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You look like you're capable of fighting the Xsotan, or at least sneak into their territory and collect some of their technology. | 당신은 Xsotan과 싸울 수 있는 것처럼 보이네요. 아니면 이곳에 몰래 들어 와서 기술만 빼돌리던가. | Details | |
You look like you're capable of fighting the Xsotan, or at least sneak into their territory and collect some of their technology. 당신은 Xsotan과 싸울 수 있는 것처럼 보이네요. 아니면 이곳에 몰래 들어 와서 기술만 빼돌리던가. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You'll have to find someone else. | 다른 사람을 찾아봐요. | Details | |
You'll have to find someone else. 다른 사람을 찾아봐요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Sounds like a plan! | 아주 좋은 계획인데! | Details | |
Sounds like a plan! 아주 좋은 계획인데! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If you can find enough Xsotan technology, you might be able to research it to build a wormhole interceptor.↵ ↵ Once we have the interceptor, we can finally get reinforcements from outside!↵ ↵ We might be able to cut their supply of reinforcements, and drive them out of our galaxy for good! | Xsotan 기술을 찾아낸다면, 그것을 연구해서 웜홀 요격기를 만들 수 있을거야. 웜홀 요격기가 완성만 된다면 200년간 처음으로 외부에 증원을 요청할 수 있어! 게다가 Xsotan의 지원군 보급도 잘라낼 수 있겠지, 그리고 이 은하계에서 영원히 쫓아내는거야! | Details | |
If you can find enough Xsotan technology, you might be able to research it to build a wormhole interceptor.↵ ↵ Once we have the interceptor, we can finally get reinforcements from outside!↵ ↵ We might be able to cut their supply of reinforcements, and drive them out of our galaxy for good! Xsotan 기술을 찾아낸다면, 그것을 연구해서 웜홀 요격기를 만들 수 있을거야.↵ ↵ 웜홀 요격기가 완성만 된다면 200년간 처음으로 외부에 증원을 요청할 수 있어! ↵ ↵ 게다가 Xsotan의 지원군 보급도 잘라낼 수 있겠지, 그리고 이 은하계에서 영원히 쫓아내는거야! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Nope, I'm out. | 아니, 여기서 빠져나가야겠어. | Details | |
Nope, I'm out. 아니, 여기서 빠져나가야겠어. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I don't understand. | 어려운 이야기네요. | Details | |
I don't understand. 어려운 이야기네요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I see where this is going. | 오호, 무슨 얘기인지 잘 알겠습니다. | Details | |
I see where this is going. 오호, 무슨 얘기인지 잘 알겠습니다. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Our researchers have been tampering with some recovered Xsotan wormhole technology, but it's still very experimental.↵ ↵ We have neither the means nor the technology to research more Xsotan artifacts. But if we could, we might be able to create a system that allows a ship to intercept the wormhole opening process - and to open wormholes itself. | 우리 연구원들이 어느정도 복구한 Xsotan 웜홀 조작 기술을 연구하고 있지만 아직 실험단계야. 우리는 자원도, 기술도 부족해서 Xsotan의 유물을 연구하는 것에 한계에 다다랐네. 하지만 해결만 되면 그들이 웜홀을 개방하는 순간을 방해할 수 있는 함선 시스템을 만들 수 있을거야 - 혹은 웜홀을 연다던지 말이지. | Details | |
Our researchers have been tampering with some recovered Xsotan wormhole technology, but it's still very experimental.↵ ↵ We have neither the means nor the technology to research more Xsotan artifacts. But if we could, we might be able to create a system that allows a ship to intercept the wormhole opening process - and to open wormholes itself. 우리 연구원들이 어느정도 복구한 Xsotan 웜홀 조작 기술을 연구하고 있지만 아직 실험단계야.↵ ↵ 우리는 자원도, 기술도 부족해서 Xsotan의 유물을 연구하는 것에 한계에 다다랐네. 하지만 해결만 되면 그들이 웜홀을 개방하는 순간을 방해할 수 있는 함선 시스템을 만들 수 있을거야 - 혹은 웜홀을 연다던지 말이지. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The thing is, as long as you leave them alone, they kind of leave you alone, too. ↵ ↵ We had reports of ships flying through entire Xsotan fleets, and it looked like they barely noticed our ships were there. ↵ ↵ We know that they eat up matter - and they're attracted by energy bursts, such as weapons firing. ↵ ↵ My advice to you: Don't fire weapons when they're there, and don't get too close. You never know. | 한가지 말하자면, 자네가 그들을 내버려두면, 그들도 자네를 내버려둔다네. Xsotan 함대 속을 누누히 지나간 우리 함선과 그 함선을 전혀 신경쓰지도 않는 Xsotan의 행동에 대한 보고서가 있다네. 그들이 모든 물질을 먹어치운다는 것, 다양한 에너지반응, 예를 들면 사격같은 것에 반응하지. 그래서 두가지 행동 수칙이 있다네: 그들이 있는곳에 사격하지말것, 그리고 그들에게 너무 가까이가지말것. 혹시 모르지만 말야. | Details | |
The thing is, as long as you leave them alone, they kind of leave you alone, too. ↵ ↵ We had reports of ships flying through entire Xsotan fleets, and it looked like they barely noticed our ships were there. ↵ ↵ We know that they eat up matter - and they're attracted by energy bursts, such as weapons firing. ↵ ↵ My advice to you: Don't fire weapons when they're there, and don't get too close. You never know. 한가지 말하자면, 자네가 그들을 내버려두면, 그들도 자네를 내버려둔다네.↵ ↵ Xsotan 함대 속을 누누히 지나간 우리 함선과 그 함선을 전혀 신경쓰지도 않는 Xsotan의 행동에 대한 보고서가 있다네.↵ ↵ 그들이 모든 물질을 먹어치운다는 것, 다양한 에너지반응, 예를 들면 사격같은 것에 반응하지.↵ ↵ 그래서 두가지 행동 수칙이 있다네: 그들이 있는곳에 사격하지말것, 그리고 그들에게 너무 가까이가지말것. 혹시 모르지만 말야. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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No idea. We still haven't managed to establish communication with them. ↵ ↵ All we know is, that they come and they eat away matter. ↵ ↵ There are large fields of Xsotan breeders, farms with asteroids that are eaten up from the inside. | 모르겠네. 그들과는 전혀 통신이 되질않으니 말일세. 그나마 알 수 있는 건 그들이 모든 물질을 먹어치운다는 것 정도? Xsotan 목장들이 많이 존재한다네. 속에서부터 먹히는 소행성들이 잔뜩 널려있는 소행성 지대들이지. | Details | |
No idea. We still haven't managed to establish communication with them. ↵ ↵ All we know is, that they come and they eat away matter. ↵ ↵ There are large fields of Xsotan breeders, farms with asteroids that are eaten up from the inside. 모르겠네. 그들과는 전혀 통신이 되질않으니 말일세.↵ ↵ 그나마 알 수 있는 건 그들이 모든 물질을 먹어치운다는 것 정도?↵ ↵ Xsotan 목장들이 많이 존재한다네. 속에서부터 먹히는 소행성들이 잔뜩 널려있는 소행성 지대들이지. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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We don't think the Xsotan came from this galaxy, because we would have come across them a lot earlier if they did.↵ ↵ All we know is that there's a large mothership in the very center of the galaxy, which opens wormholes regularly. ↵ ↵ They might even lead to another galaxy for all we know. | Xsotan이 이 은하계 출신이라고 생각하지않아. 만약 그랬다면 훨씬 더 일찍 만났을테니 말야. 우리가 알고있는것은, 거대한 모선이 은하계 중앙에 위치하고있으며, 웜홀을 주기적으로 연다는것이지. 그들은 내가 알기로는 다른 은하계에서 왔을 확률이 크다네. | Details | |
We don't think the Xsotan came from this galaxy, because we would have come across them a lot earlier if they did.↵ ↵ All we know is that there's a large mothership in the very center of the galaxy, which opens wormholes regularly. ↵ ↵ They might even lead to another galaxy for all we know. Xsotan이 이 은하계 출신이라고 생각하지않아. 만약 그랬다면 훨씬 더 일찍 만났을테니 말야.↵ ↵ 우리가 알고있는것은, 거대한 모선이 은하계 중앙에 위치하고있으며, 웜홀을 주기적으로 연다는것이지.↵ ↵ 그들은 내가 알기로는 다른 은하계에서 왔을 확률이 크다네. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thanks, that's it for now. | 알려줘서 고마워요. | Details | |
Thanks, that's it for now. 알려줘서 고마워요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I'd like to ask something else. | 또 궁금한게 있어요. | Details | |
I'd like to ask something else. 또 궁금한게 있어요. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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