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Player Trade Menu | 玩家交易菜单 | Details | |
Player Trade Menu 玩家交易菜单 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Click on the dots on the right and drag an energy system to change its priority. | 按住能量系统右边的圆点并拖动以调整优先级。 | Details | |
Click on the dots on the right and drag an energy system to change its priority. 按住能量系统右边的圆点并拖动以调整优先级。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Notifications | 通知 | Details | |
Notifications 通知 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Economy | 经济 | Details | |
Economy 经济 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Group | 队伍 | Details | |
Group 队伍 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Chat | 聊天 | Details | |
Chat 聊天 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\'+stats\' in tooltips show how much better this \c(3dd)Turret\c() is compared to the average of the same tech level. They (+x efficiency/dps/range...) are already included in the total stats shown above! | 工具提示面板中的“+ 性能数据”,代表\c(3dd)炮塔\c()相对于同等科技水平的其他炮塔的平均性能优势。它们(+xx 效率/每秒伤害/射程...)已经包含在总览面板的性能数据里了! | Details | |
\'+stats\' in tooltips show how much better this \c(3dd)Turret\c() is compared to the average of the same tech level. They (+x efficiency/dps/range...) are already included in the total stats shown above! 工具提示面板中的“+ 性能数据”,代表\c(3dd)炮塔\c()相对于同等科技水平的其他炮塔的平均性能优势。它们(+xx 效率/每秒伤害/射程...)已经包含在总览面板的性能数据里了! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The fastest speed a human ever reached was a stunning 11,082 m/s (24,791 mph) during the Apollo 10 mission. | 人类曾达到过的最大速度为惊人的 11,082 米/秒(24,791 英里/时),发生在“阿波罗 10 号”的任务中。 | Details | |
The fastest speed a human ever reached was a stunning 11,082 m/s (24,791 mph) during the Apollo 10 mission. 人类曾达到过的最大速度为惊人的 11,082 米/秒(24,791 英里/时),发生在“阿波罗 10 号”的任务中。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The first living things humans sent to space were fruit flies. In 1947 a V-2 rocket was launched to an altitude of 109 km (67.7 miles) to explore radiation exposure rates. | 人类送往太空的第一种生物是果蝇。1947 年,一枚 V-2 火箭升至了 109 千米(67.7 英里)的高度用以研究辐射暴露率。 | Details | |
The first living things humans sent to space were fruit flies. In 1947 a V-2 rocket was launched to an altitude of 109 km (67.7 miles) to explore radiation exposure rates. 人类送往太空的第一种生物是果蝇。1947 年,一枚 V-2 火箭升至了 109 千米(67.7 英里)的高度用以研究辐射暴露率。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space. In 1961 he orbited Earth in 108 minutes. | 苏联宇航员尤里·加加林是第一位登上太空的人类。1961 年,他在地球轨道上停留了 108 分钟。 | Details | |
Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space. In 1961 he orbited Earth in 108 minutes. 苏联宇航员尤里·加加林是第一位登上太空的人类。1961 年,他在地球轨道上停留了 108 分钟。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The Hubble Space Telescope is 13.2 meters (43.5 ft) long and weighs 12,247 kg (27,000 lb). It needs about 2,100 watts energy and produces 5,500 watts solely with solar panels! | 哈勃空间望远镜全长 13.2 米(43.5 英尺),重 12,247 千克(27,000 磅)。它需要消耗 2,100 瓦能量,而仅使用太阳能面板就能产生 5,500 瓦能量! | Details | |
The Hubble Space Telescope is 13.2 meters (43.5 ft) long and weighs 12,247 kg (27,000 lb). It needs about 2,100 watts energy and produces 5,500 watts solely with solar panels! 哈勃空间望远镜全长 13.2 米(43.5 英尺),重 12,247 千克(27,000 磅)。它需要消耗 2,100 瓦能量,而仅使用太阳能面板就能产生 5,500 瓦能量! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The Hubble Space Telescope, launched in 1990, orbits earth at an altitude of 569 km (353 miles) and sends about 140 gigabits of data per week back to Earth. | 哈勃空间望远镜发射于 1990 年,于 569 千米(353 英里)的高度绕地球轨道运行,每星期向地球发送约 140 GB 的数据。 | Details | |
The Hubble Space Telescope, launched in 1990, orbits earth at an altitude of 569 km (353 miles) and sends about 140 gigabits of data per week back to Earth. 哈勃空间望远镜发射于 1990 年,于 569 千米(353 英里)的高度绕地球轨道运行,每星期向地球发送约 140 GB 的数据。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Our sun is about 26.4 thousand light years away from the center of the Milky Way. | 太阳距离银河系中心约 2.64 万光年。 | Details | |
Our sun is about 26.4 thousand light years away from the center of the Milky Way. 太阳距离银河系中心约 2.64 万光年。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The Milky Way contains between 200-400 billion stars and at least 100 billion planets. | 银河包含约 2,000-4,000 亿颗恒星,至少 1,000 亿颗行星。 | Details | |
The Milky Way contains between 200-400 billion stars and at least 100 billion planets. 银河包含约 2,000-4,000 亿颗恒星,至少 1,000 亿颗行星。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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