Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
\c(3dd)Raiding\c() or \c(3dd)Boarding\c() an ally's ship will make them nullify the \c(3dd)Alliance\c() immediately. | \c(3dd)抢劫\c()或\c(3dd)登陆\c()盟友的舰船会使你们间的\c(3dd)联盟状态\c()瞬间瓦解。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Raiding\c() or \c(3dd)Boarding\c() an ally's ship will make them nullify the \c(3dd)Alliance\c() immediately. \c(3dd)抢劫\c()或\c(3dd)登陆\c()盟友的舰船会使你们间的\c(3dd)联盟状态\c()瞬间瓦解。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Trading\c() and interacting with other factions will improve your \c(3dd)Relations\c() with them. | 与一个派系进行交流和\c(3dd)交易\c()将会提升你们之间的\c(3dd)关系\c()。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Trading\c() and interacting with other factions will improve your \c(3dd)Relations\c() with them. 与一个派系进行交流和\c(3dd)交易\c()将会提升你们之间的\c(3dd)关系\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You can compare \c(3dd)Turrets\c(), \c(3dd)Torpedoes\c(), \c(3dd)Fighters\c() or \c(3dd)Subsystems\c() by hovering them with the mouse and pressing 'E'. | 你可以通过按 'E' 键比较\c(3dd)炮塔\c()、\c(3dd)鱼雷\c()、\c(3dd)舰载机\c()和\c(3dd)升级\c()。 | Details | |
You can compare \c(3dd)Turrets\c(), \c(3dd)Torpedoes\c(), \c(3dd)Fighters\c() or \c(3dd)Subsystems\c() by hovering them with the mouse and pressing 'E'. 你可以通过按 'E' 键比较\c(3dd)炮塔\c()、\c(3dd)鱼雷\c()、\c(3dd)舰载机\c()和\c(3dd)升级\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Lasers\c() are very accurate and deal reliable damage but need energy to operate. | \c(3dd)激光\c()十分精准,伤害可观,但需要能量才能发射。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Lasers\c() are very accurate and deal reliable damage but need energy to operate. \c(3dd)激光\c()十分精准,伤害可观,但需要能量才能发射。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Plasma Cannons\c() are always strong against shields. | \c(3dd)等离子炮\c()对护盾总是十分有效。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Plasma Cannons\c() are always strong against shields. \c(3dd)等离子炮\c()对护盾总是十分有效。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You can acquire new \c(3dd)turrets\c() by \c(3dd)destroying\c() other ships. | \c(3dd)摧毁\c()其它舰船能够获得新\c(3dd)炮塔\c()。 | Details | |
You can acquire new \c(3dd)turrets\c() by \c(3dd)destroying\c() other ships. \c(3dd)摧毁\c()其它舰船能够获得新\c(3dd)炮塔\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You can build your own \c(3dd)Turrets\c() at a \c(3dd)Turret Factory\c(). | 你可以在\c(3dd)炮塔工厂\c()中生产自定义\c(3dd)炮塔\c()。 | Details | |
You can build your own \c(3dd)Turrets\c() at a \c(3dd)Turret Factory\c(). 你可以在\c(3dd)炮塔工厂\c()中生产自定义\c(3dd)炮塔\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Upload your creations to the \c(3dd)Steam Workshop\c() in the \c(3dd)Saved Ships\c() window in \c(3dd)Building Mode\c() for everybody else to use! | 在\c(3dd)建造模式\c()中的\c(3dd)已保存的舰船\c()对话框里,将你的作品上传到\c(3dd)Steam 创意工坊\c()和全世界共享吧! | Details | |
Upload your creations to the \c(3dd)Steam Workshop\c() in the \c(3dd)Saved Ships\c() window in \c(3dd)Building Mode\c() for everybody else to use! 在\c(3dd)建造模式\c()中的\c(3dd)已保存的舰船\c()对话框里,将你的作品上传到\c(3dd)Steam 创意工坊\c()和全世界共享吧! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Refine resource ores at a \c(3dd)Resource Depot\c(). It costs a small fee, but has very high yields. | 在\c(3dd)资源中转站\c()处精炼矿石。尽管会收取一部分费用,但产量很高。 | Details | |
Refine resource ores at a \c(3dd)Resource Depot\c(). It costs a small fee, but has very high yields. 在\c(3dd)资源中转站\c()处精炼矿石。尽管会收取一部分费用,但产量很高。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)R-Mining Lasers\c() have a much higher efficiency than refining Lasers. | \c(3dd)粗采矿炮塔\c()的效率比采矿炮塔高得多。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)R-Mining Lasers\c() have a much higher efficiency than refining Lasers. \c(3dd)粗采矿炮塔\c()的效率比采矿炮塔高得多。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)R-Mining Lasers\c() don't immediately refine resources; your ship needs a cargo bay to collect the raw ores. | \c(3dd)粗采矿激光\c()不会立即精炼资源;你需要一个货舱来收集矿石。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)R-Mining Lasers\c() don't immediately refine resources; your ship needs a cargo bay to collect the raw ores. \c(3dd)粗采矿激光\c()不会立即精炼资源;你需要一个货舱来收集矿石。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Mining\c() and \c(3dd)Salvaging Lasers\c() have an efficiency: the higher the efficiency, the higher their yield from mining asteroids or salvaging. | \c(3dd)采矿激光\c()和\c(3dd)分解激光\c()具有不同的效率值:效率越高,采矿或分解的产出就越高。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Mining\c() and \c(3dd)Salvaging Lasers\c() have an efficiency: the higher the efficiency, the higher their yield from mining asteroids or salvaging. \c(3dd)采矿激光\c()和\c(3dd)分解激光\c()具有不同的效率值:效率越高,采矿或分解的产出就越高。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Not all wreckage blocks contain materials. Look for special blocks, e.g. \c(3dd)Engines\c() or \c(3dd)Cargo Bay\c() for more loot. | 并非每一块残骸都有价值。寻找诸如\c(3dd)引擎\c()或是\c(3dd)货舱\c()一类的方块以获取更多资源。 | Details | |
Not all wreckage blocks contain materials. Look for special blocks, e.g. \c(3dd)Engines\c() or \c(3dd)Cargo Bay\c() for more loot. 并非每一块残骸都有价值。寻找诸如\c(3dd)引擎\c()或是\c(3dd)货舱\c()一类的方块以获取更多资源。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Wreckages can be salvaged, but you need special \c(3dd)Salvaging Lasers\c() for them. | 残骸能够被分解,但需要装备特别的\c(3dd)分解激光\c()。 | Details | |
Wreckages can be salvaged, but you need special \c(3dd)Salvaging Lasers\c() for them. 残骸能够被分解,但需要装备特别的\c(3dd)分解激光\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You can safely remove permanently installed \c(3dd)Subsystems\c() near an \c(3dd)Equipment Dock\c(). | 永久安装的\c(3dd)升级\c()可以在\c(3dd)装备船坞\c()安全移除。 | Details | |
You can safely remove permanently installed \c(3dd)Subsystems\c() near an \c(3dd)Equipment Dock\c(). 永久安装的\c(3dd)升级\c()可以在\c(3dd)装备船坞\c()安全移除。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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