Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Some weapons can penetrate \c(3dd)Shields\c(). You can find \c(3dd)Subsystems\c() that will make your shields impenetrable. | 某些武器能够穿透\c(3dd)护盾\c()。你能够找到使护盾能够抗穿透的\c(3dd)升级\c()。 | Details | |
Some weapons can penetrate \c(3dd)Shields\c(). You can find \c(3dd)Subsystems\c() that will make your shields impenetrable. 某些武器能够穿透\c(3dd)护盾\c()。你能够找到使护盾能够抗穿透的\c(3dd)升级\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Shields\c() won't protect you from \c(3dd)collision damage\c(). | \c(3dd)护盾\c()无法抵挡\c(3dd)碰撞伤害\c()。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Shields\c() won't protect you from \c(3dd)collision damage\c(). \c(3dd)护盾\c()无法抵挡\c(3dd)碰撞伤害\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You can use \c(3dd)Transporter Software\c() together with \c(3dd)Transporter Blocks\c() (Xanion) to communicate with stations without docking to them. | 通过搭配\c(3dd)运输调度软件\c()和\c(3dd)运输模块\c()(瑕恩金属),不必停靠就可和空间站通讯。 | Details | |
You can use \c(3dd)Transporter Software\c() together with \c(3dd)Transporter Blocks\c() (Xanion) to communicate with stations without docking to them. 通过搭配\c(3dd)运输调度软件\c()和\c(3dd)运输模块\c()(瑕恩金属),不必停靠就可和空间站通讯。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Set \c(3dd)Point Defense Cannons\c() to the mode \c(3dd)'Defend'\c() to have them prefer \c(3dd)Torpedoes\c() over \c(3dd)Fighters\c() and \c(3dd)Fighters\c() over other \c(3dd)Ships\c(). | 将\c(3dd)点防御武器\c()设置为\c(3dd)“防御模式”\c()即可让它们按照\c(3dd)鱼雷\c()、\c(3dd)舰载机\c()、其他\c(3dd)舰船\c()的顺序进行攻击。 | Details | |
Set \c(3dd)Point Defense Cannons\c() to the mode \c(3dd)'Defend'\c() to have them prefer \c(3dd)Torpedoes\c() over \c(3dd)Fighters\c() and \c(3dd)Fighters\c() over other \c(3dd)Ships\c(). 将\c(3dd)点防御武器\c()设置为\c(3dd)“防御模式”\c()即可让它们按照\c(3dd)鱼雷\c()、\c(3dd)舰载机\c()、其他\c(3dd)舰船\c()的顺序进行攻击。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Build \c(3dd)Point Defense Cannons\c() or \c(3dd)Lasers\c() to defend your ship against \c(3dd)Torpedoes\c(). | 建造\c(3dd)点防御机炮\c()或\c(3dd)激光\c()炮塔来为你的舰船防御\c(3dd)鱼雷\c()。 | Details | |
Build \c(3dd)Point Defense Cannons\c() or \c(3dd)Lasers\c() to defend your ship against \c(3dd)Torpedoes\c(). 建造\c(3dd)点防御机炮\c()或\c(3dd)激光\c()炮塔来为你的舰船防御\c(3dd)鱼雷\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Neutral Relation Status Contract | 和平状态 | Details | |
Neutral 和平状态 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Allies Relation Status Contract | 联盟状态 | Details | |
Allies 联盟状态 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Ceasefire Relation Status Contract | 停火状态 | Details | |
Ceasefire 停火状态 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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At War Relation Status Contract | 战争状态 | Details | |
At War 战争状态 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Hostile | 敌对 | Details | |
Hostile 敌对 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Now that Avorion has been discovered, there are seven known materials. These seven materials can be used to build and repair ships. Collect them by \c(0d0)Mining\c(), \c(0d0)Salvaging\c() or buy them at a \c(0d0)Resource Depot\c(). | 自发现艾沃里翁以来,已知的金属材料一共有七种。这七种材料可以用于打造和维修飞船。可以通过\c(0d0)采矿\c(),\c(0d0)分解\c()或者从\c(0d0)资源中转站\c()购买的方式收集它们。 | Details | |
Now that Avorion has been discovered, there are seven known materials. These seven materials can be used to build and repair ships. Collect them by \c(0d0)Mining\c(), \c(0d0)Salvaging\c() or buy them at a \c(0d0)Resource Depot\c(). 自发现艾沃里翁以来,已知的金属材料一共有七种。这七种材料可以用于打造和维修飞船。可以通过\c(0d0)采矿\c(),\c(0d0)分解\c()或者从\c(0d0)资源中转站\c()购买的方式收集它们。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Beware on your travels to the center of the galaxy. More and more travellers report sightings of marauding ships. These scoundrels attack any \c(0d0)weak ship\c() that makes the mistake of coming into their sight. Because they aren't easy to give up, and even follow their prey through hyperspace, they've been aptly named \c(0d0)'Persecutors'\c(). | 在前往银河中心的途中请小心。越来越多的旅行者们报告说目击了劫匪飞船。这些家伙会攻击一切不小心被他们发现的弱小舰船。因为他们并不会轻易放弃,甚至会通过超空间跃迁追踪他们的猎物,他们被十分恰当地称呼为“掠夺者”。 | Details | |
Beware on your travels to the center of the galaxy. More and more travellers report sightings of marauding ships. These scoundrels attack any \c(0d0)weak ship\c() that makes the mistake of coming into their sight. Because they aren't easy to give up, and even follow their prey through hyperspace, they've been aptly named \c(0d0)'Persecutors'\c(). 在前往银河中心的途中请小心。越来越多的旅行者们报告说目击了劫匪飞船。这些家伙会攻击一切不小心被他们发现的弱小舰船。因为他们并不会轻易放弃,甚至会通过超空间跃迁追踪他们的猎物,他们被十分恰当地称呼为“掠夺者”。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The recent rise in crime has led to a sharp decrease in the factions' patience to deal with enemies. It's more and more common to see Factions enlist \c(0d0)Bounty Hunters\c() to hunt down unwanted ships. Bounty Hunters are heavily armed and often bring a \c(0d0)Hyperspace Blocker\c() to stop ships from escaping into hyperspace. | 最近犯罪率的上升让派系们对待敌人的耐心急剧下降。各派系邀请\c(0d0)猎头\c()们追捕不受欢迎的舰船变得越来越常见。猎头们全副武装,并常常带有\c(0d0)超空间拦截器\c()来阻止舰船逃入超空间。 | Details | |
The recent rise in crime has led to a sharp decrease in the factions' patience to deal with enemies. It's more and more common to see Factions enlist \c(0d0)Bounty Hunters\c() to hunt down unwanted ships. Bounty Hunters are heavily armed and often bring a \c(0d0)Hyperspace Blocker\c() to stop ships from escaping into hyperspace. 最近犯罪率的上升让派系们对待敌人的耐心急剧下降。各派系邀请\c(0d0)猎头\c()们追捕不受欢迎的舰船变得越来越常见。猎头们全副武装,并常常带有\c(0d0)超空间拦截器\c()来阻止舰船逃入超空间。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The \c(0d0)Velocity Security Control Bypass\c() allows you to ignore a ship's \c(0d0)maximum speed\c() limitations.↵ \c(ddd)Please note: Braking without friction takes a while. The Intergalactic Security Agency advises against the use of VSCB subsystems.\c() | \c(0d0)航速控制系统解锁装置\c()允许你忽略舰船的\c(0d0)最大速度\c()限制。 \c(ddd)请注意:没有摩擦的刹车是需要时间的。星际安全局建议不要使用这些升级模块。\c() | Details | |
The \c(0d0)Velocity Security Control Bypass\c() allows you to ignore a ship's \c(0d0)maximum speed\c() limitations.↵ \c(ddd)Please note: Braking without friction takes a while. The Intergalactic Security Agency advises against the use of VSCB subsystems.\c() \c(0d0)航速控制系统解锁装置\c()允许你忽略舰船的\c(0d0)最大速度\c()限制。↵ \c(ddd)请注意:没有摩擦的刹车是需要时间的。星际安全局建议不要使用这些升级模块。\c() You have to log in to edit this translation.
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With a \c(0d0)Shield Reinforcer\c() shields won't be \c(0d0)penetrated by torpedoes and shots\c(). Disadvantages of subsystems like this include a weaker shield overall and a longer recharge time.↵ ↵ \c(ddd)Note: This subsystem has to be installed permanently to function.\c() | \c(0d0)护盾加固器\c()可使护盾\c(0d0)无法被鱼雷和射击穿透\c()。其缺点是会造成护盾变弱和充能时间变长。 \c(ddd)注意:该升级模块需要永久安装才能起效。\c() | Details | |
With a \c(0d0)Shield Reinforcer\c() shields won't be \c(0d0)penetrated by torpedoes and shots\c(). Disadvantages of subsystems like this include a weaker shield overall and a longer recharge time.↵ ↵ \c(ddd)Note: This subsystem has to be installed permanently to function.\c() \c(0d0)护盾加固器\c()可使护盾\c(0d0)无法被鱼雷和射击穿透\c()。其缺点是会造成护盾变弱和充能时间变长。↵ ↵ \c(ddd)注意:该升级模块需要永久安装才能起效。\c() You have to log in to edit this translation.
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