Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Deliver ${amount} ${displayName} to a station near this location in 20 minutes.↵ ↵ You will need ${cargoSpace} free cargo space to take in the goods.↵ ↵ You will have to make a deposit of ¢${deposit}, which will be reimbursed upon delivery of the goods.↵ ↵ Deposit: ¢${deposit}↵ Time Limit: 20 minutes↵ Reward: ¢${reward} | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Deliver ${amount} ${displayName} to a station near this location in 20 minutes.↵ ↵ You will need ${cargoSpace} free cargo space to take in the goods.↵ ↵ You will have to make a deposit of ¢${deposit}, which will be reimbursed upon delivery of the goods.↵ ↵ Deposit: ¢${deposit}↵ Time Limit: 20 minutes↵ Reward: ¢${reward} You have to log in to edit this translation.
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