Upgrade | Hyperprostorové Vylepšení | Details | |
Hyperspace Upgrade Hyperprostorové Vylepšení You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Cargo Upgrade | Vylepšení Skladu | Details | |
Cargo Upgrade Vylepšení Skladu You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Each \c(0d0)Turret Control System\c() increases the amount of available \c(0d0)turret slots\c(). Depending on the type of the subsystem, it increases the number of slots for military, civil or both turret types. | Každý \c(0d0)Turret Control System\c() zvyšuje množství dostupných \c(0d0)turret slots\c(). V závislosti na typu subsystému zvyšuje počet slotů pro ozbrojené, neozbrojené nebo oba typy věží. | Details | |
Each \c(0d0)Turret Control System\c() increases the amount of available \c(0d0)turret slots\c(). Depending on the type of the subsystem, it increases the number of slots for military, civil or both turret types. Každý \c(0d0)Turret Control System\c() zvyšuje množství dostupných \c(0d0)turret slots\c(). V závislosti na typu subsystému zvyšuje počet slotů pro ozbrojené, neozbrojené nebo oba typy věží. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Turret Control Systems | Řídící Systémy Věží | Details | |
Turret Control Systems Řídící Systémy Věží You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(0d0)Subsystems\c() can improve certain aspects of a ship. This allows the specialization of ships for certain jobs.↵ ↵ \c(0d0)Permanently installed\c() subsystems usually give huge bonuses, but can only be removed close to an \c(0d0)Equipment Dock\c().↵ ↵ \c(ddd)Note: Some subsystems HAVE to be installed permanently to work.\c() | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
\c(0d0)Subsystems\c() can improve certain aspects of a ship. This allows the specialization of ships for certain jobs.↵ ↵ \c(0d0)Permanently installed\c() subsystems usually give huge bonuses, but can only be removed close to an \c(0d0)Equipment Dock\c().↵ ↵ \c(ddd)Note: Some subsystems HAVE to be installed permanently to work.\c() You have to log in to edit this translation.
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General Function | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
General Function You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Craft Management | Správa Lodě | Details | |
Craft Management Správa Lodě You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Forming a \c(0d0)Group\c() can come in handy while playing with friends. Your friends will be highlighted more visibly while in the same sector and marked with a pale green frame on the map. In the top left corner of the screen their ship health or current sector will be displayed. Found a group by typing \c(0d0)"/invite"\c() and the player's name into the chat. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Forming a \c(0d0)Group\c() can come in handy while playing with friends. Your friends will be highlighted more visibly while in the same sector and marked with a pale green frame on the map. In the top left corner of the screen their ship health or current sector will be displayed. Found a group by typing \c(0d0)"/invite"\c() and the player's name into the chat. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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An alliance has its own \c(0d0)inventory\c() with materials, money, weapons and subsystems. Players can donate their own items or collect items while flying an alliance ship.↵ ↵ \c(dd5)Warning: every member with appropriate permissions can take resources and items out of the alliance vault!\c() | Aliance má svůj vlastní \c(0d0)inventory\c() s materiály, penězi, zbraněmi a subsystémy. Během létání na alianční lodi mohou hráči darovat své vlastní předměty nebo sbírat předměty \c(dd5)Warning: every member with appropriate permissions can take resources and items out of the alliance vault!\c() | Details | |
An alliance has its own \c(0d0)inventory\c() with materials, money, weapons and subsystems. Players can donate their own items or collect items while flying an alliance ship.↵ ↵ \c(dd5)Warning: every member with appropriate permissions can take resources and items out of the alliance vault!\c() Aliance má svůj vlastní \c(0d0)inventory\c() s materiály, penězi, zbraněmi a subsystémy. Během létání na alianční lodi mohou hráči darovat své vlastní předměty nebo sbírat předměty↵ ↵ \c(dd5)Warning: every member with appropriate permissions can take resources and items out of the alliance vault!\c() You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Alliance Vault | Alijančná Trezor | Details | |
Alliance Vault Alijančná Trezor You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Ships and stations can be transferred to the alliance either immediately while founding them or later in the Player Menu. The \c(0d0)transferred ships\c() are managed by the alliance, i.e. all loot collected while flying them belongs to the alliance and all fees, including the crew salaries, are paid by the alliance. | Lodě a stanice lze převést do aliance buď okamžitě při jejich založení, nebo později v hráčské nabídce. \c(0d0)transferred ships\c() jsou spravovány aliancí, tzn. Veškerá kořist shromážděná během jejich letu patří alianci a všechny poplatky, včetně platů posádky, hradí aliance. | Details | |
Ships and stations can be transferred to the alliance either immediately while founding them or later in the Player Menu. The \c(0d0)transferred ships\c() are managed by the alliance, i.e. all loot collected while flying them belongs to the alliance and all fees, including the crew salaries, are paid by the alliance. Lodě a stanice lze převést do aliance buď okamžitě při jejich založení, nebo později v hráčské nabídce. \c(0d0)transferred ships\c() jsou spravovány aliancí, tzn. Veškerá kořist shromážděná během jejich letu patří alianci a všechny poplatky, včetně platů posádky, hradí aliance. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Alliance Fleet | Alianční Flotila | Details | |
Alliance Fleet Alianční Flotila You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Additional members can be invited in the \c(0d0)Alliance Members Tab\c(). The tab also contains an overview of all current members and their respective ranks. | Další členy můžete pozvat na kartě \c(0d0)Alliance Members Tab\c(). Karta také obsahuje přehled všech současných členů a jejich příslušných pozic. | Details | |
Additional members can be invited in the \c(0d0)Alliance Members Tab\c(). The tab also contains an overview of all current members and their respective ranks. Další členy můžete pozvat na kartě \c(0d0)Alliance Members Tab\c(). Karta také obsahuje přehled všech současných členů a jejich příslušných pozic. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Members | Členové | Details | |
Members Členové You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Play together with your friends as an \c(0d0)Alliance\c(). If you don't have an alliance yet, you can create one in the \c(0d0)Player Menu\c(). | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Play together with your friends as an \c(0d0)Alliance\c(). If you don't have an alliance yet, you can create one in the \c(0d0)Player Menu\c(). You have to log in to edit this translation.
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