Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Close this window when you're done looking around. | 在你看够之后,关闭这个窗口。 | Details | |
Close this window when you're done looking around. 在你看够之后,关闭这个窗口。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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and designs that you have subscribed to in the Steam Workshop.↵ | Steam 创意工坊上已订阅的舰船和炮塔设计。 | Details | |
and designs that you have subscribed to in the Steam Workshop.↵ Steam 创意工坊上已订阅的舰船和炮塔设计。↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If stats are yellow your ship could definitely benefit from improvements. | 如果状态显示为黄色,那表示你的舰船还有很大的提升空间。 | Details | |
If stats are yellow your ship could definitely benefit from improvements. 如果状态显示为黄色,那表示你的舰船还有很大的提升空间。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If stats are red it means that your ship has some problems that you need to address right away.↵ | 如果状态显示为红色,那表示你的舰船存在一些亟待解决的问题。 | Details | |
If stats are red it means that your ship has some problems that you need to address right away.↵ 如果状态显示为红色,那表示你的舰船存在一些亟待解决的问题。↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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you can see how much of each material you own. | 你可以看到你拥有多少各类资源。 | Details | |
you can see how much of each material you own. 你可以看到你拥有多少各类资源。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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In the top left corner of the screen, ↵ | 在窗口左上角, | Details | |
In the top left corner of the screen, ↵ 在窗口左上角,↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Defend the Adventurer. | 保护冒险家。 | Details | |
Defend the Adventurer. 保护冒险家。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A pirate has been marked.↵ Turn your camera towards it until it appears on the screen. | 已经标记了一个海盗。 将视角转向它,直到它出现在屏幕上。 | Details | |
A pirate has been marked.↵ Turn your camera towards it until it appears on the screen. 已经标记了一个海盗。↵ 将视角转向它,直到它出现在屏幕上。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Close the Galaxy Map with [%1%] or [ESCAPE]. | 按[%1%]或[Escape]关闭宇宙地图。 | Details | |
Close the Galaxy Map with [%1%] or [ESCAPE]. 按[%1%]或[Escape]关闭宇宙地图。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Now click on the sector with [Right Mouse] to open the Sector Menu↵ and select ‘Enter Coordinates into Navigation Computer’. | 在星区上按[鼠标右键]打开星区菜单 并选择“输入坐标至航路计算机” | Details | |
Now click on the sector with [Right Mouse] to open the Sector Menu↵ and select ‘Enter Coordinates into Navigation Computer’. 在星区上按[鼠标右键]打开星区菜单↵ 并选择“输入坐标至航路计算机” You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A sector has been marked with an exclamation mark by the mission. Select this sector with [Left Mouse]. | 有一个星区被任务的感叹号高亮标记了。用[鼠标左键]选中这个星区。 | Details | |
A sector has been marked with an exclamation mark by the mission. Select this sector with [Left Mouse]. 有一个星区被任务的感叹号高亮标记了。用[鼠标左键]选中这个星区。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The Galaxy Map shows all sectors that can be visited. The blue outline shows how far you can jump.↵ You can use the mouse wheel to zoom, holding [%1%] allows you to move the Galaxy Map. | 宇宙地图会向你展示所有可以前往的星区。蓝色的范围代表着你的跃迁范围。 你可以用鼠标滚轮来缩放,按住[%1%]来拖动宇宙地图。 | Details | |
The Galaxy Map shows all sectors that can be visited. The blue outline shows how far you can jump.↵ You can use the mouse wheel to zoom, holding [%1%] allows you to move the Galaxy Map. 宇宙地图会向你展示所有可以前往的星区。蓝色的范围代表着你的跃迁范围。↵ 你可以用鼠标滚轮来缩放,按住[%1%]来拖动宇宙地图。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Add three chaingun turrets to your ship by placing them onto your ship with [%1%]. | 在舰船上按[%1%],将三门机炮安装到舰船上。 | Details | |
Add three chaingun turrets to your ship by placing them onto your ship with [%1%]. 在舰船上按[%1%],将三门机炮安装到舰船上。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Open the Turret Selection to install new turrets. | 打开炮塔窗口以安装新炮塔。 | Details | |
Open the Turret Selection to install new turrets. 打开炮塔窗口以安装新炮塔。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Close the Player Menu to continue. | 关闭玩家菜单以继续。 | Details | |
Close the Player Menu to continue. 关闭玩家菜单以继续。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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