Avorion Translation Server

Translation of Avorion: Turkish

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Hello, The time has come! I finished my apparatus. Finally I can trap the Xsotan in the rifts! All that is missing is a last test run and then it can be presented to the public! As a thank you for your help I would like to invite you to this final test. Meet me in sector (%1%:%2%) and witness this glorious moment! But come alone and do not tell it around! I want the whole thing to remain secret until I can be sure that everything is working properly. After all, there should be no witnesses in case something happens. In joyful anticipation, Zacharias von Überstein You have to log in to add a translation. Details

Hello, The time has come! I finished my apparatus. Finally I can trap the Xsotan in the rifts! All that is missing is a last test run and then it can be presented to the public! As a thank you for your help I would like to invite you to this final test. Meet me in sector (%1%:%2%) and witness this glorious moment! But come alone and do not tell it around! I want the whole thing to remain secret until I can be sure that everything is working properly. After all, there should be no witnesses in case something happens. In joyful anticipation, Zacharias von Überstein

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  • ./Common/Scripts/dlc/rift/player/story/riftstorymission6-finale.lua:
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