Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Yes, I’m quite proud of it. | 对,这是我的杰作。 | Details | |
Yes, I’m quite proud of it. 对,这是我的杰作。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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It’s not as good as my old ship. | 并没有旧那艘那么好。 | Details | |
It’s not as good as my old ship. 并没有旧那艘那么好。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Hi there! You built yourself a new ship. Good job. | 你好!你给自己造了艘新船。干得不错。 | Details | |
Hi there! You built yourself a new ship. Good job. 你好!你给自己造了艘新船。干得不错。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Then, you’re going to have to found a ship. The founding fee will be 500 iron.↵ ↵ After you pay that, you will just need to think of a good name. Good luck! | 首先,你需要创造一艘新的船。现在的费用是 500 铁金属。付完之后,你只需要想个好名字。祝你好运! | Details | |
Then, you’re going to have to found a ship. The founding fee will be 500 iron.↵ ↵ After you pay that, you will just need to think of a good name. Good luck! 首先,你需要创造一艘新的船。现在的费用是 500 铁金属。付完之后,你只需要想个好名字。祝你好运! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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How did that go? | 然后呢? | Details | |
How did that go? 然后呢? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Ah, you’re looking for the gate. Very interesting thing that was. Hum, mh, hum, where do I start.. ↵ ↵ Remember the ship from the center that I told you about?↵ ↵ Their arrival started a race of the best scientists and the most ruthless corporations to find a way to the inside. | 啊,阁下在寻找那个星门。那是个有趣的东西,嗯,呃,嗯,该从何说起... 阁下是否记得那艘来自银心的船? 他们的到来引发了在最优秀的科学家和最无情的公司之间激烈的竞争,只为寻求一个前往银心的办法。 | Details | |
Ah, you’re looking for the gate. Very interesting thing that was. Hum, mh, hum, where do I start.. ↵ ↵ Remember the ship from the center that I told you about?↵ ↵ Their arrival started a race of the best scientists and the most ruthless corporations to find a way to the inside. 啊,阁下在寻找那个星门。那是个有趣的东西,嗯,呃,嗯,该从何说起...↵ ↵ 阁下是否记得那艘来自银心的船?↵ ↵ 他们的到来引发了在最优秀的科学家和最无情的公司之间激烈的竞争,只为寻求一个前往银心的办法。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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How did that go? | 然后呢? | Details | |
How did that go? 然后呢? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Ah, you’re looking for the gate. Very interesting thing that was. Hum, mh, hum, where do I start.. ↵ ↵ Remember the ship from the center that I told you about?↵ ↵ Their arrival started a race of the best scientists and the most ruthless corporations to find a way to the inside. | 啊,阁下在寻找那个星门。那是个有趣的东西,嗯,呃,嗯,该从何说起... 阁下是否记得那艘来自银心的船? 他们的到来引发了在最优秀的科学家和最无情的公司之间激烈的竞争,只为寻求一个前往银心的办法。 | Details | |
Ah, you’re looking for the gate. Very interesting thing that was. Hum, mh, hum, where do I start.. ↵ ↵ Remember the ship from the center that I told you about?↵ ↵ Their arrival started a race of the best scientists and the most ruthless corporations to find a way to the inside. 啊,阁下在寻找那个星门。那是个有趣的东西,嗯,呃,嗯,该从何说起...↵ ↵ 阁下是否记得那艘来自银心的船?↵ ↵ 他们的到来引发了在最优秀的科学家和最无情的公司之间激烈的竞争,只为寻求一个前往银心的办法。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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How do I do that? | 我该怎么做? | Details | |
How do I do that? 我该怎么做? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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So, what do I do now? | 哦不,那我该怎么办? | Details | |
So, what do I do now? 哦不,那我该怎么办? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I have the eight artifacts. Now what? | 我已经拿到八个遗物了。然后呢? | Details | |
I have the eight artifacts. Now what? 我已经拿到八个遗物了。然后呢? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Always on the hunt, hu? Well, start talking! | 还在追寻吗?也罢,但问无妨! | Details | |
Always on the hunt, hu? Well, start talking! 还在追寻吗?也罢,但问无妨! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I need more information. | 我需要更多的信息。 | Details | |
I need more information. 我需要更多的信息。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Ah the young one again, what is it this time? | 阁下此次,又是为何事而来? | Details | |
Ah the young one again, what is it this time? 阁下此次,又是为何事而来? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Would you help me again? | 您愿意再次帮助我吗? | Details | |
Would you help me again? 您愿意再次帮助我吗? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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