Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Gunners Required | 炮手需求 | Details | |
Gunners Required 炮手需求 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(0d0)Consumer stations\c() buy all kinds of goods people need to live. \c(0d0)Casinos\c(), \c(0d0)Habitats\c() and \c(0d0)Biotopes\c() tend to buy different kinds of food, beverages and luxury items. | \c(0d0)消费型空间站\c()购买人们日常生活所需的各种货物。\c(0d0)赌场\c(),\c(0d0)住宅区\c()和\c(0d0)人工生态圈\c()会购买各种食物,饮料和奢侈品。 | Details | |
\c(0d0)Consumer stations\c() buy all kinds of goods people need to live. \c(0d0)Casinos\c(), \c(0d0)Habitats\c() and \c(0d0)Biotopes\c() tend to buy different kinds of food, beverages and luxury items. \c(0d0)消费型空间站\c()购买人们日常生活所需的各种货物。\c(0d0)赌场\c(),\c(0d0)住宅区\c()和\c(0d0)人工生态圈\c()会购买各种食物,饮料和奢侈品。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(0d0)Consumer stations\c() buy all kinds of goods people need to live. \c(0d0)Casinos\c(), \c(0d0)Habitats\c() and \c(0d0)Biotopes\c() tend to buy different kinds of food, beverages and luxury items. | \c(0d0)消费型空间站\c()购买人们日常生活所需的各种货物。\c(0d0)赌场\c(),\c(0d0)住宅区\c()和\c(0d0)人工生态圈\c()会购买各种食物,饮料和奢侈品。 | Details | |
\c(0d0)Consumer stations\c() buy all kinds of goods people need to live. \c(0d0)Casinos\c(), \c(0d0)Habitats\c() and \c(0d0)Biotopes\c() tend to buy different kinds of food, beverages and luxury items. \c(0d0)消费型空间站\c()购买人们日常生活所需的各种货物。\c(0d0)赌场\c(),\c(0d0)住宅区\c()和\c(0d0)人工生态圈\c()会购买各种食物,饮料和奢侈品。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(0d0)Consumer stations\c() buy all kinds of goods people need to live. \c(0d0)Casinos\c(), \c(0d0)Habitats\c() and \c(0d0)Biotopes\c() tend to buy different kinds of food, beverages and luxury items. | \c(0d0)消费型空间站\c()购买人们日常生活所需的各种货物。\c(0d0)赌场\c(),\c(0d0)住宅区\c()和\c(0d0)人工生态圈\c()会购买各种食物,饮料和奢侈品。 | Details | |
\c(0d0)Consumer stations\c() buy all kinds of goods people need to live. \c(0d0)Casinos\c(), \c(0d0)Habitats\c() and \c(0d0)Biotopes\c() tend to buy different kinds of food, beverages and luxury items. \c(0d0)消费型空间站\c()购买人们日常生活所需的各种货物。\c(0d0)赌场\c(),\c(0d0)住宅区\c()和\c(0d0)人工生态圈\c()会购买各种食物,饮料和奢侈品。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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\c(0d0)Consumer stations\c() buy all kinds of goods people need to live. \c(0d0)Casinos\c(), \c(0d0)Habitats\c() and \c(0d0)Biotopes\c() tend to buy different kinds of food, beverages and luxury items. | \c(0d0)消费型空间站\c()购买人们日常生活所需的各种货物。\c(0d0)赌场\c(),\c(0d0)住宅区\c()和\c(0d0)人工生态圈\c()会购买各种食物,饮料和奢侈品。 | Details | |
\c(0d0)Consumer stations\c() buy all kinds of goods people need to live. \c(0d0)Casinos\c(), \c(0d0)Habitats\c() and \c(0d0)Biotopes\c() tend to buy different kinds of food, beverages and luxury items. \c(0d0)消费型空间站\c()购买人们日常生活所需的各种货物。\c(0d0)赌场\c(),\c(0d0)住宅区\c()和\c(0d0)人工生态圈\c()会购买各种食物,饮料和奢侈品。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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There are several versions of the \c(0d0)Hull Polarizer\c(). Each one of them greatly increases hull strength. But be careful: As a side effect, the hull takes more damage from a certain damage type. You can only install one at a time. | \c(0d0)船体极化器\c()有数种类型。每一种都可以大幅提升船体。但是小心:作为副作用,船体在遭受特定类型的伤害时会更为脆弱。一次只能安装一个。 | Details | |
There are several versions of the \c(0d0)Hull Polarizer\c(). Each one of them greatly increases hull strength. But be careful: As a side effect, the hull takes more damage from a certain damage type. You can only install one at a time. \c(0d0)船体极化器\c()有数种类型。每一种都可以大幅提升船体。但是小心:作为副作用,船体在遭受特定类型的伤害时会更为脆弱。一次只能安装一个。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If somebody has the audacity to try and board one of your ships, install an \c(0d0)Internal Defense System\c(). It constructs specialized weapons that help your crew defend against enemy boarders. And the best thing? If \c(0d0)Internal Defense Weapons\c() are overpowered by enemy boarders, they are not destroyed, only disabled until the next attack! | 假如有人敢尝试登陆你的某艘舰船,装个\c(0d0)舰内防御系统\c()吧。它包含着特别优化的武器,能够帮助你的船员抗击敌方登舰部队。还有呢?假如\c(0d0)舰内防御系统\c()被敌方登舰部队搞定了,它们不会被摧毁,只是在下一次被攻击之前失效而已! | Details | |
If somebody has the audacity to try and board one of your ships, install an \c(0d0)Internal Defense System\c(). It constructs specialized weapons that help your crew defend against enemy boarders. And the best thing? If \c(0d0)Internal Defense Weapons\c() are overpowered by enemy boarders, they are not destroyed, only disabled until the next attack! 假如有人敢尝试登陆你的某艘舰船,装个\c(0d0)舰内防御系统\c()吧。它包含着特别优化的武器,能够帮助你的船员抗击敌方登舰部队。还有呢?假如\c(0d0)舰内防御系统\c()被敌方登舰部队搞定了,它们不会被摧毁,只是在下一次被攻击之前失效而已! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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There are several versions of the \c(0d0)Shield Ionizer\c(). Each one of them greatly reduces the amount of damage taken from a certain damage type. You can only install one at a time. | \c(0d0)护盾离子化升级\c()有数种类型。每一种都能够大幅减少特定类型的伤害。一次只能安装一个。 | Details | |
There are several versions of the \c(0d0)Shield Ionizer\c(). Each one of them greatly reduces the amount of damage taken from a certain damage type. You can only install one at a time. \c(0d0)护盾离子化升级\c()有数种类型。每一种都能够大幅减少特定类型的伤害。一次只能安装一个。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If somebody has the audacity to try and board one of your ships, install an \c(0d0)Internal Defense System\c(). It constructs specialized weapons that help your crew defend against enemy boarders. And the best thing? If \c(0d0)Internal Defense Weapons\c() are overpowered by enemy boarders, they are not destroyed, only disabled until the next attack! | 假如有人敢尝试登陆你的某艘舰船,装个\c(0d0)舰内防御系统\c()吧。它包含着特别优化的武器,能够帮助你的船员抗击敌方登舰部队。还有呢?假如\c(0d0)舰内防御系统\c()被敌方登舰部队搞定了,它们不会被摧毁,只是在下一次被攻击之前失效而已! | Details | |
If somebody has the audacity to try and board one of your ships, install an \c(0d0)Internal Defense System\c(). It constructs specialized weapons that help your crew defend against enemy boarders. And the best thing? If \c(0d0)Internal Defense Weapons\c() are overpowered by enemy boarders, they are not destroyed, only disabled until the next attack! 假如有人敢尝试登陆你的某艘舰船,装个\c(0d0)舰内防御系统\c()吧。它包含着特别优化的武器,能够帮助你的船员抗击敌方登舰部队。还有呢?假如\c(0d0)舰内防御系统\c()被敌方登舰部队搞定了,它们不会被摧毁,只是在下一次被攻击之前失效而已! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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If somebody has the audacity to try and board one of your ships, install an \c(0d0)Internal Defense System\c(). It constructs specialized weapons that help your crew defend against enemy boarders. And the best thing? If \c(0d0)Internal Defense Weapons\c() are overpowered by enemy boarders, they are not destroyed, only disabled until the next attack! | 假如有人敢尝试登陆你的某艘舰船,装个\c(0d0)舰内防御系统\c()吧。它包含着特别优化的武器,能够帮助你的船员抗击敌方登舰部队。还有呢?假如\c(0d0)舰内防御系统\c()被敌方登舰部队搞定了,它们不会被摧毁,只是在下一次被攻击之前失效而已! | Details | |
If somebody has the audacity to try and board one of your ships, install an \c(0d0)Internal Defense System\c(). It constructs specialized weapons that help your crew defend against enemy boarders. And the best thing? If \c(0d0)Internal Defense Weapons\c() are overpowered by enemy boarders, they are not destroyed, only disabled until the next attack! 假如有人敢尝试登陆你的某艘舰船,装个\c(0d0)舰内防御系统\c()吧。它包含着特别优化的武器,能够帮助你的船员抗击敌方登舰部队。还有呢?假如\c(0d0)舰内防御系统\c()被敌方登舰部队搞定了,它们不会被摧毁,只是在下一次被攻击之前失效而已! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Internal Defense System | 舰内防御系统 | Details | |
Internal Defense System 舰内防御系统 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Velocity SCB | 航速控制系统解锁装置 | Details | |
Velocity SCB 航速控制系统解锁装置 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Internal Defense System | 舰内防御系统 | Details | |
Internal Defense System 舰内防御系统 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Velocity SCB | 航速控制系统解锁装置 | Details | |
Velocity SCB 航速控制系统解锁装置 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Internal Defense System | 舰内防御系统 | Details | |
Internal Defense System 舰内防御系统 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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