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Rumors started to spread that they annihilated entire planets and even suns! ↵ ↵ The UA were shocked and helpless. | 自此,谣言渐起,盖述索坦噬星云云。 盟会震怒,却恨无力回天。 | Details | |
Rumors started to spread that they annihilated entire planets and even suns! ↵ ↵ The UA were shocked and helpless. 自此,谣言渐起,盖述索坦噬星云云。↵ ↵ 盟会震怒,却恨无力回天。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The Xsotan attacked, destroyed and plundered anything that came close to their crafts. Ships, stations, asteroids, nothing was safe from them. | 索坦袭扰盟会,掠夺万物。舰船,空间站,小行星,皆无一幸免。 | Details | |
The Xsotan attacked, destroyed and plundered anything that came close to their crafts. Ships, stations, asteroids, nothing was safe from them. 索坦袭扰盟会,掠夺万物。舰船,空间站,小行星,皆无一幸免。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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But no matter which means of communication was tried, an answer was never received. More and more Xsotan ships arrived, and then it began. ↵ ↵ | 然诸礼皆备,未曾得一复。索坦渐众,而后事变。 | Details | |
But no matter which means of communication was tried, an answer was never received. More and more Xsotan ships arrived, and then it began. ↵ ↵ 然诸礼皆备,未曾得一复。索坦渐众,而后事变。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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They attempted to contact them, to invite them to assemblies and conferences. ↵ ↵ | 亦尝与之接触,邀其共商共处之计。 | Details | |
They attempted to contact them, to invite them to assemblies and conferences. ↵ ↵ 亦尝与之接触,邀其共商共处之计。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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At first, the UA were willing to treat the newcomers with the same respect and friendliness they offered all life forms in the galaxy. | 初时,盟会以众生平等,以诸侯之礼待之。 | Details | |
At first, the UA were willing to treat the newcomers with the same respect and friendliness they offered all life forms in the galaxy. 初时,盟会以众生平等,以诸侯之礼待之。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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But all of that changed when the Xsotan arrived.↵ ↵ | 然诸事皆变于索坦到访之日。 | Details | |
But all of that changed when the Xsotan arrived.↵ ↵ 然诸事皆变于索坦到访之日。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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There were only few that dared to act against the common laws, and everybody worked together to subdue those individuals. | 众人劳作一心,胆敢践法者甚寥寥。 | Details | |
There were only few that dared to act against the common laws, and everybody worked together to subdue those individuals. 众人劳作一心,胆敢践法者甚寥寥。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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At that time, all factions had come together to found the United Alliances (UA) and life was good.↵ ↵ | 是时,诸侯并举以建盟会,世道亦尚太平。 | Details | |
At that time, all factions had come together to found the United Alliances (UA) and life was good.↵ ↵ 是时,诸侯并举以建盟会,世道亦尚太平。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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About three centuries ago, the first Xsotan ships were sighted in our peaceful galaxy. | 盟会诸侯初见索坦于约五甲子前。 | Details | |
About three centuries ago, the first Xsotan ships were sighted in our peaceful galaxy. 盟会诸侯初见索坦于约五甲子前。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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HISTORY OF THE GALAXY↵ Chapter 2↵ The arrival of the Xsotan↵ | 银河简史 第二卷 索坦到访 | Details | |
HISTORY OF THE GALAXY↵ Chapter 2↵ The arrival of the Xsotan↵ 银河简史↵ 第二卷↵ 索坦到访↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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But ever so slowly it became apparent that this peaceful galaxy was not meant to last...↵ | 然盟会渐察,太平盛世并不可长久... | Details | |
But ever so slowly it became apparent that this peaceful galaxy was not meant to last...↵ 然盟会渐察,太平盛世并不可长久...↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The alliances aided each other in battling epidemics, natural catastrophes and inner conflicts. | 盟会亦助诸侯,抵天灾,御人祸,平纷争,促发展。 | Details | |
The alliances aided each other in battling epidemics, natural catastrophes and inner conflicts. 盟会亦助诸侯,抵天灾,御人祸,平纷争,促发展。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Peace and prosperity reigned all throughout the galaxy.↵ ↵ | 自此,放眼寰宇,无处不繁荣,无处不昌盛。 | Details | |
Peace and prosperity reigned all throughout the galaxy.↵ ↵ 自此,放眼寰宇,无处不繁荣,无处不昌盛。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Those that had not managed to acquire the necessary knowledge received help from other factions. | 其尚未得此奇术者,亦得已得者相助。 | Details | |
Those that had not managed to acquire the necessary knowledge received help from other factions. 其尚未得此奇术者,亦得已得者相助。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The alliances had committed centuries of research to the technologies that allowed settlement in space. ↵ ↵ | 盟会耗光阴数千载以开民智,终得奇术,可使凡人直上九天,遨游宇宙间。 | Details | |
The alliances had committed centuries of research to the technologies that allowed settlement in space. ↵ ↵ 盟会耗光阴数千载以开民智,终得奇术,可使凡人直上九天,遨游宇宙间。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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