Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Any Turret-Blueprints | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Any Turret-Blueprints You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Same Subsystems | Stejné subsystémy | Details | |
Same Subsystems Stejné subsystémy You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Same Turret-Blueprints | Stejná věž-plány | Details | |
Same Turret-Blueprints Stejná věž-plány You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Same Turrets | Stejné věže | Details | |
Same Turrets Stejné věže You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Same Item Types | Stejné typy položek | Details | |
Same Item Types Stejné typy položek You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Auto Research | Automatický výzkum | Details | |
Auto Research Automatický výzkum You have to log in to edit this translation.
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No usable turrets or fighters to salvage. | Žádné použitelné věže ani stíhačky k likvidaci. | Details | |
No usable turrets or fighters to salvage. Žádné použitelné věže ani stíhačky k likvidaci. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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We can still start the teleport, but ${perc}% of your ship mass will get lost, and your ships could suffer heavy damage. Possibly to the point where you can't finish the mission. Do you still want to proceed? | Stále můžeme spustit teleport, ale ${perc}% hmotnosti vaší lodi se ztratí a vaše lodě mohou utrpět velké poškození. Možná až do té míry, že misi nebudete moci dokončit. Chcete stále pokračovat? | Details | |
We can still start the teleport, but ${perc}% of your ship mass will get lost, and your ships could suffer heavy damage. Possibly to the point where you can't finish the mission. Do you still want to proceed? Stále můžeme spustit teleport, ale ${perc}% hmotnosti vaší lodi se ztratí a vaše lodě mohou utrpět velké poškození. Možná až do té míry, že misi nebudete moci dokončit. Chcete stále pokračovat? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Current Ship: ${mass} kT (${percentOfMax}%) | Současná loď: ${mass} kT (${percentOfMax}%) | Details | |
Current Ship: ${mass} kT (${percentOfMax}%) Současná loď: ${mass} kT (${percentOfMax}%) You have to log in to edit this translation.
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${currentKT} / ${maxKT} kT mass; ${perc}% of ship mass will be lost during teleport | ${currentKT} / ${maxKT} kT hmotnost; ${perc}% hmotnosti lodi se ztratí během teleportu | Details | |
${currentKT} / ${maxKT} kT mass; ${perc}% of ship mass will be lost during teleport ${currentKT} / ${maxKT} kT hmotnost; ${perc}% hmotnosti lodi se ztratí během teleportu You have to log in to edit this translation.
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${currentKT} / ${maxKT} kT mass (${ships} ships); ${perc}% of ship mass will be lost during teleport | ${currentKT} / ${maxKT} hmotnost kT (${ships} ships); ${perc}% hmotnosti lodi se ztratí během teleportu. | Details | |
${currentKT} / ${maxKT} kT mass (${ships} ships); ${perc}% of ship mass will be lost during teleport ${currentKT} / ${maxKT} hmotnost kT (${ships} ships); ${perc}% hmotnosti lodi se ztratí během teleportu. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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${currentKT} / ${maxKT} kT mass; ${perc}% of ship mass will be lost during teleport (${player}) | ${currentKT} / ${maxKT} hmotnost kT; ${perc}% hmotnosti lodi se ztratí během teleportu (${player}) | Details | |
${currentKT} / ${maxKT} kT mass; ${perc}% of ship mass will be lost during teleport (${player}) ${currentKT} / ${maxKT} hmotnost kT; ${perc}% hmotnosti lodi se ztratí během teleportu (${player}) You have to log in to edit this translation.
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${currentKT} / ${maxKT} kT mass (${ships} ships); ${perc}% of ship mass will be lost during teleport (${player}) | ${currentKT} / ${maxKT} hmotnost kT (${ships} ships); ${perc}% hmotnosti lodi se ztratí během teleportu (${player}) | Details | |
${currentKT} / ${maxKT} kT mass (${ships} ships); ${perc}% of ship mass will be lost during teleport (${player}) ${currentKT} / ${maxKT} hmotnost kT (${ships} ships); ${perc}% hmotnosti lodi se ztratí během teleportu (${player}) You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Squad Collect Loot | Sbírání kořisti v oddílu | Details | |
Squad Collect Loot Sbírání kořisti v oddílu You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Squad Collect Loot | Družstvo sbírá kořist | Details | |
Squad Collect Loot Družstvo sbírá kořist You have to log in to edit this translation.
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