Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This is getting a little too dark for me. | 그냥 해본 말이었어요...잊어주세요. | Details | |
This is getting a little too dark for me. 그냥 해본 말이었어요...잊어주세요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Oh wow, you're gullible!↵ ↵ The universe can't implode, and we're only subjects that have been made up by someone. Once that someone wants us gone, we'll go. | 와… 정말 믿는건 아니겠죠? 우주가 소멸될 일은 없어요, 그리고 우리는 그저 다른 사람에게 만들어진 창조물일 뿐이죠. 그 사람이 우리가 없어지길 바란다면, 우린 없어질거에요. | Details | |
Oh wow, you're gullible!↵ ↵ The universe can't implode, and we're only subjects that have been made up by someone. Once that someone wants us gone, we'll go. 와… 정말 믿는건 아니겠죠?↵ ↵ 우주가 소멸될 일은 없어요, 그리고 우리는 그저 다른 사람에게 만들어진 창조물일 뿐이죠. 그 사람이 우리가 없어지길 바란다면, 우린 없어질거에요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I guess I'll have to try. | 한번 해봐야겠네요. | Details | |
I guess I'll have to try. 한번 해봐야겠네요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I've heard the universe might implode. | 전 우주가 소멸될지도 모른다고 들었어요. | Details | |
I've heard the universe might implode. 전 우주가 소멸될지도 모른다고 들었어요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A friend of mine got some great new equipment because he researched it at the research lab! ↵ ↵ It's a little like playing the lottery, but if you put in 5 objects, apparently you're guaranteed to get something better. ↵ ↵ I'll do this too, and in the end I'll put in 3 objects of the highest possible rarity. I wonder what happens then... | 내 친구 한 놈이 연구소에서 연구를 진행하다가 엄청난 장비를 손에 넣었죠. 좀 도박같긴 하지만 5개정도 물품을 투입하면 제법 좋은 걸 건질 수 있을지도 몰라요. 가능하다면 최고급 물품을 3개 투입해보고 싶어요. 뭐가 나올까 궁금해서 못참겠어요... | Details | |
A friend of mine got some great new equipment because he researched it at the research lab! ↵ ↵ It's a little like playing the lottery, but if you put in 5 objects, apparently you're guaranteed to get something better. ↵ ↵ I'll do this too, and in the end I'll put in 3 objects of the highest possible rarity. I wonder what happens then... 내 친구 한 놈이 연구소에서 연구를 진행하다가 엄청난 장비를 손에 넣었죠.↵ ↵ 좀 도박같긴 하지만 5개정도 물품을 투입하면 제법 좋은 걸 건질 수 있을지도 몰라요.↵ ↵ 가능하다면 최고급 물품을 3개 투입해보고 싶어요. 뭐가 나올까 궁금해서 못참겠어요... You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Huh. I guess I'll try! | 음… 솔깃하긴 하네요. | Details | |
Huh. I guess I'll try! 음… 솔깃하긴 하네요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The research labs are getting better and better. Now they're using genetic algorithms to improve the quality of the researched objects. ↵ ↵ It destroys the objects you put in, but you have a good chance to get an object of an even better quality.↵ ↵ I wonder what happens when you put in three objects with the best quality there is. Maybe the universe will implode? | 연구소에서 성과가 있었나봅니다. 이번에 신규 유전자 알고리즘을 사용하여 품질을 향상시키고 있습니다. 당신이 제공한 물품을 파괴하기도 하지만, 더 좋은 물품을 얻을 찬스가 될수도 있죠. 최고급 장비 3개를 이용해 뭘 만들지 궁금하지 않나요? 어쩌면 은하계를 파멸로 몰고 갈지도 모르죠. | Details | |
The research labs are getting better and better. Now they're using genetic algorithms to improve the quality of the researched objects. ↵ ↵ It destroys the objects you put in, but you have a good chance to get an object of an even better quality.↵ ↵ I wonder what happens when you put in three objects with the best quality there is. Maybe the universe will implode? 연구소에서 성과가 있었나봅니다. 이번에 신규 유전자 알고리즘을 사용하여 품질을 향상시키고 있습니다.↵ ↵ 당신이 제공한 물품을 파괴하기도 하지만, 더 좋은 물품을 얻을 찬스가 될수도 있죠.↵ ↵ 최고급 장비 3개를 이용해 뭘 만들지 궁금하지 않나요? 어쩌면 은하계를 파멸로 몰고 갈지도 모르죠. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A friend of mine is obsessed with these beacons you can find in asteroid fields around here. ↵ ↵ He says they have some kind of message encoded into them, with coordinates leading to a great treasure. ↵ ↵ But that's all nonsense if you ask me. | 내 친구가 이 주변의 소행성 지역에서 발견 할 수있는 표식들에 푹 빠져 있습니다 녀석이 표식에는 어떤 종류의 메시지가 코딩되어 있고, 해석하면 큰 보물이 숨겨져 있는 곳으로 이어지고 있다고 하네요. 멋지지만 소문은 소문일 뿐이죠. | Details | |
A friend of mine is obsessed with these beacons you can find in asteroid fields around here. ↵ ↵ He says they have some kind of message encoded into them, with coordinates leading to a great treasure. ↵ ↵ But that's all nonsense if you ask me. 내 친구가 이 주변의 소행성 지역에서 발견 할 수있는 표식들에 푹 빠져 있습니다↵ ↵ 녀석이 표식에는 어떤 종류의 메시지가 코딩되어 있고, 해석하면 큰 보물이 숨겨져 있는 곳으로 이어지고 있다고 하네요.↵ ↵ 멋지지만 소문은 소문일 뿐이죠. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thanks, I'll check it out. | 고마워요. 참고할께요. | Details | |
Thanks, I'll check it out. 고마워요. 참고할께요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If you're the treasure hunting type, you should check asteroid fields in the no man's space for beacons. ↵ ↵ I've seen lots of beacons on my travels, and they seem to have some message for all members of 'Operation Exodus', whatever that may be. | 보물을 찾고 싶나요? 그렇다면 비어있는 소행성대를 탐색해야죠. 여행중에 비컨을 많이 발견했어요. '오퍼레이션 엑소더스'의 모든 멤버에게 메시지를 보내는 것 같습니다. 무슨 소식인진 모르겠지만요. | Details | |
If you're the treasure hunting type, you should check asteroid fields in the no man's space for beacons. ↵ ↵ I've seen lots of beacons on my travels, and they seem to have some message for all members of 'Operation Exodus', whatever that may be. 보물을 찾고 싶나요? 그렇다면 비어있는 소행성대를 탐색해야죠.↵ ↵ 여행중에 비컨을 많이 발견했어요. '오퍼레이션 엑소더스'의 모든 멤버에게 메시지를 보내는 것 같습니다. 무슨 소식인진 모르겠지만요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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There are travelling merchants who sell all sorts of things. You should keep an eye on them, they will jump to another sector after a while if they don't find anybody to trade with. ↵ ↵ Some of them have really exotic wares, I've even met some who had old Xsotan artifacts for sale. | 여러가지를 파는 행상인들이 곳곳에 있습니다. 눈여보는게 좋아요. 그 사람들은 거래할 상대를 못찾으면 다른 지역으로 금방 날아가버리니까요. 가끔 정말 귀한 물건을 취급하는 사람도 있는데 전 고대 Xsotan 유물을 팔고 있는 사람도 봤어요. | Details | |
There are travelling merchants who sell all sorts of things. You should keep an eye on them, they will jump to another sector after a while if they don't find anybody to trade with. ↵ ↵ Some of them have really exotic wares, I've even met some who had old Xsotan artifacts for sale. 여러가지를 파는 행상인들이 곳곳에 있습니다. 눈여보는게 좋아요. 그 사람들은 거래할 상대를 못찾으면 다른 지역으로 금방 날아가버리니까요.↵ ↵ 가끔 정말 귀한 물건을 취급하는 사람도 있는데 전 고대 Xsotan 유물을 팔고 있는 사람도 봤어요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thanks. | 고마워요. | Details | |
Thanks. 고마워요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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One of the travelling equipment traders I met a while ago had a strange alien artifact with him. I've never seen something like that before.↵ ↵ I thought maybe it's Xsotan? But that's impossible. He even told me I could integrate it into my ship. ↵ ↵ But when I asked about the price it was way too expensive. | 얼마 전에 만난 행상인이 이상한 외계인 유물을 가지고 있었습니다. 생소한 물건이었죠. 혹시 Xsotan들의 물건일지도? 내 함선에 장비할 수도 있다고 꼬셨지만 말도 안되는 소리죠. 심심해서 떠봤는데 터무니없는 가격을 부르더군요. | Details | |
One of the travelling equipment traders I met a while ago had a strange alien artifact with him. I've never seen something like that before.↵ ↵ I thought maybe it's Xsotan? But that's impossible. He even told me I could integrate it into my ship. ↵ ↵ But when I asked about the price it was way too expensive. 얼마 전에 만난 행상인이 이상한 외계인 유물을 가지고 있었습니다. 생소한 물건이었죠.↵ ↵ 혹시 Xsotan들의 물건일지도? 내 함선에 장비할 수도 있다고 꼬셨지만 말도 안되는 소리죠.↵ ↵ 심심해서 떠봤는데 터무니없는 가격을 부르더군요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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What do you think? They lost. All that remains of them now is their technology. | 무슨일이 있었다고 생각해요? 그들은 패배했어요. 남은것은 그들이 사용하던 기술밖에 없죠. | Details | |
What do you think? They lost. All that remains of them now is their technology. 무슨일이 있었다고 생각해요? 그들은 패배했어요. 남은것은 그들이 사용하던 기술밖에 없죠. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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What happened? | 무슨 일이 있었던 걸까요? | Details | |
What happened? 무슨 일이 있었던 걸까요? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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