Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Exchange Torpedoes | 转移鱼雷 | Details | |
Exchange Torpedoes 转移鱼雷 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Transfer Squad | 转移飞行中队 | Details | |
Transfer Squad 转移飞行中队 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A message was broadcasted from the destroyed satellite. It appears to be some kind of emergency signal. | 被摧毁的卫星正在广播一段信息。看上去像是某种求救信号。 | Details | |
A message was broadcasted from the destroyed satellite. It appears to be some kind of emergency signal. 被摧毁的卫星正在广播一段信息。看上去像是某种求救信号。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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An encrypted message was broadcasted from the destroyed satellite. | 被摧毁的卫星正在广播加密的信息。 | Details | |
An encrypted message was broadcasted from the destroyed satellite. 被摧毁的卫星正在广播加密的信息。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Others, like the Haatii, built up their defenses and remained in the outer sectors, never losing hope that one day they would be able to expel the Xsotan from the galaxy. | 亦有诸侯设防一隅如哈迪族者,尚存逐索坦之妄想。 | Details | |
Others, like the Haatii, built up their defenses and remained in the outer sectors, never losing hope that one day they would be able to expel the Xsotan from the galaxy. 亦有诸侯设防一隅如哈迪族者,尚存逐索坦之妄想。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The UA disbanded, some factions left the galaxy never to be heard from again. | 盟会如土崩瓦解,有诸侯离者,自此再无音讯。 | Details | |
The UA disbanded, some factions left the galaxy never to be heard from again. 盟会如土崩瓦解,有诸侯离者,自此再无音讯。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Many simply wanted to go on living their lives at the far reaches of the galaxy. Soon it became clear that no consensus would be reached. ↵ ↵ | 然诸侯众者惟愿远纷争,苟活一隅。自此,诸事不成者,盖因诸侯不复同心也。 | Details | |
Many simply wanted to go on living their lives at the far reaches of the galaxy. Soon it became clear that no consensus would be reached. ↵ ↵ 然诸侯众者惟愿远纷争,苟活一隅。自此,诸事不成者,盖因诸侯不复同心也。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Others wanted to spend all their time and energy on researching how to remove the Barrier and defeat the Xsotan once and for all. | 有诸侯曰愿为逐索坦于寰宇之外而寻道。 | Details | |
Others wanted to spend all their time and energy on researching how to remove the Barrier and defeat the Xsotan once and for all. 有诸侯曰愿为逐索坦于寰宇之外而寻道。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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For a long time the United Alliances (UA) discussed what to do after the Xsotan had created the Barrier around the center of the galaxy. | 盟会亦尝论何以对为索坦蚀之寰宇。 | Details | |
For a long time the United Alliances (UA) discussed what to do after the Xsotan had created the Barrier around the center of the galaxy. 盟会亦尝论何以对为索坦蚀之寰宇。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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HISTORY OF THE GALAXY↵ Chapter 7↵ The Future↵ | 银河简史 第七卷 后事 | Details | |
HISTORY OF THE GALAXY↵ Chapter 7↵ The Future↵ 银河简史↵ 第七卷↵ 后事↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Even though they rule the entire center of the galaxy, there are still countless Xsotan in the outer sectors, attacking innocent ships and stations and causing everybody to live in constant fear. | 纵已统御银河之心,野心不减,侵扰更盛,以致诸侯惶恐不可终日。 | Details | |
Even though they rule the entire center of the galaxy, there are still countless Xsotan in the outer sectors, attacking innocent ships and stations and causing everybody to live in constant fear. 纵已统御银河之心,野心不减,侵扰更盛,以致诸侯惶恐不可终日。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The only ones who can freely cross the Barrier are the Xsotan themselves. ↵ ↵ | 而可自由进出者,惟索坦也。 | Details | |
The only ones who can freely cross the Barrier are the Xsotan themselves. ↵ ↵ 而可自由进出者,惟索坦也。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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But all of them gave up sooner or later. Nowadays, only odd adventurers in search of Xsotan riches attempt to find a way into the center. ↵ ↵ | 然纵各显神通,未闻有事成者也。时至今日,惟愚者寥寥,为觊觎索坦之财富而寻道。 | Details | |
But all of them gave up sooner or later. Nowadays, only odd adventurers in search of Xsotan riches attempt to find a way into the center. ↵ ↵ 然纵各显神通,未闻有事成者也。时至今日,惟愚者寥寥,为觊觎索坦之财富而寻道。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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In the beginning, when there was still hope that the ships cut off from the outer sectors might be saved, many tried to research a way to cross the rift. | 初时,尚存生存于彼方之希望,遂一时间研究跨越屏障之法者甚众。 | Details | |
In the beginning, when there was still hope that the ships cut off from the outer sectors might be saved, many tried to research a way to cross the rift. 初时,尚存生存于彼方之希望,遂一时间研究跨越屏障之法者甚众。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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There are no reports that anyone has managed to enter any of the sectors inside the Barrier since the Event, although countless have tried. ↵ ↵ | 自大事变后,纵能人异士不绝,可跨越屏障者未尝有也。 | Details | |
There are no reports that anyone has managed to enter any of the sectors inside the Barrier since the Event, although countless have tried. ↵ ↵ 自大事变后,纵能人异士不绝,可跨越屏障者未尝有也。↵ ↵ You have to log in to edit this translation.
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