Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Once the brotherhood gets the artifact, they will pay us very well. | 一旦兄弟会拿到遗物,我们就能发大财了。 | Details | |
Once the brotherhood gets the artifact, they will pay us very well. 一旦兄弟会拿到遗物,我们就能发大财了。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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We will make a fortune with this artifact. | 凭借这个遗物,我们会发大财的。 | Details | |
We will make a fortune with this artifact. 凭借这个遗物,我们会发大财的。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Read log fragment | 阅读日志碎片 | Details | |
Read log fragment 阅读日志碎片 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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DPS / Slot | 单位槽位每秒伤害 | Details | |
DPS / Slot 单位槽位每秒伤害 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Operation Exodus. Be wary of pirates. What we're hauling is of near infinite value.${remaining} | 逃离计划。当心海盗。我们坐拥无穷宝藏。${remaining} | Details | |
Operation Exodus. Be wary of pirates. What we're hauling is of near infinite value.${remaining} 逃离计划。当心海盗。我们坐拥无穷宝藏。${remaining} You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Goods of all Operation Exodus participants have been secured. They are safe and waiting for you, poor soul.${remaining} | 逃离计划参与者的货物都被妥善保管了。它们很安全,就等你了,可怜的灵魂。${remaining} | Details | |
Goods of all Operation Exodus participants have been secured. They are safe and waiting for you, poor soul.${remaining} 逃离计划参与者的货物都被妥善保管了。它们很安全,就等你了,可怜的灵魂。${remaining} You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If you are part of Operation Exodus, then you know what to do. Good luck.${remaining} | 如果你是逃离计划的一份子,那你就知道该怎么做。祝你好运。${remaining} | Details | |
If you are part of Operation Exodus, then you know what to do. Good luck.${remaining} 如果你是逃离计划的一份子,那你就知道该怎么做。祝你好运。${remaining} You have to log in to edit this translation.
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To all participants of Operation Exodus.${remaining} | 致逃离计划的每一位参与者。${remaining} | Details | |
To all participants of Operation Exodus.${remaining} 致逃离计划的每一位参与者。${remaining} You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The Brotherhood is dangerous... | 兄弟会可是很危险的... | Details | |
The Brotherhood is dangerous... 兄弟会可是很危险的... You have to log in to edit this translation.
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STOP! We brought you the artifact. Pay us as promised! | 停下!我们把遗物带来了。钱呢? | Details | |
STOP! We brought you the artifact. Pay us as promised! 停下!我们把遗物带来了。钱呢? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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But we brought them the artifact.... | 但我们把遗物给他们了... | Details | |
But we brought them the artifact.... 但我们把遗物给他们了... You have to log in to edit this translation.
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They attacked us instead of paying us! | 但他们给我们的是枪子儿,不是钱! | Details | |
They attacked us instead of paying us! 但他们给我们的是枪子儿,不是钱! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Once the brotherhood gets the artifact, they will pay us very well. | 一旦兄弟会拿到遗物,我们就能发大财了。 | Details | |
Once the brotherhood gets the artifact, they will pay us very well. 一旦兄弟会拿到遗物,我们就能发大财了。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Read log fragment | 阅读日志碎片 | Details | |
Read log fragment 阅读日志碎片 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thank you for your continuing trust in us. We updated your salvaging license to %s minutes. | 感谢您选择继续信任我们。我们已将您的分解许可证更新到 %s 分钟。 | Details | |
Thank you for your continuing trust in us. We updated your salvaging license to %s minutes. 感谢您选择继续信任我们。我们已将您的分解许可证更新到 %s 分钟。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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