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All online \c(3dd)Alliance\c() members are visible to all other online \c(3dd)Alliance\c() members on the \c(3dd)Galaxy Map\c(). | 在线的\c(3dd)联盟\c()成员的位置在宇宙\c(3dd)地图\c()上对在线的其他\c(3dd)联盟\c()成员可见。 | Details | |
All online \c(3dd)Alliance\c() members are visible to all other online \c(3dd)Alliance\c() members on the \c(3dd)Galaxy Map\c(). 在线的\c(3dd)联盟\c()成员的位置在宇宙\c(3dd)地图\c()上对在线的其他\c(3dd)联盟\c()成员可见。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Press \c(3dd)%s\c() to enter \c(3dd)Strategy Mode\c(), where you can control your ships RTS-style. | 按 \c(3dd)F9\c() 键就能进入\c(3dd)策略模式\c(),能够像即时战略游戏一样操控舰船。 | Details | |
Press \c(3dd)%s\c() to enter \c(3dd)Strategy Mode\c(), where you can control your ships RTS-style. 按 \c(3dd)F9\c() 键就能进入\c(3dd)策略模式\c(),能够像即时战略游戏一样操控舰船。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Repair damaged ships at a \c(3dd)Repair Dock\c(). | 在\c(3dd)维修船坞\c()维修受损的舰船。 | Details | |
Repair damaged ships at a \c(3dd)Repair Dock\c(). 在\c(3dd)维修船坞\c()维修受损的舰船。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Tandem Torpedoes\c() have a red warhead and damage \c(3dd)Shields\c() while penetrating them, dealing damage to both the \c(3dd)Hull\c() and \c(3dd)Shields\c(). | \c(3dd)串联鱼雷\c()的战斗部为红色,能够伤害并穿透\c(3dd)护盾\c(),对\c(3dd)船体\c()及\c(3dd)护盾\c()均造成一定伤害。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Tandem Torpedoes\c() have a red warhead and damage \c(3dd)Shields\c() while penetrating them, dealing damage to both the \c(3dd)Hull\c() and \c(3dd)Shields\c(). \c(3dd)串联鱼雷\c()的战斗部为红色,能够伤害并穿透\c(3dd)护盾\c(),对\c(3dd)船体\c()及\c(3dd)护盾\c()均造成一定伤害。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Sabot Torpedoes\c() have a pink warhead and can penetrate \c(3dd)Shields\c() and deal massive damage against the \c(3dd)Hull\c(). | \c(3dd)脱壳鱼雷\c()的战斗部为粉色,能够穿透\c(3dd)护盾\c()并对\c(3dd)船体\c()造成极高伤害。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Sabot Torpedoes\c() have a pink warhead and can penetrate \c(3dd)Shields\c() and deal massive damage against the \c(3dd)Hull\c(). \c(3dd)脱壳鱼雷\c()的战斗部为粉色,能够穿透\c(3dd)护盾\c()并对\c(3dd)船体\c()造成极高伤害。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Beware of \c(3dd)EMP Torpedoes\c() (dark blue warhead), as they can overload and deactivate \c(3dd)Shields\c() for a few seconds. | 要始终留意\c(3dd)电磁脉冲鱼雷\c()(深蓝色战斗部),这种鱼雷拥有过载\c(3dd)护盾\c()的能力,可以令其失效数秒之久。 | Details | |
Beware of \c(3dd)EMP Torpedoes\c() (dark blue warhead), as they can overload and deactivate \c(3dd)Shields\c() for a few seconds. 要始终留意\c(3dd)电磁脉冲鱼雷\c()(深蓝色战斗部),这种鱼雷拥有过载\c(3dd)护盾\c()的能力,可以令其失效数秒之久。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Some of the most dangerous \c(3dd)Torpedoes\c() are the \c(3dd)Sabot\c() (pink warhead) and \c(3dd)Tandem\c() (red warhead) torpedo, since they penetrate \c(3dd)Shields\c(). | \c(3dd)脱壳鱼雷\c()(粉色战斗部)和\c(3dd)串联鱼雷\c()(红色战斗部)是十分致命的\c(3dd)鱼雷\c(),因为它们能够直接穿透\c(3dd)护盾\c()。 | Details | |
Some of the most dangerous \c(3dd)Torpedoes\c() are the \c(3dd)Sabot\c() (pink warhead) and \c(3dd)Tandem\c() (red warhead) torpedo, since they penetrate \c(3dd)Shields\c(). \c(3dd)脱壳鱼雷\c()(粉色战斗部)和\c(3dd)串联鱼雷\c()(红色战斗部)是十分致命的\c(3dd)鱼雷\c(),因为它们能够直接穿透\c(3dd)护盾\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Ion Torpedoes\c() have a cyan warhead and deal moderate damage to \c(3dd)Shields\c() and almost none to the \c(3dd)Hull\c(), but will drain a ship's energy. | \c(3dd)离子鱼雷\c()的战斗部为青色,能够对\c(3dd)护盾\c()造成中等伤害,但难以伤害\c(3dd)船体\c()。同时,鱼雷还会消耗命中舰船的能量。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Ion Torpedoes\c() have a cyan warhead and deal moderate damage to \c(3dd)Shields\c() and almost none to the \c(3dd)Hull\c(), but will drain a ship's energy. \c(3dd)离子鱼雷\c()的战斗部为青色,能够对\c(3dd)护盾\c()造成中等伤害,但难以伤害\c(3dd)船体\c()。同时,鱼雷还会消耗命中舰船的能量。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Plasma Torpedoes\c() have a green warhead and will deal massive damage to \c(3dd)Shields\c(), but almost none to the \c(3dd)Hull\c(). | \c(3dd)等离子鱼雷\c()的战斗部为绿色,能够对\c(3dd)护盾\c()造成极高伤害,但难以伤害\c(3dd)船体\c()。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Plasma Torpedoes\c() have a green warhead and will deal massive damage to \c(3dd)Shields\c(), but almost none to the \c(3dd)Hull\c(). \c(3dd)等离子鱼雷\c()的战斗部为绿色,能够对\c(3dd)护盾\c()造成极高伤害,但难以伤害\c(3dd)船体\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Fusion Torpedoes\c() have an orange warhead and will deal high damage to \c(3dd)Shields\c(), and moderate damage to the \c(3dd)Hull\c(). | \c(3dd)核聚变鱼雷\c()的战斗部为橙色,能够对\c(3dd)护盾\c()造成高额伤害,对\c(3dd)船体\c()造成中等伤害。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Fusion Torpedoes\c() have an orange warhead and will deal high damage to \c(3dd)Shields\c(), and moderate damage to the \c(3dd)Hull\c(). \c(3dd)核聚变鱼雷\c()的战斗部为橙色,能够对\c(3dd)护盾\c()造成高额伤害,对\c(3dd)船体\c()造成中等伤害。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Neutron Torpedoes\c() have a yellow warhead and will deal high damage to the \c(3dd)Hull\c() and moderate damage to \c(3dd)Shields\c(). | \c(3dd)中子鱼雷\c()的战斗部为黄色,能够对\c(3dd)船体\c()造成高额伤害,对\c(3dd)护盾\c()造成中等伤害。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Neutron Torpedoes\c() have a yellow warhead and will deal high damage to the \c(3dd)Hull\c() and moderate damage to \c(3dd)Shields\c(). \c(3dd)中子鱼雷\c()的战斗部为黄色,能够对\c(3dd)船体\c()造成高额伤害,对\c(3dd)护盾\c()造成中等伤害。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Nuclear Torpedoes\c() have a white warhead and will deal moderate damage to the \c(3dd)Hull\c() or \c(3dd)Shields\c(). | \c(3dd)核能鱼雷\c()的战斗部为白色,能够对\c(3dd)船体\c()或\c(3dd)护盾\c()造成中等伤害。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Nuclear Torpedoes\c() have a white warhead and will deal moderate damage to the \c(3dd)Hull\c() or \c(3dd)Shields\c(). \c(3dd)核能鱼雷\c()的战斗部为白色,能够对\c(3dd)船体\c()或\c(3dd)护盾\c()造成中等伤害。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The stripe color of a \c(3dd)Torpedo\c() determines its flight speed. The fastest torpedo types are the \c(3dd)Osprey\c(), \c(3dd)Eagle\c() and \c(3dd)Hawk\c(). | \c(3dd)鱼雷\c()弹体上的条纹颜色标明了它的航速。航速最高的鱼雷是\c(3dd)鹗型\c()、\c(3dd)鹰型\c()和\c(3dd)雕型\c()。 | Details | |
The stripe color of a \c(3dd)Torpedo\c() determines its flight speed. The fastest torpedo types are the \c(3dd)Osprey\c(), \c(3dd)Eagle\c() and \c(3dd)Hawk\c(). \c(3dd)鱼雷\c()弹体上的条纹颜色标明了它的航速。航速最高的鱼雷是\c(3dd)鹗型\c()、\c(3dd)鹰型\c()和\c(3dd)雕型\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The more stripes on a \c(3dd)Torpedo\c() body, the more agile it is. The most agile \c(3dd)Torpedo\c() bodies are the \c(3dd)Hawk\c(), \c(3dd)Panther\c() and \c(3dd)Stingray\c(). | \c(3dd)鱼雷\c()弹体上的条纹越多,其机动性越强。机动性最强的\c(3dd)鱼雷\c()是\c(3dd)雕型\c()、\c(3dd)豹型\c()和\c(3dd)魔鬼鱼型\c()。 | Details | |
The more stripes on a \c(3dd)Torpedo\c() body, the more agile it is. The most agile \c(3dd)Torpedo\c() bodies are the \c(3dd)Hawk\c(), \c(3dd)Panther\c() and \c(3dd)Stingray\c(). \c(3dd)鱼雷\c()弹体上的条纹越多,其机动性越强。机动性最强的\c(3dd)鱼雷\c()是\c(3dd)雕型\c()、\c(3dd)豹型\c()和\c(3dd)魔鬼鱼型\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Torpedoes\c() behave differently, depending on whether they hit a ship's \c(3dd)Shield\c() or \c(3dd)Hull\c(). | \c(3dd)鱼雷\c()在击中舰船的\c(3dd)护盾\c()和\c(3dd)船体\c()时会有不同的表现。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Torpedoes\c() behave differently, depending on whether they hit a ship's \c(3dd)Shield\c() or \c(3dd)Hull\c(). \c(3dd)鱼雷\c()在击中舰船的\c(3dd)护盾\c()和\c(3dd)船体\c()时会有不同的表现。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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