Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This mod has 'serverSideOnly' enabled but found localization files. | Tento mod má 'serverSideOnly' povoleno, ale našel lokalizační soubory. | Details | |
This mod has 'serverSideOnly' enabled but found localization files. Tento mod má 'serverSideOnly' povoleno, ale našel lokalizační soubory. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This mod has 'serverSideOnly' enabled but found localization files. | Tento mod má 'serverSideOnly' povoleno, ale chybí lokalizační soubory. | Details | |
This mod has 'serverSideOnly' enabled but found localization files. Tento mod má 'serverSideOnly' povoleno, ale chybí lokalizační soubory. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This mod has both 'clientSideOnly' and 'saveGameAltering' enabled. | Tento mod má povoleno 'clientSideOnly' a 'saveGameAltering'. | Details | |
This mod has both 'clientSideOnly' and 'saveGameAltering' enabled. Tento mod má povoleno 'clientSideOnly' a 'saveGameAltering'. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This mod has both 'clientSideOnly' and 'serverSideOnly' enabled. | Tento mod má povoleno 'clientSideOnly' a 'serverSideOnly'. | Details | |
This mod has both 'clientSideOnly' and 'serverSideOnly' enabled. Tento mod má povoleno 'clientSideOnly' a 'serverSideOnly'. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This mod's version requirement (%1% to %2%) doesn't match the game's version %3%. | Verze modu (% s až% s) neodpovídá verzi hry% s. | Details | |
This mod's version requirement (%1% to %2%) doesn't match the game's version %3%.
Warning: Missing %s placeholder in translation.
Verze modu (% s až% s) neodpovídá verzi hry% s. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This mod's version requirement (%1% to %2%) doesn't match the game's version %3%. | Verze modu (%s to %s) neodpovídá verzi hry%s. | Details | |
This mod's version requirement (%1% to %2%) doesn't match the game's version %3%. Verze modu (%s to %s) neodpovídá verzi hry%s. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This mod's version requirement (%1% to %2%) doesn't match the game's version %3%. | Verze modů (%s to %s) neodpovídá verzi hry% s. | Details | |
This mod's version requirement (%1% to %2%) doesn't match the game's version %3%.
Warning: Missing %s placeholder in translation.
Verze modů (%s to %s) neodpovídá verzi hry% s. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You played in this galaxy before with mods that are now no longer enabled and that may have changed savegames. | Hráli jste v této galaxii s mody, které již nejsou povoleny a které mohou mít za následek změnu v uložených hrách. | Details | |
You played in this galaxy before with mods that are now no longer enabled and that may have changed savegames. Hráli jste v této galaxii s mody, které již nejsou povoleny a které mohou mít za následek změnu v uložených hrách. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Unknown, but missing: | Neznámý, ale chybí: | Details | |
Unknown, but missing: Neznámý, ale chybí: You have to log in to edit this translation.
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- %1% - ID: [%2%] Mod title, then mod ID | - %1% - ID: [%2%] . | Details | |
- %1% - ID: [%2%] - %1% - ID: [%2%] . You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Disabled/missing mods: | Vypnutý/chybějící mod | Details | |
Disabled/missing mods: Vypnutý/chybějící mod You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Continuing without those mods can lead to a broken savegame and/or crashes. | Pokračování bez těhle nastavení může vést k poškození uložené hry nebo pádu. | Details | |
Continuing without those mods can lead to a broken savegame and/or crashes. Pokračování bez těhle nastavení může vést k poškození uložené hry nebo pádu. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Mod Issues Detected | Detekována chyba v modu | Details | |
Mod Issues Detected Detekována chyba v modu You have to log in to edit this translation.
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[%1% of %2% | %3%%%] | [%1% of %2% | %3%%%] | Details | |
[%1% of %2% | %3%%%] [%1% of %2% | %3%%%] You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Downloading Mod %1% of %2% | Stahování nastavení %1% of %2% | Details | |
Downloading Mod %1% of %2% Stahování nastavení %1% of %2% You have to log in to edit this translation.
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