Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The Xsotan mothership will have a lot of loot. | Esta enorme nave Xsotan será uma captura valiosa. | Details | |
The Xsotan mothership will have a lot of loot. Esta enorme nave Xsotan será uma captura valiosa. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This is your chance to be the saviors of the galaxy. | Porque esta é a nossa única chance de salvar a galáxia. | Details | |
This is your chance to be the saviors of the galaxy. Porque esta é a nossa única chance de salvar a galáxia. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This is none of our business. Why exactly should we trust you? Or help you? | Isso não diz respeito a você, por que devemos confiar em você, ou ajudar? | Details | |
This is none of our business. Why exactly should we trust you? Or help you? Isso não diz respeito a você, por que devemos confiar em você, ou ajudar? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You will have to trust me. | Tenho que confiar em mim. | Details | |
You will have to trust me. Tenho que confiar em mim. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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How do we know that this is going to work? That this isn't some kind of suicide mission? Or even a trick? | E como sabemos que isso funcionará? O que não é um voo unidirecional ou uma simples decepção. | Details | |
How do we know that this is going to work? That this isn't some kind of suicide mission? Or even a trick? E como sabemos que isso funcionará? O que não é um voo unidirecional ou uma simples decepção. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I'll open wormholes that will allow you to break through. | Vou abrir os wormholes que lhe permitirão penetrar na barreira. | Details | |
I'll open wormholes that will allow you to break through. Vou abrir os wormholes que lhe permitirão penetrar na barreira. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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How? | Como? | Details | |
How? Como? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Exactly. | Exatamente. | Details | |
Exactly. Exatamente. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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And you want to destroy it? | E você quer destruí-lo? | Details | |
And you want to destroy it? E você quer destruí-lo? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Never mind. | Deixa pra lá. | Details | |
Never mind. Deixa pra lá. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The Xsotan mothership at the galaxy center. | A nave-mãe Xsotan no centro da galáxia | Details | |
The Xsotan mothership at the galaxy center. A nave-mãe Xsotan no centro da galáxia You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The what? | O quê? | Details | |
The what? O quê? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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We pledged our support to you already. Open the wormholes and we will come. | Nós já juramos nosso apoio a você. Abra os buracos de minhoca e viremos. | Details | |
We pledged our support to you already. Open the wormholes and we will come. Nós já juramos nosso apoio a você. Abra os buracos de minhoca e viremos. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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We already told you that we don't think this is a good idea. We won't risk our ships for some lunatic. Goodbye. | Já te falamos que não achamos isso uma boa ideia. Não vamos arriscar nossas naves por algum lunático. Adeus. | Details | |
We already told you that we don't think this is a good idea. We won't risk our ships for some lunatic. Goodbye. Já te falamos que não achamos isso uma boa ideia. Não vamos arriscar nossas naves por algum lunático. Adeus. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Will you assist in destroying the Xsotan Wormhole Guardian? | Você ajudará a destruir o Guardião Xsotan do Buraco de Minhoca? | Details | |
Will you assist in destroying the Xsotan Wormhole Guardian? Você ajudará a destruir o Guardião Xsotan do Buraco de Minhoca? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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