Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
NW direction | NW | Details | |
NW NW You have to log in to edit this translation.
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NNW direction | NNW | Details | |
NNW NNW You have to log in to edit this translation.
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N direction | N | Details | |
N N You have to log in to edit this translation.
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NNE direction | NNE | Details | |
NNE NNE You have to log in to edit this translation.
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NE direction | NE | Details | |
NE NE You have to log in to edit this translation.
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ENE direction | ENE | Details | |
ENE ENE You have to log in to edit this translation.
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E direction | E | Details | |
E E You have to log in to edit this translation.
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J Unit: Joule | J | Details | |
J J You have to log in to edit this translation.
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W Unit: Watts | W | Details | |
W W You have to log in to edit this translation.
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t Unit: tons | t | Details | |
t t You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Found alliances to work together with other players as a completely new faction. Alliances count as their own faction, and their members can manage alliance stations, ships and inventory. You can invite other players to join the alliance and assign ranks to different members to manage what individual members are allowed to do. You can also see the online status of your alliance members and you'll have a shared galaxy map.↵ ↵ You can either join an existing alliance or found a new one! | Vytvořte alianci pro spolupráci s dalšími hráči jako zcela nová frakce. Aliance se počítá jako vlastní frakce, a jejich členové mohou spravovat alianční stanice, lodě a inventář. Můžete pozvat ostatní hráče do vaší aliance a udělit jim různé hodnosti, které členům povolují různé funkce a možnosti pro správu aliance. Také můžete mít přehled o tom kdo z členů je online a budete mít sdílenou mapu galaxie. Můžete vstoupit do existující aliance nebo si vytvořit novou! | Details | |
Found alliances to work together with other players as a completely new faction. Alliances count as their own faction, and their members can manage alliance stations, ships and inventory. You can invite other players to join the alliance and assign ranks to different members to manage what individual members are allowed to do. You can also see the online status of your alliance members and you'll have a shared galaxy map.↵ ↵ You can either join an existing alliance or found a new one! Vytvořte alianci pro spolupráci s dalšími hráči jako zcela nová frakce. Aliance se počítá jako vlastní frakce, a jejich členové mohou spravovat alianční stanice, lodě a inventář. Můžete pozvat ostatní hráče do vaší aliance a udělit jim různé hodnosti, které členům povolují různé funkce a možnosti pro správu aliance. Také můžete mít přehled o tom kdo z členů je online a budete mít sdílenou mapu galaxie.↵ ↵ Můžete vstoupit do existující aliance nebo si vytvořit novou! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Pulse Cannon Weapon Type | Pulzní kanon | Details | |
Pulse Cannon Pulzní kanon You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Buy Goods | Koupit Zboží. | Details | |
Buy Goods Koupit Zboží. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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No player is flying this ship. | Níkdo neřídí tuto loď. | Details | |
No player is flying this ship. Níkdo neřídí tuto loď. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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No player is flying this ship. | Nikdo neřídí tuto loď. | Details | |
No player is flying this ship. Nikdo neřídí tuto loď. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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