Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
HISTORY OF THE GALAXY↵ Chapter 1↵ The colonization of the galaxy began 600 years ago. | 银河简史 第一卷 殖民银河一事,盖始于十甲子前。 | Details | |
HISTORY OF THE GALAXY↵ Chapter 1↵ The colonization of the galaxy began 600 years ago. 银河简史↵ 第一卷↵ 殖民银河一事,盖始于十甲子前。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The drone crashed into our side. Thankfully we had our shields up, but the drone was scrap. The owner will be very annoyed. | 无人机撞上了我们的船舷。万幸我们打开了护盾,但无人机已经变成废铁了。它的主人一定很困扰吧。 | Details | |
The drone crashed into our side. Thankfully we had our shields up, but the drone was scrap. The owner will be very annoyed. 无人机撞上了我们的船舷。万幸我们打开了护盾,但无人机已经变成废铁了。它的主人一定很困扰吧。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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It was a drone that was completely out of control! But it was already too late. ↵ ↵ | 那是一架失控的无人机!但一切都晚了。 | Details | |
It was a drone that was completely out of control! But it was already too late. ↵ ↵ 那是一架失控的无人机!但一切都晚了。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Shortly after that we saw a small object on the radar that was coming closer very quickly. | 然后我们看到一个小型物体在雷达上朝我们高速接近。 | Details | |
Shortly after that we saw a small object on the radar that was coming closer very quickly. 然后我们看到一个小型物体在雷达上朝我们高速接近。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Someone was screaming in panic and it took a while to understand he was yelling things like ...CAREFUL!!! and ... CAN'T STOP!!! ↵ ↵ | 有人在恐惧地尖叫,我们花了好一阵子才听到一些诸如“小心!!!”和“停不下来了!!!”的词语。 | Details | |
Someone was screaming in panic and it took a while to understand he was yelling things like ...CAREFUL!!! and ... CAN'T STOP!!! ↵ ↵ 有人在恐惧地尖叫,我们花了好一阵子才听到一些诸如“小心!!!”和“停不下来了!!!”的词语。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Last night we received a distress call. | 昨晚我们收到了一段紧急求救信号。 | Details | |
Last night we received a distress call. 昨晚我们收到了一段紧急求救信号。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Captain's Log - WUKSUIO17↵ | 舰长日志 - WUKSUIO17 | Details | |
Captain's Log - WUKSUIO17↵ 舰长日志 - WUKSUIO17↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This intern is useless, he has always made mistakes but now he has gone too far. We are going to fire him! | 这个实习生真没用,老是犯错,这次太过分了。我们要把他给炒了! | Details | |
This intern is useless, he has always made mistakes but now he has gone too far. We are going to fire him! 这个实习生真没用,老是犯错,这次太过分了。我们要把他给炒了! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Others have managed to enter the engine room and not only pulled on some wires but also pressed buttons! ↵ ↵ | 有的跑到了引擎室去,不仅拉电线,还有的在按按钮! | Details | |
Others have managed to enter the engine room and not only pulled on some wires but also pressed buttons! ↵ ↵ 有的跑到了引擎室去,不仅拉电线,还有的在按按钮!↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Some have found the biosphere and wreaked havoc there, taking a bite out of every single plant it feels like. | 有的羊找到了生态圈,把那里的植物全都糟蹋了一遍; | Details | |
Some have found the biosphere and wreaked havoc there, taking a bite out of every single plant it feels like. 有的羊找到了生态圈,把那里的植物全都糟蹋了一遍; You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Last night, all sheep escaped and are now running around all over the ship! ↵ ↵ | 昨天晚上,羊都跑出来了,现在跑得整艘船都是! | Details | |
Last night, all sheep escaped and are now running around all over the ship! ↵ ↵ 昨天晚上,羊都跑出来了,现在跑得整艘船都是!↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I don't know what our intern was thinking, or if he was thinking at all, but he didn't close the sheep pen properly. | 我真的不知道那个实习生在想什么,又或者说他到底有没有动脑子;反正他没有把羊圈关好。 | Details | |
I don't know what our intern was thinking, or if he was thinking at all, but he didn't close the sheep pen properly. 我真的不知道那个实习生在想什么,又或者说他到底有没有动脑子;反正他没有把羊圈关好。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Captain's Log - HLANSBBO↵ | 舰长日志 - HLANSBBO | Details | |
Captain's Log - HLANSBBO↵ 舰长日志 - HLANSBBO↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I returned to my previous life and I have not seen that wormhole since. | 我回到了原来的生活,从此再也没有见过那个虫洞。 | Details | |
I returned to my previous life and I have not seen that wormhole since. 我回到了原来的生活,从此再也没有见过那个虫洞。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If your environment is too perfect, you are too much aware of your own shortcomings. | 如果你处在一个完美的环境中,你就能清楚地认识到自己的缺陷。 | Details | |
If your environment is too perfect, you are too much aware of your own shortcomings. 如果你处在一个完美的环境中,你就能清楚地认识到自己的缺陷。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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