Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You have received an emergency signal from an unknown source. | Obdržel jste nouzový signál z neznámého zdroje. | Details | |
You have received an emergency signal from an unknown source. Obdržel jste nouzový signál z neznámého zdroje. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This is.....emergency threatening situation..... | Tohle je.....nouzové volání.....CHRRRK....život ohrožující situace..... | Details | |
This is.....emergency threatening situation..... Tohle je.....nouzové volání.....CHRRRK....život ohrožující situace..... You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Hello?...Can you....CHRRK...Can you hear us?...CHHRRK....Emergency | Ahoj?...Slyšíte....CHRRK...Slyšíte nás?...CHHRRK....Stav nouze | Details | |
Hello?...Can you....CHRRK...Can you hear us?...CHHRRK....Emergency Ahoj?...Slyšíte....CHRRK...Slyšíte nás?...CHHRRK....Stav nouze You have to log in to edit this translation.
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CHRRK....Mayday, mayd....CHRRRRK....explosion...CHRRK....Need help....CHRRK | CHRRK....Mejdej, mejd....CHRRRRK....exploze...CHRRK....Potřebujem pomoc....CHRRK | Details | |
CHRRK....Mayday, mayd....CHRRRRK....explosion...CHRRK....Need help....CHRRK CHRRK....Mejdej, mejd....CHRRRRK....exploze...CHRRK....Potřebujem pomoc....CHRRK You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thank you for helping us expand our borders. We have transferred the reward to your account. | Děkujeme, že jste nám pomohli rozšířit naše hranice. Odměnu jsme převedli na váš účet. | Details | |
Thank you for helping us expand our borders. We have transferred the reward to your account. Děkujeme, že jste nám pomohli rozšířit naše hranice. Odměnu jsme převedli na váš účet. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Earned %1% Credits for exploring a sector. | Vydělal jsi %1% kreditů za prozkoumání sektoru. | Details | |
Earned %1% Credits for exploring a sector. Vydělal jsi %1% kreditů za prozkoumání sektoru. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I found some information in the explored sector. | Našel jsem nějaké informace v prozkoumaném sektoru. | Details | |
I found some information in the explored sector. Našel jsem nějaké informace v prozkoumaném sektoru. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Sector Explored | Sektor objeven | Details | |
Sector Explored Sektor objeven You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The ${giver} asked you to explore sector (${location.x}:${location.y}). | ${giver} vás požádal o průzkum sektoru (${location.x}:${location.y}). | Details | |
The ${giver} asked you to explore sector (${location.x}:${location.y}). ${giver} vás požádal o průzkum sektoru (${location.x}:${location.y}). You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Explore sector (${location.x}:${location.y}) | Prozkoumejte sektor (${location.x}:${location.y}) | Details | |
Explore sector (${location.x}:${location.y}) Prozkoumejte sektor (${location.x}:${location.y}) You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Exploration finished in this part of the sector. | V této části sektoru byl průzkum dokončen. | Details | |
Exploration finished in this part of the sector. V této části sektoru byl průzkum dokončen. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Explore | Prozkoumat | Details | |
Explore Prozkoumat You have to log in to edit this translation.
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${speed}-Class ${warhead} Torpedo | ${rychlost}-Třída ${hlavice} Torpédo | Details | |
${speed}-Class ${warhead} Torpedo ${rychlost}-Třída ${hlavice} Torpédo You have to log in to edit this translation.
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${speed}-Class ${warhead} Torpedo | ${speed}- Třída ${warhead} Torpédo | Details | |
${speed}-Class ${warhead} Torpedo ${speed}- Třída ${warhead} Torpédo You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Anti-Matter | Antihmota | Details | |
Anti-Matter Antihmota You have to log in to edit this translation.
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