Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Here they are: ↵ | 下面请让我为你们隆重介绍: | Details | |
Here they are: ↵ 下面请让我为你们隆重介绍:↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Who will win? Who will survive? Who knows! ↵ ↵ | 谁能够活下来,而谁又能成为最后的赢家呢?让我们拭目以待! | Details | |
Who will win? Who will survive? Who knows! ↵ ↵ 谁能够活下来,而谁又能成为最后的赢家呢?让我们拭目以待!↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This year, the fastest ships and most daring pilots will fly an enormously dangerous route! ↵ | 今年,这些超快的舰船将和它们勇敢无畏的飞行员一起,闯过漫长而危险的赛道! | Details | |
This year, the fastest ships and most daring pilots will fly an enormously dangerous route! ↵ 今年,这些超快的舰船将和它们勇敢无畏的飞行员一起,闯过漫长而危险的赛道!↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Spectacular speed and strong ships! ↵ ↵ | 快如闪电,稳如泰山! | Details | |
Spectacular speed and strong ships! ↵ ↵ 快如闪电,稳如泰山!↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Welcome, welcome and welcome to this year's Space Race! ↵ | 欢迎莅临今年的太空竞速赛! | Details | |
Welcome, welcome and welcome to this year's Space Race! ↵ 欢迎莅临今年的太空竞速赛!↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Recording of 'Space Race 133'↵ | 第 133 届太空竞速赛回放 | Details | |
Recording of 'Space Race 133'↵ 第 133 届太空竞速赛回放↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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They are offering exceptional service and will customize your ship as well! | 杰出的服务,还提供船体定制服务! | Details | |
They are offering exceptional service and will customize your ship as well! 杰出的服务,还提供船体定制服务! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The Type-X can be ordered at select shipyards. | X 型可在指定造船厂下单。 | Details | |
The Type-X can be ordered at select shipyards. X 型可在指定造船厂下单。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Brand new technology of generators and energy containers has been used and there is as much cargo bay as anyone might ever need. ↵ ↵ | 应用全新的能量科技,还拥有能够满足任何人的超大货舱。 | Details | |
Brand new technology of generators and energy containers has been used and there is as much cargo bay as anyone might ever need. ↵ ↵ 应用全新的能量科技,还拥有能够满足任何人的超大货舱。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Perfect for navigating through asteroid fields. | 穿越小行星带的完美选择。 | Details | |
Perfect for navigating through asteroid fields. 穿越小行星带的完美选择。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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It accelerates to 5500m/s in a few seconds, and because of the ingeniously placed thrusters it is as agile as a bird of prey. ↵ ↵ | 它只要几秒钟就能加速到 5000 米 / 秒,而推进器的精妙布局让它矫若游龙。 | Details | |
It accelerates to 5500m/s in a few seconds, and because of the ingeniously placed thrusters it is as agile as a bird of prey. ↵ ↵ 它只要几秒钟就能加速到 5000 米 / 秒,而推进器的精妙布局让它矫若游龙。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Flying it feels fantastic! | 开起来一定爽极了! | Details | |
Flying it feels fantastic! 开起来一定爽极了! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Streamlined, elegant and yet powerful. ↵ ↵ | 流线外形,灵活又强大。 | Details | |
Streamlined, elegant and yet powerful. ↵ ↵ 流线外形,灵活又强大。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Its design is the most pleasing of all models of the class. | 它的设计是这个系列所有模型里最令人赏心悦目的。 | Details | |
Its design is the most pleasing of all models of the class. 它的设计是这个系列所有模型里最令人赏心悦目的。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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These are my thoughts about the new Type-X Model of generation 2998: ↵ | 这是我对于第 2998 代的新 X 系列模型的一些想法: | Details | |
These are my thoughts about the new Type-X Model of generation 2998: ↵ 这是我对于第 2998 代的新 X 系列模型的一些想法:↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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