Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Defeat the leaders of the Brotherhood and get their artifact | 击败兄弟会首领 夺取其索坦遗物 | Details | |
Defeat the leaders of the Brotherhood and get their artifact 击败兄弟会首领↵ 夺取其索坦遗物 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Find a bulletin about the Brotherhood | 找到兄弟会发布的任务 | Details | |
Find a bulletin about the Brotherhood 找到兄弟会发布的任务 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Find the Brotherhood | 找到兄弟会 | Details | |
Find the Brotherhood 找到兄弟会 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Yeah, I've heard talk of him. All traders are told to not go near the sectors around (${x}:${y}). If you're looking for him you can start there. But I wouldn't recommend it, they say he's really strong. | 对,我听说过。商人接到警告说不要接近星区 (${x}:${y}) 。如果你在找他,你可以从那儿开始。但我不建议这么做,他们说他真的很强。 | Details | |
Yeah, I've heard talk of him. All traders are told to not go near the sectors around (${x}:${y}). If you're looking for him you can start there. But I wouldn't recommend it, they say he's really strong. 对,我听说过。商人接到警告说不要接近星区 (${x}:${y}) 。如果你在找他,你可以从那儿开始。但我不建议这么做,他们说他真的很强。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Defeat the leaders of the Brotherhood and get their artifact | 击败兄弟会首领 夺取其索坦遗物 | Details | |
Defeat the leaders of the Brotherhood and get their artifact 击败兄弟会首领↵ 夺取其索坦遗物 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Find a bulletin about the Brotherhood | 找到兄弟会发布的任务 | Details | |
Find a bulletin about the Brotherhood 找到兄弟会发布的任务 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Find the Brotherhood | 找到兄弟会 | Details | |
Find the Brotherhood 找到兄弟会 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Yeah, I've heard talk of him. All traders are told to not go near the sectors around (${x}:${y}). If you're looking for him you can start there. But I wouldn't recommend it, they say he's really strong. | 对,我听说过。商人接到警告说不要接近星区 (${x}:${y}) 。如果你在找他,你可以从那儿开始。但我不建议这么做,他们说他真的很强。 | Details | |
Yeah, I've heard talk of him. All traders are told to not go near the sectors around (${x}:${y}). If you're looking for him you can start there. But I wouldn't recommend it, they say he's really strong. 对,我听说过。商人接到警告说不要接近星区 (${x}:${y}) 。如果你在找他,你可以从那儿开始。但我不建议这么做,他们说他真的很强。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Yeah, I've heard talk of him. But I don't know what to make of it. Ask someone else if you need to know. | 对,我听说过。但我不知道是怎么回事。如果想知道的话还是问问别人吧。 | Details | |
Yeah, I've heard talk of him. But I don't know what to make of it. Ask someone else if you need to know. 对,我听说过。但我不知道是怎么回事。如果想知道的话还是问问别人吧。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Pirates terrorizing Traders Mail Subject | 海盗威胁商队 | Details | |
Pirates terrorizing Traders 海盗威胁商队 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Hello!↵ ↵ Traders around here have been telling me about this pirate boss that’s terrorizing the area. Apparently, he has some secret technology on him. You should keep your ears open and listen to what everybody here has to say, maybe you can find him. While you do that, I’ll try to find out what this technology might be and what it does.↵ ↵ Greetings,↵ %1% | 你好! 附近的商人告诉我,他们正被附近的一个海盗头目威胁着。显然,他拥有某种不可告人的技术。你应该保持注意,听听周围的人怎么说,或许你能找到他。与此同时,我会去试着打听那是什么技术,用来干什么。 幸会, %1% | Details | |
Hello!↵ ↵ Traders around here have been telling me about this pirate boss that’s terrorizing the area. Apparently, he has some secret technology on him. You should keep your ears open and listen to what everybody here has to say, maybe you can find him. While you do that, I’ll try to find out what this technology might be and what it does.↵ ↵ Greetings,↵ %1% 你好!↵ ↵ 附近的商人告诉我,他们正被附近的一个海盗头目威胁着。显然,他拥有某种不可告人的技术。你应该保持注意,听听周围的人怎么说,或许你能找到他。与此同时,我会去试着打听那是什么技术,用来干什么。↵ ↵ 幸会,↵ %1% You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Yeah, I've heard talk of him. But I don't know what to make of it. Ask someone else if you need to know. | 对,我听说过。但我不知道是怎么回事。如果想知道的话还是问问别人吧。 | Details | |
Yeah, I've heard talk of him. But I don't know what to make of it. Ask someone else if you need to know. 对,我听说过。但我不知道是怎么回事。如果想知道的话还是问问别人吧。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Pirates terrorizing Traders Mail Subject | 海盗威胁商队 | Details | |
Pirates terrorizing Traders 海盗威胁商队 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Hello!↵ ↵ Traders around here have been telling me about this pirate boss that’s terrorizing the area. Apparently, he has some secret technology on him. You should keep your ears open and listen to what everybody here has to say, maybe you can find him. While you do that, I’ll try to find out what this technology might be and what it does.↵ ↵ Greetings,↵ %1% | 你好! 附近的商人告诉我,他们正被附近的一个海盗头目威胁着。显然,他拥有某种不可告人的技术。你应该保持注意,听听周围的人怎么说,或许你能找到他。与此同时,我会去试着打听那是什么技术,用来干什么。 幸会, %1% | Details | |
Hello!↵ ↵ Traders around here have been telling me about this pirate boss that’s terrorizing the area. Apparently, he has some secret technology on him. You should keep your ears open and listen to what everybody here has to say, maybe you can find him. While you do that, I’ll try to find out what this technology might be and what it does.↵ ↵ Greetings,↵ %1% 你好!↵ ↵ 附近的商人告诉我,他们正被附近的一个海盗头目威胁着。显然,他拥有某种不可告人的技术。你应该保持注意,听听周围的人怎么说,或许你能找到他。与此同时,我会去试着打听那是什么技术,用来干什么。↵ ↵ 幸会,↵ %1% You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Defeat the leaders of the Brotherhood and get their artifact | 击败兄弟会首领 夺取其索坦遗物 | Details | |
Defeat the leaders of the Brotherhood and get their artifact 击败兄弟会首领↵ 夺取其索坦遗物 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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