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Have you not seen the rift?↵ ↵ Ah, of course not, you can't see it. But no hyperspace drive can get past it!↵ ↵ I wonder what's inside? | 그 균열을 본적 없죠? 아, 당연히 볼수 없었을꺼에요. 하지만 하이퍼스페이스 드라이브로도 지나갈 수 없어요. 안에 뭐가 있을까 궁금하지 않나요? | Details | |
Have you not seen the rift?↵ ↵ Ah, of course not, you can't see it. But no hyperspace drive can get past it!↵ ↵ I wonder what's inside? 그 균열을 본적 없죠?↵ ↵ 아, 당연히 볼수 없었을꺼에요. 하지만 하이퍼스페이스 드라이브로도 지나갈 수 없어요.↵ ↵ 안에 뭐가 있을까 궁금하지 않나요? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I'm not sure. But it sure as hell isn't going away.↵ ↵ My grandfather already knew of this Barrier. He said that when he was a boy, it was a lot closer to the center of the galaxy. | 저도 잘 모르겠네요. 하지만 사라지지 않을 것이라 확신합니다. 우리 할아버지도 이미 이 장벽에 대해 알정도였어요. 하지만 할아버지가 어렸을 적에는 이 장벽이 은하계 중심에 좀더 가까웠다고 했어요. | Details | |
I'm not sure. But it sure as hell isn't going away.↵ ↵ My grandfather already knew of this Barrier. He said that when he was a boy, it was a lot closer to the center of the galaxy. 저도 잘 모르겠네요. 하지만 사라지지 않을 것이라 확신합니다.↵ ↵ 우리 할아버지도 이미 이 장벽에 대해 알정도였어요. 하지만 할아버지가 어렸을 적에는 이 장벽이 은하계 중심에 좀더 가까웠다고 했어요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thanks. Goodbye. | 고마워요. 잘있어요. | Details | |
Thanks. Goodbye. 고마워요. 잘있어요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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What do you think? | 어떻게 생각하죠? | Details | |
What do you think? 어떻게 생각하죠? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If you haven't noticed yet, there's a subspace rift that's preventing people from going to the center of the galaxy.↵ ↵ Some say it's the Xsotan. Some say it's just a natural phenomenon and that it will pass. | 아직 모두 눈치 채지 못했지만 은하계의 중심으로 향하는 것을 방해하는 공간 현상이 있습니다. 누구는 Xsotan의 짓이라고 말하기도 하고 누구는 단순한 자연 현상이며 언젠가 사라질 거라고 말합니다. | Details | |
If you haven't noticed yet, there's a subspace rift that's preventing people from going to the center of the galaxy.↵ ↵ Some say it's the Xsotan. Some say it's just a natural phenomenon and that it will pass. 아직 모두 눈치 채지 못했지만 은하계의 중심으로 향하는 것을 방해하는 공간 현상이 있습니다.↵ ↵ 누구는 Xsotan의 짓이라고 말하기도 하고 누구는 단순한 자연 현상이며 언젠가 사라질 거라고 말합니다. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Have you seen these bulletins that have been around on stations lately? Someone must be really desperate to get their hands on these Xsotan artifacts. ↵ ↵ I really wonder why anybody would want to have anything to do with these monsters. | 혹시 최근 우주 정거장 게시판을 본 적있어요? Xsotan 유물을 손에 넣으려고 혈안인 자들이 있어요. 도대체, 왜, 누가 이 괴물들과 관련된 것을 원하는지 궁금하네요. | Details | |
Have you seen these bulletins that have been around on stations lately? Someone must be really desperate to get their hands on these Xsotan artifacts. ↵ ↵ I really wonder why anybody would want to have anything to do with these monsters. 혹시 최근 우주 정거장 게시판을 본 적있어요? Xsotan 유물을 손에 넣으려고 혈안인 자들이 있어요.↵ ↵ 도대체, 왜, 누가 이 괴물들과 관련된 것을 원하는지 궁금하네요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You're not the only one asking around here lately. Recently there have been people who were looking for Xsotan artifacts. ↵ ↵ They said they wanted to journey to the center of the galaxy. That's crazy if you ask me. | 여길 방문해온건 당신만이 아니에요. 최근 Xsotan 유물을 찾고있는 자들이 부쩍 늘었습니다. 그들은 은하의 중심으로 여행할꺼라고 말했습니다. 미친 짓이죠. | Details | |
You're not the only one asking around here lately. Recently there have been people who were looking for Xsotan artifacts. ↵ ↵ They said they wanted to journey to the center of the galaxy. That's crazy if you ask me. 여길 방문해온건 당신만이 아니에요. 최근 Xsotan 유물을 찾고있는 자들이 부쩍 늘었습니다.↵ ↵ 그들은 은하의 중심으로 여행할꺼라고 말했습니다. 미친 짓이죠. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I was recently contacted by a group of people who are apparently looking for Xsotan artifacts.↵ ↵ As if I had anything to do with this nonsense! I told them they should maybe post a bulletin with a reward. | 얼마전에 Xsotan유물을 찾고있는 단체의 연락을 받았거든요. 만약 내가 이 헛소리와 관련이있다해도! 나는 그들??보상을 가지고 게시판을 게시해야한다고 말했습니다. | Details | |
I was recently contacted by a group of people who are apparently looking for Xsotan artifacts.↵ ↵ As if I had anything to do with this nonsense! I told them they should maybe post a bulletin with a reward. 얼마전에 Xsotan유물을 찾고있는 단체의 연락을 받았거든요.↵ ↵ 만약 내가 이 헛소리와 관련이있다해도! 나는 그들??보상을 가지고 게시판을 게시해야한다고 말했습니다. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A friend of mine got some new electricity weapons from the M.A.D. Science Association.↵ ↵ But when he tried them out, he realized that they don't do anything to asteroids!↵ ↵ What good is a weapon that you can't even use on stone? | 내 친구가 M.A.D. 과학 협회에서 새로운 전자 무기를 얻었습니다. 녀석도 그 무기로 시험해봤는데 역시나 소행성에 아무런 효과가 없음을 발견했죠! 석재에 효과가 없는 무기가 뭔 소용이죠? | Details | |
A friend of mine got some new electricity weapons from the M.A.D. Science Association.↵ ↵ But when he tried them out, he realized that they don't do anything to asteroids!↵ ↵ What good is a weapon that you can't even use on stone? 내 친구가 M.A.D. 과학 협회에서 새로운 전자 무기를 얻었습니다.↵ ↵ 녀석도 그 무기로 시험해봤는데 역시나 소행성에 아무런 효과가 없음을 발견했죠!↵ ↵ 석재에 효과가 없는 무기가 뭔 소용이죠? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Huh. Good to know. | 흠… 글쎄요? | Details | |
Huh. Good to know. 흠… 글쎄요? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The M.A.D. Science Association is researching new electricity weapons. A complete waste of time if you ask me.↵ ↵ Everybody knows that electricity can't do anything against stone.↵ ↵ On the other hand, who would plate his ship with stones? | M.A.D. 과학 협회는 새로운 전자 화기를 연구하고 있습니다. 나도 자세한건 몰라요. 모두가 전자 화기가 석재에 아무런 영향도 줄수 없다는 걸 알고 있습니다. 그런데 왜? 누가 돌에다가 사용하려고 전자 무기를 준비할까요? | Details | |
The M.A.D. Science Association is researching new electricity weapons. A complete waste of time if you ask me.↵ ↵ Everybody knows that electricity can't do anything against stone.↵ ↵ On the other hand, who would plate his ship with stones? M.A.D. 과학 협회는 새로운 전자 화기를 연구하고 있습니다. 나도 자세한건 몰라요.↵ ↵ 모두가 전자 화기가 석재에 아무런 영향도 줄수 없다는 걸 알고 있습니다. ↵ ↵ 그런데 왜? 누가 돌에다가 사용하려고 전자 무기를 준비할까요? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Uhh... Thanks? | 아…네??? | Details | |
Uhh... Thanks? 아…네??? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Have you seen the new energy satellites by the M.A.D. Science Association? They're full of state-of-the-art energy equipment. ↵ ↵ And nobody is guarding them! It's like they're asking people to steal or salvage them!↵ ↵ Don't tell anybody, but once I'm done with work, I'll see if I can grab one of them. | M.A.D. 과학협회의 새로운 에너지 위성을 봤어요? 거긴 최첨단 에너지 장비로 가득차 있습니다. 근데 지키는 사람이 없어요! 이거 완전 털어달라고 하는거나 마찬가지 아닌가요? 다른 사람한텐 비밀입니다. 잘하면 한몫 잡을 수 있을 것 같아요. | Details | |
Have you seen the new energy satellites by the M.A.D. Science Association? They're full of state-of-the-art energy equipment. ↵ ↵ And nobody is guarding them! It's like they're asking people to steal or salvage them!↵ ↵ Don't tell anybody, but once I'm done with work, I'll see if I can grab one of them. M.A.D. 과학협회의 새로운 에너지 위성을 봤어요? 거긴 최첨단 에너지 장비로 가득차 있습니다.↵ ↵ 근데 지키는 사람이 없어요! 이거 완전 털어달라고 하는거나 마찬가지 아닌가요?↵ ↵ 다른 사람한텐 비밀입니다. 잘하면 한몫 잡을 수 있을 것 같아요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The M.A.D. Science Association has started looking into new ways of energy generation. I found some of their satellites just floating around in space. ↵ ↵ I don't think that's such a good idea with all the bandits and Xsotan around here. I'm pretty sure they have state-of-the-art equipment. | M.A.D. 과학 협회는 새로운 에너지 생성 방법을 연구하던중 우주에 떠다니던 인공 위성의 일부를 발견했습니다. 그들이 최첨단 분석 장비을 가지고 있다고 생각하지만 주변에 해적이나 Xsotan이 가만 둘리 없죠. | Details | |
The M.A.D. Science Association has started looking into new ways of energy generation. I found some of their satellites just floating around in space. ↵ ↵ I don't think that's such a good idea with all the bandits and Xsotan around here. I'm pretty sure they have state-of-the-art equipment. M.A.D. 과학 협회는 새로운 에너지 생성 방법을 연구하던중 우주에 떠다니던 인공 위성의 일부를 발견했습니다.↵ ↵ 그들이 최첨단 분석 장비을 가지고 있다고 생각하지만 주변에 해적이나 Xsotan이 가만 둘리 없죠. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thanks, I'll keep an eye out. | 언제 한번 가볼께요. 알려줘서 고마워요. | Details | |
Thanks, I'll keep an eye out. 언제 한번 가볼께요. 알려줘서 고마워요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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