Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You must place the turret on a block made of %s. | 炮塔必须放置于由%s制造的方块上。 | Details | |
You must place the turret on a block made of %s. 炮塔必须放置于由%s制造的方块上。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Alliance inventory is full. | 联盟物品栏已满。 | Details | |
Alliance inventory is full. 联盟物品栏已满。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You must be in the same sector to set the class of crafts. | 必须位于同一星区才能为舰船设置级别。 | Details | |
You must be in the same sector to set the class of crafts. 必须位于同一星区才能为舰船设置级别。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You won't pick up this cargo, because your cargo bay configuration forbids it.↵ You can change that behavior in the cargo tab of your ship menu. | 由于你的货舱设置,你不会拾取该货物。 你可以在舰船菜单的货舱页修改设置。 | Details | |
You won't pick up this cargo, because your cargo bay configuration forbids it.↵ You can change that behavior in the cargo tab of your ship menu. 由于你的货舱设置,你不会拾取该货物。↵ 你可以在舰船菜单的货舱页修改设置。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Crew payment is due every 3 hours. You can set up automatic payment in the Fleet Tab of the Player Menu. | 船员薪水每 3 小时支付一次。你可以在玩家菜单的舰队页里激活自动支付。 | Details | |
Crew payment is due every 3 hours. You can set up automatic payment in the Fleet Tab of the Player Menu. 船员薪水每 3 小时支付一次。你可以在玩家菜单的舰队页里激活自动支付。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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%i lost fighters | 损失 %i 舰载机 | Details | |
%i lost fighters 损失 %i 舰载机 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Your inventory is almost full! | 物品栏空间不足! | Details | |
Your inventory is almost full! 物品栏空间不足! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Your inventory is full! | 物品栏已满! | Details | |
Your inventory is full! 物品栏已满! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A highly addictive drug. | 一种高度致瘾的药物。 | Details | |
A highly addictive drug. 一种高度致瘾的药物。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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An addictive drug that gives the user strong hallucinations. | 一种让使用者产生强烈幻觉的致瘾药物。 | Details | |
An addictive drug that gives the user strong hallucinations. 一种让使用者产生强烈幻觉的致瘾药物。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Treated leather, made from various animal hides. | 由各种动物皮处理而成的皮革。 | Details | |
Treated leather, made from various animal hides. 由各种动物皮处理而成的皮革。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Sheep. | 羊。 | Details | |
Sheep. 羊。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A bag of various dried teas. | 一包各式各样的干茶。 | Details | |
A bag of various dried teas. 一包各式各样的干茶。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Hand guns. Used by robots and living beings. | 被机器人和生物使用的手枪。 | Details | |
Hand guns. Used by robots and living beings. 被机器人和生物使用的手枪。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Visit more sectors to discover new trade routes. | 访问更多的星区以发现新的商路。 | Details | |
Visit more sectors to discover new trade routes. 访问更多的星区以发现新的商路。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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