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Captain's Log - Research Mission Nr.032856↵ | 舰长日志 - 搜索任务 编号 032856 | Details | |
Captain's Log - Research Mission Nr.032856↵ 舰长日志 - 搜索任务 编号 032856↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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We have taken everything apart and are now transporting it to our home sector to conduct further research. | 我们把东西都拆了,现在正在把碎片运回到我们的母星,以进行进一步研究。 | Details | |
We have taken everything apart and are now transporting it to our home sector to conduct further research. 我们把东西都拆了,现在正在把碎片运回到我们的母星,以进行进一步研究。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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They were not only attached to each other but also to the ship itself. ↵ ↵ | 它们不仅互相连接,也连接着舰船本身。 | Details | |
They were not only attached to each other but also to the ship itself. ↵ ↵ 它们不仅互相连接,也连接着舰船本身。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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There was, however, a collection of strange apparatuses connected with wires and hoses. | 然而,有一堆奇怪的装置,被各种线缆和管道包围着。 | Details | |
There was, however, a collection of strange apparatuses connected with wires and hoses. 然而,有一堆奇怪的装置,被各种线缆和管道包围着。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Indeed, they say that no form of life has ever been on this vessel. There were no carcasses, no water, no breathable gases even. ↵ ↵ | 事实上,他们说这艘舰船上从来就没有过生命。船上没有尸体、没有水,就连一丝能够呼吸的气体都没有。 | Details | |
Indeed, they say that no form of life has ever been on this vessel. There were no carcasses, no water, no breathable gases even. ↵ ↵ 事实上,他们说这艘舰船上从来就没有过生命。船上没有尸体、没有水,就连一丝能够呼吸的气体都没有。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Our scientists have returned with surprising results. They believe that this ship was not meant to sustain life of any kind. | 我们的科学家得出的结论令人震惊。他们相信这艘船没法支持任何形式的生命。 | Details | |
Our scientists have returned with surprising results. They believe that this ship was not meant to sustain life of any kind. 我们的科学家得出的结论令人震惊。他们相信这艘船没法支持任何形式的生命。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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After a skirmish with a group of Xsotan ships, which we were able to win easily, we were able to enter a Xsotan craft for the first time. ↵ ↵ | 在和索坦的一场轻松的战役之后,我们首次登上了索坦的舰船。 | Details | |
After a skirmish with a group of Xsotan ships, which we were able to win easily, we were able to enter a Xsotan craft for the first time. ↵ ↵ 在和索坦的一场轻松的战役之后,我们首次登上了索坦的舰船。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Captain's Log - Reconnaissance Expedition Nr.4172↵ | 舰长日志 - 侦查探索 编号 4172 | Details | |
Captain's Log - Reconnaissance Expedition Nr.4172↵ 舰长日志 - 侦查探索 编号 4172↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Nobody expected such a big ship like the Cinatit to have an accident. And the worst part is: I can't find Jack! I'm all alone! | 没有人会预料到像克尼坦泰号这样的大船会发生这种事故。而最糟的是:我找不到杰克了!我孤身一人! | Details | |
Nobody expected such a big ship like the Cinatit to have an accident. And the worst part is: I can't find Jack! I'm all alone! 没有人会预料到像克尼坦泰号这样的大船会发生这种事故。而最糟的是:我找不到杰克了!我孤身一人! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I am waiting to be evacuated, but there are rumors that there might not be enough escape capsules on board! ↵ ↵ | 我还在等待救援,但有谣言说船上的救生艇根本不够! | Details | |
I am waiting to be evacuated, but there are rumors that there might not be enough escape capsules on board! ↵ ↵ 我还在等待救援,但有谣言说船上的救生艇根本不够!↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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There is a giant hole in one part of the ship and they say it might break apart at any moment. ↵ ↵ | 船被撞出了一个大洞,他们说船随时都会解体。 | Details | |
There is a giant hole in one part of the ship and they say it might break apart at any moment. ↵ ↵ 船被撞出了一个大洞,他们说船随时都会解体。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Lucile! I am afraid! I don't know what to do! Right after a hyperspace jump, our ship has struck a huge asteroid. | 露西尔!我好害怕!我不知道该怎么做!在一次超空间跃迁之后,我们的船撞上了一颗大号小行星。 | Details | |
Lucile! I am afraid! I don't know what to do! Right after a hyperspace jump, our ship has struck a huge asteroid. 露西尔!我好害怕!我不知道该怎么做!在一次超空间跃迁之后,我们的船撞上了一颗大号小行星。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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We are spending every waking minute together and he is the first man in my life that is making my heart beat faster.↵ ↵ | 我们无时无刻不呆在一起,而他是第一个让我心跳加速的男人。 | Details | |
We are spending every waking minute together and he is the first man in my life that is making my heart beat faster.↵ ↵ 我们无时无刻不呆在一起,而他是第一个让我心跳加速的男人。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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but a young man named Jack. He is making my stay on the Cinatit the best time of my life! ↵ ↵ | 还有一个叫杰克的年轻人。他让我在这艘克尼坦泰号上度过了我一生中最美妙的时光! | Details | |
but a young man named Jack. He is making my stay on the Cinatit the best time of my life! ↵ ↵ 还有一个叫杰克的年轻人。他让我在这艘克尼坦泰号上度过了我一生中最美妙的时光!↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The best thing about this voyage, however, is not that we are entertained by extravagant shows or that we are staying in very comfortable rooms, | 而这趟旅程最好的事物,莫过于观看奢华的表演,和呆在舒适的房间里, | Details | |
The best thing about this voyage, however, is not that we are entertained by extravagant shows or that we are staying in very comfortable rooms, 而这趟旅程最好的事物,莫过于观看奢华的表演,和呆在舒适的房间里, You have to log in to edit this translation.
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