Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Internal Defense Weapons | 舰内防御武器 | Details | |
Internal Defense Weapons 舰内防御武器 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Internal Defense Weapons System IDWS-${num} | 舰内防御武器系统 IDWS-${num} | Details | |
Internal Defense Weapons System IDWS-${num} 舰内防御武器系统 IDWS-${num} You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The sector is no longer considered a Hazard Zone. Traders and freighters will return to the sector. | 该星区不再被视为危险区。贸易商和货船将返回该星区。 | Details | |
The sector is no longer considered a Hazard Zone. Traders and freighters will return to the sector. 该星区不再被视为危险区。贸易商和货船将返回该星区。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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We evaded its big laser, but there was no damaging it! | 我们避开了它的大激光,但没有损坏它! | Details | |
We evaded its big laser, but there was no damaging it! 我们避开了它的大激光,但没有损坏它! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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It was protected by some new technology, had something to do with the asteroids around it. | 它受到某种与周围的小行星有关的新技术的保护。 | Details | |
It was protected by some new technology, had something to do with the asteroids around it. 它受到某种与周围的小行星有关的新技术的保护。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The whole ship...destroyed in seconds. | 整艘船...在几秒钟内被摧毁了。 | Details | |
The whole ship...destroyed in seconds. 整艘船...在几秒钟内被摧毁了。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A lot of the parts that had broken off started flying in our direction and tried to ram us. | 许多破裂的零件开始朝我们飞来并试图撞击我们。 | Details | |
A lot of the parts that had broken off started flying in our direction and tried to ram us. 许多破裂的零件开始朝我们飞来并试图撞击我们。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Remember the great Xsotan Attack? Hundreds of Xsotan swarming all over.↵ I wonder what made them stop. | 还记得伟大的索坦战役吗?数百名索坦蜂拥而至。 我想知道是什么让他们停下来了。 | Details | |
Remember the great Xsotan Attack? Hundreds of Xsotan swarming all over.↵ I wonder what made them stop. 还记得伟大的索坦战役吗?数百名索坦蜂拥而至。↵ 我想知道是什么让他们停下来了。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The Brotherhood pays anyone who brings them Xsotan artifacts good money. | 兄弟会会给那些带来索坦遗物的人一大笔钱。 | Details | |
The Brotherhood pays anyone who brings them Xsotan artifacts good money. 兄弟会会给那些带来索坦遗物的人一大笔钱。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Yes, you can build shield generators out of Naonite! I have to find some! | 对,有了纳奥金属就能修建护盾发生器!我得赶紧去搞点! | Details | |
Yes, you can build shield generators out of Naonite! I have to find some! 对,有了纳奥金属就能修建护盾发生器!我得赶紧去搞点! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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They started building Cloning Pods with Xanion. Gives me the shivers. | 他们开始用瑕恩金属造克隆舱了。我感觉有点慌… | Details | |
They started building Cloning Pods with Xanion. Gives me the shivers. 他们开始用瑕恩金属造克隆舱了。我感觉有点慌… You have to log in to edit this translation.
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${R}, you're free to dock. Choose whichever dock you please. | ${R}, 你已可停靠。请自行选择所停靠的船坞。 | Details | |
${R}, you're free to dock. Choose whichever dock you please. ${R}, 你已可停靠。请自行选择所停靠的船坞。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A highly addictive drug. | 一种高度致瘾的药物。 | Details | |
A highly addictive drug. 一种高度致瘾的药物。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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An addictive drug that gives the user strong hallucinations. | 一种让使用者产生强烈幻觉的致瘾药物。 | Details | |
An addictive drug that gives the user strong hallucinations. 一种让使用者产生强烈幻觉的致瘾药物。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Treated leather, made from various animal hides. | 由各种动物皮处理而成的皮革。 | Details | |
Treated leather, made from various animal hides. 由各种动物皮处理而成的皮革。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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