Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Ingredients List: ${turret} Turret | 材料清单:${turret}炮塔 | Details | |
Ingredients List: ${turret} Turret 材料清单:${turret}炮塔 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Investigate Missing Freighters | 寻找货船 | Details | |
Investigate Missing Freighters 寻找货船 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Earned %1% Credits for letting evidence disappear. | 已从销毁证据中获得 %1% 货币。 | Details | |
Earned %1% Credits for letting evidence disappear. 已从销毁证据中获得 %1% 货币。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A new ingredients list was added. You can track it from your missions log. | 材料清单已添加至任务日志,可随时查阅。 | Details | |
A new ingredients list was added. You can track it from your missions log. 材料清单已添加至任务日志,可随时查阅。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Collect the following ingredients to build a ${rarity} ${turret} Turret. | 收集以下材料以建造一座${rarity}${turret}炮塔。 | Details | |
Collect the following ingredients to build a ${rarity} ${turret} Turret. 收集以下材料以建造一座${rarity}${turret}炮塔。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Ingredients List: ${turret} Turret | 材料清单:${turret}炮塔 | Details | |
Ingredients List: ${turret} Turret 材料清单:${turret}炮塔 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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We don't negotiate. Give us the money or get out of here. | 我们不讨价还价。要么给钱要么滚。 | Details | |
We don't negotiate. Give us the money or get out of here. 我们不讨价还价。要么给钱要么滚。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Earned %1% Credits for finding out what happened to the freighters | 已从调查货船失踪案中获得 %1% 货币。 | Details | |
Earned %1% Credits for finding out what happened to the freighters 已从调查货船失踪案中获得 %1% 货币。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thank you for defeating the pirates Mail Subject | 感谢帮我们击退海盗 | Details | |
Thank you for defeating the pirates 感谢帮我们击退海盗 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thank you! ↵ ↵ We heard you defeated some pirates that were lurking on the trade route. ↵ ↵ You may keep the cargo we gave you.↵ ↵ Greetings,↵ ↵ Lieutenant Omask. | 万分感谢! 我们听说你已经搞定了在商路上为非作歹的海盗。 你可以留着我们给你的货物。 幸会, Omask 上尉 | Details | |
Thank you! ↵ ↵ We heard you defeated some pirates that were lurking on the trade route. ↵ ↵ You may keep the cargo we gave you.↵ ↵ Greetings,↵ ↵ Lieutenant Omask. 万分感谢!↵ ↵ 我们听说你已经搞定了在商路上为非作歹的海盗。↵ ↵ 你可以留着我们给你的货物。↵ ↵ 幸会,↵ ↵ Omask 上尉 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Lieutenant Omask | Omask 上尉 | Details | |
Lieutenant Omask Omask 上尉 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thank you for returning our people Mail Subject | 感谢解救我们的人民 | Details | |
Thank you for returning our people 感谢解救我们的人民 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thank you! ↵ ↵ Our people have returned home safely. ↵ ↵ We are in your debt.↵ ↵ You may keep the cargo we gave you.↵ ↵ Greetings,↵ ↵ Lieutenant Omask. | 万分感谢! 我们的人现在已经平安归来。 我们欠你一份人情。 你可以留着我们给你的货物。 幸会, Omask 上尉 | Details | |
Thank you! ↵ ↵ Our people have returned home safely. ↵ ↵ We are in your debt.↵ ↵ You may keep the cargo we gave you.↵ ↵ Greetings,↵ ↵ Lieutenant Omask. 万分感谢!↵ ↵ 我们的人现在已经平安归来。↵ ↵ 我们欠你一份人情。↵ ↵ 你可以留着我们给你的货物。↵ ↵ 幸会,↵ ↵ Omask 上尉 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Let's see you try! | 尽管试试! | Details | |
Let's see you try! 尽管试试! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I heard you are forcing innocent freighters to fight for you. I will put a stop to that. | 据说你教唆无辜货船为你打工。我是来终结这一切的。 | Details | |
I heard you are forcing innocent freighters to fight for you. I will put a stop to that. 据说你教唆无辜货船为你打工。我是来终结这一切的。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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