Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The award will go to the most beautiful ship in the galaxy. | 大奖将会颁发给全银河最美的船。 | Details | |
The award will go to the most beautiful ship in the galaxy. 大奖将会颁发给全银河最美的船。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Hello and welcome to the Galactic Beauty Pageant for ships! ↵ | 欢迎来到银河选美大会! | Details | |
Hello and welcome to the Galactic Beauty Pageant for ships! ↵ 欢迎来到银河选美大会!↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Recording of 'Galactic Beauty Pageant 79'↵ | 第 79 届银河选美大会回放 | Details | |
Recording of 'Galactic Beauty Pageant 79'↵ 第 79 届银河选美大会回放↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The racers are making their way to the starting line, only five more minutes to go... | 请选手就位,比赛 5 分钟后开始... | Details | |
The racers are making their way to the starting line, only five more minutes to go... 请选手就位,比赛 5 分钟后开始... You have to log in to edit this translation.
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And on position number five, the secret favorite of many here in the audience: Damjej the Daring! ↵ | 5 号位,在场不少观众心中的黑马:无畏大姐! | Details | |
And on position number five, the secret favorite of many here in the audience: Damjej the Daring! ↵ 5 号位,在场不少观众心中的黑马:无畏大姐!↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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On position number four, last years winner: Cluhna the Clever. ↵ ↵ | 4 号位,上一届的冠军得主:睿智酷蛤! | Details | |
On position number four, last years winner: Cluhna the Clever. ↵ ↵ 4 号位,上一届的冠军得主:睿智酷蛤!↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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On position number three: Botum the Brave! ↵ | 3 号位:勇者博通! | Details | |
On position number three: Botum the Brave! ↵ 3 号位:勇者博通!↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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On position number two, come all the way from the other side of the galaxy: Promolo the Pretty. ↵ | 2 号位,来自银河另一端的:美丽魄罗! | Details | |
On position number two, come all the way from the other side of the galaxy: Promolo the Pretty. ↵ 2 号位,来自银河另一端的:美丽魄罗!↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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On position number one: Crantichan the Crazy! ↵ | 1 号位:疯狂之翼! | Details | |
On position number one: Crantichan the Crazy! ↵ 1 号位:疯狂之翼!↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Here they are: ↵ | 下面请让我为你们隆重介绍: | Details | |
Here they are: ↵ 下面请让我为你们隆重介绍:↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Who will win? Who will survive? Who knows! ↵ ↵ | 谁能够活下来,而谁又能成为最后的赢家呢?让我们拭目以待! | Details | |
Who will win? Who will survive? Who knows! ↵ ↵ 谁能够活下来,而谁又能成为最后的赢家呢?让我们拭目以待!↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This year, the fastest ships and most daring pilots will fly an enormously dangerous route! ↵ | 今年,这些超快的舰船将和它们勇敢无畏的飞行员一起,闯过漫长而危险的赛道! | Details | |
This year, the fastest ships and most daring pilots will fly an enormously dangerous route! ↵ 今年,这些超快的舰船将和它们勇敢无畏的飞行员一起,闯过漫长而危险的赛道!↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Spectacular speed and strong ships! ↵ ↵ | 快如闪电,稳如泰山! | Details | |
Spectacular speed and strong ships! ↵ ↵ 快如闪电,稳如泰山!↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Welcome, welcome and welcome to this year's Space Race! ↵ | 欢迎莅临今年的太空竞速赛! | Details | |
Welcome, welcome and welcome to this year's Space Race! ↵ 欢迎莅临今年的太空竞速赛!↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Recording of 'Space Race 133'↵ | 第 133 届太空竞速赛回放 | Details | |
Recording of 'Space Race 133'↵ 第 133 届太空竞速赛回放↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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