Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Tell me about the barrier. | 告诉我有关屏障的事情吧。 | Details | |
Tell me about the barrier. 告诉我有关屏障的事情吧。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Now that I was disturbed in my meditations already, I might as well talk to you. | 罢了。既然我的冥想已经被阁下打断,与阁下稍作交谈也未尝不可。 | Details | |
Now that I was disturbed in my meditations already, I might as well talk to you. 罢了。既然我的冥想已经被阁下打断,与阁下稍作交谈也未尝不可。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I heard you know a lot of things. | 我听说您学识渊博。 | Details | |
I heard you know a lot of things. 我听说您学识渊博。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I’m sorry. Should I leave? | 抱歉。或许我不该来? | Details | |
I’m sorry. Should I leave? 抱歉。或许我不该来? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Why are you disturbing my solitude? | 阁下缘何惊扰我弃世而居? | Details | |
Why are you disturbing my solitude? 阁下缘何惊扰我弃世而居? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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See you soon. | 后会有期。 | Details | |
See you soon. 后会有期。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I hope so. We should definitely go talk to him. I need to find out where exactly we can find him. ↵ ↵ Once I've done this I’ll send you an email with the coordinates of his location. | 但愿吧。我们绝对应该去和他聊聊。我得知道我们能在哪里找到他。 一旦我找到了,我会发邮件告诉你他在哪。 | Details | |
I hope so. We should definitely go talk to him. I need to find out where exactly we can find him. ↵ ↵ Once I've done this I’ll send you an email with the coordinates of his location. 但愿吧。我们绝对应该去和他聊聊。我得知道我们能在哪里找到他。↵ ↵ 一旦我找到了,我会发邮件告诉你他在哪。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You mean Xsotan artifacts? | 您说索坦遗物? | Details | |
You mean Xsotan artifacts? 您说索坦遗物? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Since the factions inside the Barrier won’t bring any Avorion out to us, the only way to get in might be Xsotan technology. | 既然屏障里的派系不会再给我们带来艾沃里翁,或许唯一能够进去的办法就是依靠索坦科技了。 | Details | |
Since the factions inside the Barrier won’t bring any Avorion out to us, the only way to get in might be Xsotan technology. 既然屏障里的派系不会再给我们带来艾沃里翁,或许唯一能够进去的办法就是依靠索坦科技了。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I understand your aversion. | 我能理解您的厌恶。 | Details | |
I understand your aversion. 我能理解您的厌恶。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Experiments are important! | 实践是检验真理的唯一标准! | Details | |
Experiments are important! 实践是检验真理的唯一标准! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Sadly, the Avorion they brought was destroyed when scientists began fighting over it because they wanted to experiment on it. ↵ ↵ This is exactly why I’m a Hermit. I’ll stay away from all this stupidity. | 十分遗憾,他们带出来的艾沃里翁在科学家们争相想拿来做实验的过程中被毁了。 这便是我为什么要当个隐士的原因——我要远离那些蠢货。 | Details | |
Sadly, the Avorion they brought was destroyed when scientists began fighting over it because they wanted to experiment on it. ↵ ↵ This is exactly why I’m a Hermit. I’ll stay away from all this stupidity. 十分遗憾,他们带出来的艾沃里翁在科学家们争相想拿来做实验的过程中被毁了。↵ ↵ 这便是我为什么要当个隐士的原因——我要远离那些蠢货。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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What happened in the center? | 银心发生了什么? | Details | |
What happened in the center? 银心发生了什么? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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The United Alliances were fighting a Great War against the Xsotan. ↵ ↵ The Xsotan were losing, they were being pushed back towards the center of the galaxy. Suddenly, there was a great shudder in the energy tissue of the galaxy.↵ ↵ The next thing that is known is that a lot of rifts had appeared everywhere and that the center and everyone in it was cut off from the outer reaches by a Barrier that nobody except the Xsotan could cross. | 星盟和索坦之间曾经有一场大战。 索坦当时节节败退,被迫退守银心。突然,银河系的能量组织一阵颤栗。 后来人们只知道大量的裂隙出现在银河各处,而银心和里面的所有人也被屏障切断了和外界的联系,只剩下索坦进出自如。 | Details | |
The United Alliances were fighting a Great War against the Xsotan. ↵ ↵ The Xsotan were losing, they were being pushed back towards the center of the galaxy. Suddenly, there was a great shudder in the energy tissue of the galaxy.↵ ↵ The next thing that is known is that a lot of rifts had appeared everywhere and that the center and everyone in it was cut off from the outer reaches by a Barrier that nobody except the Xsotan could cross. 星盟和索坦之间曾经有一场大战。↵ ↵ 索坦当时节节败退,被迫退守银心。突然,银河系的能量组织一阵颤栗。↵ ↵ 后来人们只知道大量的裂隙出现在银河各处,而银心和里面的所有人也被屏障切断了和外界的联系,只剩下索坦进出自如。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I understand your aversion. | 我能理解您的厌恶。 | Details | |
I understand your aversion. 我能理解您的厌恶。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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