Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
All of our ships fought bravely, and although we suffered many losses, victory was ours! | 我们的每一艘舰船都在浴血奋战,尽管损失惨重,胜利依然属于我们! | Details | |
All of our ships fought bravely, and although we suffered many losses, victory was ours! 我们的每一艘舰船都在浴血奋战,尽管损失惨重,胜利依然属于我们! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Suddenly, many more pirate ships jumped into the sector. But we stood our ground! | 突然,更多的海盗跳入了星区。但我们绝不退缩! | Details | |
Suddenly, many more pirate ships jumped into the sector. But we stood our ground! 突然,更多的海盗跳入了星区。但我们绝不退缩! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The pirates set up a trap! We had almost defeated them and they were retreating. | 海盗设下圈套!我们几乎完全击溃了他们,现在他们正在仓皇逃窜。 | Details | |
The pirates set up a trap! We had almost defeated them and they were retreating. 海盗设下圈套!我们几乎完全击溃了他们,现在他们正在仓皇逃窜。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Captain's Log - Campaign 7635↵ | 舰长日志 - 7635 号战役 | Details | |
Captain's Log - Campaign 7635↵ 舰长日志 - 7635 号战役↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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My crew has fought bravely and with no mercy. Now the wrecks of the Xsotan will drift through empty space for all eternity. | 我们的船员骁勇善战,毫不留情。现在,那些索坦的残骸将在虚空中永远漂浮。 | Details | |
My crew has fought bravely and with no mercy. Now the wrecks of the Xsotan will drift through empty space for all eternity. 我们的船员骁勇善战,毫不留情。现在,那些索坦的残骸将在虚空中永远漂浮。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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They will now think twice to even get near our faction. ↵ ↵ | 现在它们要是再想靠近我们的派系,恐怕要再三斟酌了。 | Details | |
They will now think twice to even get near our faction. ↵ ↵ 现在它们要是再想靠近我们的派系,恐怕要再三斟酌了。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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What did I say? Those Xsotan have gotten what they deserved and more! | 我说什么来着?索坦得到的已经太多了! | Details | |
What did I say? Those Xsotan have gotten what they deserved and more! 我说什么来着?索坦得到的已经太多了! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Revenge will be ours! Those aliens will be paying for what they did to us in yesterday's battle! | 我们将有能力完成复仇!那些外星人将为它们昔日的战斗付出代价! | Details | |
Revenge will be ours! Those aliens will be paying for what they did to us in yesterday's battle! 我们将有能力完成复仇!那些外星人将为它们昔日的战斗付出代价! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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We have followed the ships to the regions close to the Barrier that only Xsotan ever go to. ↵ ↵ | 我们跟着那些船,踏入了只有索坦才会去的屏障边缘。 | Details | |
We have followed the ships to the regions close to the Barrier that only Xsotan ever go to. ↵ ↵ 我们跟着那些船,踏入了只有索坦才会去的屏障边缘。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Captain's Log - Campaign 7345↵ | 舰长日志 - 7345 号战役 | Details | |
Captain's Log - Campaign 7345↵ 舰长日志 - 7345 号战役↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Maybe it is even the key to crossing the rifts? | 甚至,它可能就是跨越裂缝的关键? | Details | |
Maybe it is even the key to crossing the rifts? 甚至,它可能就是跨越裂缝的关键? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Since nobody has ever seen anything like it before, it is assumed that this material only exists inside the Barrier. | 既然之前从来没有人发现过类似的玩意,这种材料很可能只存在于屏障之中。 | Details | |
Since nobody has ever seen anything like it before, it is assumed that this material only exists inside the Barrier. 既然之前从来没有人发现过类似的玩意,这种材料很可能只存在于屏障之中。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Our scientists decided to call it AVORION. ↵ ↵ | 我们的科学家决定将其命名为艾沃里翁。 | Details | |
Our scientists decided to call it AVORION. ↵ ↵ 我们的科学家决定将其命名为艾沃里翁。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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It was very light and seems to be ideal for storing energy. | 它们很轻盈,而且看上去是用来储存能量的理想材料。 | Details | |
It was very light and seems to be ideal for storing energy. 它们很轻盈,而且看上去是用来储存能量的理想材料。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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But what was more interesting was the material most of the craft was constructed of. | 但更有趣的是构成这艘舰船大部分的金属材料。 | Details | |
But what was more interesting was the material most of the craft was constructed of. 但更有趣的是构成这艘舰船大部分的金属材料。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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