Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
But nobody ever returned from the other side of the Barrier. | 然时至今日,尚无人归自彼方。 | Details | |
But nobody ever returned from the other side of the Barrier. 然时至今日,尚无人归自彼方。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The United Alliances (UA) were hesitant to leave such a large part of their fleet behind on the other side of the Barrier, but they could not see any way to save them at that moment.↵ ↵ | 盟会亦不愿徒留大军与银河之心而无援,然彼时实无计可施。 | Details | |
The United Alliances (UA) were hesitant to leave such a large part of their fleet behind on the other side of the Barrier, but they could not see any way to save them at that moment.↵ ↵ 盟会亦不愿徒留大军与银河之心而无援,然彼时实无计可施。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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After the Great War was lost, most of the remaining inhabitants of the galaxy moved to the outer sectors where the chances of Xsotan attacks were considered to be lower.↵ ↵ | 大战败北后,诸侯所余者多迁向银河之外围,以避索坦之侵扰。 | Details | |
After the Great War was lost, most of the remaining inhabitants of the galaxy moved to the outer sectors where the chances of Xsotan attacks were considered to be lower.↵ ↵ 大战败北后,诸侯所余者多迁向银河之外围,以避索坦之侵扰。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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To this day nobody knows the fate that befell those unlucky enough to have been caught there. | 然此等不祥之兆,亦非凡人所能察。呜呼! | Details | |
To this day nobody knows the fate that befell those unlucky enough to have been caught there. 然此等不祥之兆,亦非凡人所能察。呜呼! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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In chasing the Xsotan, a large part of the army had been in exactly those sectors that the rift was created in. | 为逐索坦,大军皆驻于异术之境内。 | Details | |
In chasing the Xsotan, a large part of the army had been in exactly those sectors that the rift was created in. 为逐索坦,大军皆驻于异术之境内。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This not only caused huge confusion among the UA, it also annihilated their army.↵ ↵ | 盟会为此等奇景所惑,而其军更被异术所噬。 | Details | |
This not only caused huge confusion among the UA, it also annihilated their army.↵ ↵ 盟会为此等奇景所惑,而其军更被异术所噬。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Instead, the entire center of the galaxy was separated from the outer sectors by a huge, impassable Barrier. | 而银河之心为异术所割,再无法出入半步。 | Details | |
Instead, the entire center of the galaxy was separated from the outer sectors by a huge, impassable Barrier. 而银河之心为异术所割,再无法出入半步。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Suddenly, the galaxy as it was known before ceased to exist.↵ ↵ | 由是,昔日之寰宇不复。 | Details | |
Suddenly, the galaxy as it was known before ceased to exist.↵ ↵ 由是,昔日之寰宇不复。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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They had invented a method to cause rifts in the space-time-continuum which could destroy entire sectors. | 其撕裂时空之异术,可噬星区。 | Details | |
They had invented a method to cause rifts in the space-time-continuum which could destroy entire sectors. 其撕裂时空之异术,可噬星区。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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But it did not take long for them to realize that this had been a fatal error. The Xsotan had one more ace up their sleeve.↵ ↵ | 然不日,盟会即察其误。索坦卷土重来,士气更盛。 | Details | |
But it did not take long for them to realize that this had been a fatal error. The Xsotan had one more ace up their sleeve.↵ ↵ 然不日,盟会即察其误。索坦卷土重来,士气更盛。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The UA warriors believed they had defeated the Xsotan for good and celebrated. | 盟会众将领皆以为索坦之患已绝,遂普天同庆。 | Details | |
The UA warriors believed they had defeated the Xsotan for good and celebrated. 盟会众将领皆以为索坦之患已绝,遂普天同庆。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This battle ended with the Xsotan fleeing. ↵ ↵ | 战止于索坦之退。 | Details | |
This battle ended with the Xsotan fleeing. ↵ ↵ 战止于索坦之退。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This was their undoing. | 然此实为下策。 | Details | |
This was their undoing. 然此实为下策。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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the army of the UA did not chase the Xsotan but remained where they were to care for their wounded and burn their dead. | 盟会未追穷寇,而休养生息。 | Details | |
the army of the UA did not chase the Xsotan but remained where they were to care for their wounded and burn their dead. 盟会未追穷寇,而休养生息。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Drunk with happiness over their presumed victory, | 见御敌之事大局已定, | Details | |
Drunk with happiness over their presumed victory, 见御敌之事大局已定, You have to log in to edit this translation.
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