Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Track the mission to have it on your screen at all times. | 追踪任务即可让它在屏幕上常驻。 | Details | |
Track the mission to have it on your screen at all times. 追踪任务即可让它在屏幕上常驻。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Fly to the asteroid. Mine its resources by holding [%1%] to use your mining lasers.↵ Your target is in range when your aiming circles turn green. | 飞向那颗小行星。按住[%1%]来使用你的采矿激光,以采集其资源。 当目标进入射程,瞄准环就会变成绿色。 | Details | |
Fly to the asteroid. Mine its resources by holding [%1%] to use your mining lasers.↵ Your target is in range when your aiming circles turn green. 飞向那颗小行星。按住[%1%]来使用你的采矿激光,以采集其资源。↵ 当目标进入射程,瞄准环就会变成绿色。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Let your ship roll to the side with [%1%] and [%2%]. | 按住[%1%]或[%2%]可以使舰船翻转。 | Details | |
Let your ship roll to the side with [%1%] and [%2%]. 按住[%1%]或[%2%]可以使舰船翻转。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Use [%1%] to rise up or [%2%] to sink down. | 按住[%1%]可以向上,按住[%2%]可以向下。 | Details | |
Use [%1%] to rise up or [%2%] to sink down. 按住[%1%]可以向上,按住[%2%]可以向下。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If you need help finding the correct angle you can activate the retrograde marker in the Game Options. | 如果你难以找到正确的角度,你可以在游戏设置里开启后退方向指示。 | Details | |
If you need help finding the correct angle you can activate the retrograde marker in the Game Options. 如果你难以找到正确的角度,你可以在游戏设置里开启后退方向指示。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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That is particularly important for larger ships with more mass. | 这对笨重的大型舰船尤其重要。 | Details | |
That is particularly important for larger ships with more mass. 这对笨重的大型舰船尤其重要。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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To get a fast flying ship to a complete standstill,↵ you will have to turn your ship so it’s facing the opposite direction and boost.↵ | 为了使高速前进的舰船快速停下, 你需要将舰船转向前进方向的反方向,再加力推进。 | Details | |
To get a fast flying ship to a complete standstill,↵ you will have to turn your ship so it’s facing the opposite direction and boost.↵ 为了使高速前进的舰船快速停下,↵ 你需要将舰船转向前进方向的反方向,再加力推进。↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Here you can see your energy reserves.↵ If they are depleted, your ship won’t be able to do much until they have recharged. | 你可以在这里看到能量存量。 如果能量耗尽,在能量恢复之前,舰船的能力会受到一定的限制。 | Details | |
Here you can see your energy reserves.↵ If they are depleted, your ship won’t be able to do much until they have recharged. 你可以在这里看到能量存量。↵ 如果能量耗尽,在能量恢复之前,舰船的能力会受到一定的限制。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If you use up too much of your energy for boosting,↵ other systems in your ship won’t receive any more energy and might fail. | 如果因为加力推进消耗了太多能量, 舰船上的其他系统将会缺乏能量,并且可能因此失效。 | Details | |
If you use up too much of your energy for boosting,↵ other systems in your ship won’t receive any more energy and might fail. 如果因为加力推进消耗了太多能量,↵ 舰船上的其他系统将会缺乏能量,并且可能因此失效。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Boosting requires more and more energy.↵ | 加力推进消耗的能量会随时间增长。 | Details | |
Boosting requires more and more energy.↵ 加力推进消耗的能量会随时间增长。↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Hold [%1%] and [%2%] to boost. | 同时按住[%1%]和[%2%]以进行加力推进。 | Details | |
Hold [%1%] and [%2%] to boost. 同时按住[%1%]和[%2%]以进行加力推进。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Here you can see your current speed. | 你可以在这里看到你当前的速度。 | Details | |
Here you can see your current speed. 你可以在这里看到你当前的速度。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Pressing [%2%] will not make you brake faster. | 按住[%2%]并不会使刹车更快。 | Details | |
Pressing [%2%] will not make you brake faster. 按住[%2%]并不会使刹车更快。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Letting go of [%1%] or [%2%] will cause your thrusters to slow down your ship.↵ | 松开[%1%]或[%2%]会让推进器使舰船减速。 | Details | |
Letting go of [%1%] or [%2%] will cause your thrusters to slow down your ship.↵ 松开[%1%]或[%2%]会让推进器使舰船减速。↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Hold [%1%] to move forward. Hold [%2%] to fly backwards. | 按住[%1%]前进。按住[%2%]后退。 | Details | |
Hold [%1%] to move forward. Hold [%2%] to fly backwards. 按住[%1%]前进。按住[%2%]后退。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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