Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You can focus a block by pressing \c(3dd)'F'\c() in \c(3dd)Building Mode\c() and get a better perspective. | 在\c(3dd)建造模式\c()中,按下 \c(3dd)'F'\c() 键能够将焦点移到选中方块,以获得更好的观察视角。 | Details | |
You can focus a block by pressing \c(3dd)'F'\c() in \c(3dd)Building Mode\c() and get a better perspective. 在\c(3dd)建造模式\c()中,按下 \c(3dd)'F'\c() 键能够将焦点移到选中方块,以获得更好的观察视角。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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In \c(3dd)Building Mode\c() you can mirror the blocks you want to build. | 在\c(3dd)建造模式\c()中能够镜像你想建造的方块。 | Details | |
In \c(3dd)Building Mode\c() you can mirror the blocks you want to build. 在\c(3dd)建造模式\c()中能够镜像你想建造的方块。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The galactic consensus is to measure speed in meters per second. A seemingly slow speed of 100 m/s is actually 360 km/h or 224 mph. | 银河系普遍使用米/秒为单位测量速度。100 米/秒看上去很慢,但实际上相当于 360 千米/小时或 224 英里/小时。 | Details | |
The galactic consensus is to measure speed in meters per second. A seemingly slow speed of 100 m/s is actually 360 km/h or 224 mph. 银河系普遍使用米/秒为单位测量速度。100 米/秒看上去很慢,但实际上相当于 360 千米/小时或 224 英里/小时。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Thrusters\c() increase your rotational speed. | \c(3dd)推进器\c()能够提升你的转向速度。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Thrusters\c() increase your rotational speed. \c(3dd)推进器\c()能够提升你的转向速度。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You can find goods in old \c(3dd)Ship Wreckages\c(). | 古老的\c(3dd)舰船残骸\c()中能够找到许多货物。 | Details | |
You can find goods in old \c(3dd)Ship Wreckages\c(). 古老的\c(3dd)舰船残骸\c()中能够找到许多货物。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Shipyards\c() and \c(3dd)Repair Docks\c() buy a range of goods. So do \c(3dd)Habitats\c(), \c(3dd)Casinos\c() and \c(3dd)Biotopes\c(). | \c(3dd)造船厂\c()和\c(3dd)维修船坞\c()会购买多种货物。\c(3dd)住宅区\c(),\c(3dd)赌场\c()和\c(3dd)人工生态圈\c()也是如此。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Shipyards\c() and \c(3dd)Repair Docks\c() buy a range of goods. So do \c(3dd)Habitats\c(), \c(3dd)Casinos\c() and \c(3dd)Biotopes\c(). \c(3dd)造船厂\c()和\c(3dd)维修船坞\c()会购买多种货物。\c(3dd)住宅区\c(),\c(3dd)赌场\c()和\c(3dd)人工生态圈\c()也是如此。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Don't stay too long in the territory of a faction that doesn't like you, or you might get attacked by \c(3dd)Bounty Hunters\c(). | 不要在不喜欢你的派系的领地里待太久,否则你可能会被\c(3dd)猎头\c()袭击。 | Details | |
Don't stay too long in the territory of a faction that doesn't like you, or you might get attacked by \c(3dd)Bounty Hunters\c(). 不要在不喜欢你的派系的领地里待太久,否则你可能会被\c(3dd)猎头\c()袭击。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Make sure the faction you're negotiating with doesn't lose its patience. | 确保正在谈判的派系不会失去耐心。 | Details | |
Make sure the faction you're negotiating with doesn't lose its patience. 确保正在谈判的派系不会失去耐心。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Some interactions with factions are only possible if the faction generally likes you. | 只有当派系普遍喜欢你时,才能与派系进行某些互动。 | Details | |
Some interactions with factions are only possible if the faction generally likes you. 只有当派系普遍喜欢你时,才能与派系进行某些互动。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A faction must have a high opinion of you to be ready to become your \c(3dd)Ally\c(). | 只有派系对你的评价足够高,他们才有可能和你结为\c(3dd)同盟\c()。 | Details | |
A faction must have a high opinion of you to be ready to become your \c(3dd)Ally\c(). 只有派系对你的评价足够高,他们才有可能和你结为\c(3dd)同盟\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You must be \c(3dd)allied\c() with a faction to gain access to their rarest weapons and subsystems. | 要获得派系中最稀有的炮塔和升级,你必须和他们达到\c(3dd)联盟状态\c()。 | Details | |
You must be \c(3dd)allied\c() with a faction to gain access to their rarest weapons and subsystems. 要获得派系中最稀有的炮塔和升级,你必须和他们达到\c(3dd)联盟状态\c()。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Ceasefires\c() are fragile. Any hostility can trigger another war. | \c(3dd)停火状态\c()十分脆弱。任何敌意都可能引发另一场战争。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Ceasefires\c() are fragile. Any hostility can trigger another war. \c(3dd)停火状态\c()十分脆弱。任何敌意都可能引发另一场战争。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(3dd)Ceasefires\c() are fragile. Avoid shooting other ships at any cost when you have a ceasefire agreement with their faction. | \c(3dd)停火状态\c()十分脆弱。当处于停火状态时,尽一切可能不要向那个派系的舰船开火。 | Details | |
\c(3dd)Ceasefires\c() are fragile. Avoid shooting other ships at any cost when you have a ceasefire agreement with their faction. \c(3dd)停火状态\c()十分脆弱。当处于停火状态时,尽一切可能不要向那个派系的舰船开火。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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When \c(3dd)Relations\c() are bad, not every action will lead to war. You have to do something really horrible to start a war - such as badly damaging, destroying, boarding or raiding ships. | \c(3dd)关系\c()不佳时,并非任何行为都会挑起战争。要挑起战争,你需要展现类似于严重损坏、摧毁或抢劫一类的恶劣行为。 | Details | |
When \c(3dd)Relations\c() are bad, not every action will lead to war. You have to do something really horrible to start a war - such as badly damaging, destroying, boarding or raiding ships. \c(3dd)关系\c()不佳时,并非任何行为都会挑起战争。要挑起战争,你需要展现类似于严重损坏、摧毁或抢劫一类的恶劣行为。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Bad \c(3dd)Relations\c() with a faction doesn't automatically mean that they will attack you on sight - you have to be \c(3dd)at war\c() with a faction for that to happen. | 和派系的糟糕\c(3dd)关系\c()并不会导致他们一见到你就会开火——只有在\c(3dd)战争状态\c()时才会如此。 | Details | |
Bad \c(3dd)Relations\c() with a faction doesn't automatically mean that they will attack you on sight - you have to be \c(3dd)at war\c() with a faction for that to happen. 和派系的糟糕\c(3dd)关系\c()并不会导致他们一见到你就会开火——只有在\c(3dd)战争状态\c()时才会如此。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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