Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Trade Resources | Obchodování se zdroji | Details | |
Trade Resources Obchodování se zdroji You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Received %1% %2% from refinery. | Získáno %1% %2% z rafinerie. | Details | |
Received %1% %2% from refinery. Získáno %1% %2% z rafinerie. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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There is nothing to take. | Není co vzít. | Details | |
There is nothing to take. Není co vzít. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Take | Vzít | Details | |
Take Vzít You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Refinery Tax: %.1f%% | Daň z rafinerie: %.1f%% | Details | |
Refinery Tax: %.1f%% Daň z rafinerie: %.1f%% You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Refine ores and scrap metals to extract their resources.↵ Extracted resources can be collected after processing.↵ The refinery keeps a small percentage depending on your relations. | Rafinace rudy a šrotu na suroviny. Přetavené suroviny mohou být sebrány po zpracování. Rafinérie požaduje drobný poplatek v závislosti na vašich vztazích. | Details | |
Refine ores and scrap metals to extract their resources.↵ Extracted resources can be collected after processing.↵ The refinery keeps a small percentage depending on your relations. Rafinace rudy a šrotu na suroviny.↵ Přetavené suroviny mohou být sebrány po zpracování. ↵ Rafinérie požaduje drobný poplatek v závislosti na vašich vztazích. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Start Refining | Začít rafinovat | Details | |
Start Refining Začít rafinovat You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Refine Raw Ores | Rafinovat surové rudy | Details | |
Refine Raw Ores Rafinovat surové rudy You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You must be closer to the ship to refine ores. | Pro rafinování rudy musíte být blíže k lodi. | Details | |
You must be closer to the ship to refine ores. Pro rafinování rudy musíte být blíže k lodi. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You must be docked to the station to refine ores. | Pro rafinování rudy musíte být zadokován ve stanici. | Details | |
You must be docked to the station to refine ores. Pro rafinování rudy musíte být zadokován ve stanici. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You have refined resources that need to be picked up first. | Máte rafinované zdroje, které je třeba nejprve vyzvednout. | Details | |
You have refined resources that need to be picked up first. Máte rafinované zdroje, které je třeba nejprve vyzvednout. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You already have a job running. | Už máte práci. | Details | |
You already have a job running. Už máte práci. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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We finished refining your ores. You can pick them up in \s(%1%:%2%). | Dokončili jsme rafinaci vašich rud. Přijďte si je vyzvednout v sektoru \s(%i:%i). | Details | |
We finished refining your ores. You can pick them up in \s(%1%:%2%). Dokončili jsme rafinaci vašich rud. Přijďte si je vyzvednout v sektoru \s(%i:%i). You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Received %1% %2% tax from refinery. | Získána daň %1% %2% z rafinerie. | Details | |
Received %1% %2% tax from refinery. Získána daň %1% %2% z rafinerie. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Refinery | Rafinerie | Details | |
Refinery Rafinerie You have to log in to edit this translation.
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