Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Apparently this new Xsotan technology made his hyperspace engine crazy strong. | Zřejmě tato nová technologie Xsotan dělal jeho hyperprostoru motor šílené silný. | Details | |
Apparently this new Xsotan technology made his hyperspace engine crazy strong. Zřejmě tato nová technologie Xsotan dělal jeho hyperprostoru motor šílené silný. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Why do people follow him? | Proč ho lidé následují ? | Details | |
Why do people follow him? Proč ho lidé následují ? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Why doesn't anybody stop him? | Proč ho nikdo nezastaví ? | Details | |
Why doesn't anybody stop him? Proč ho nikdo nezastaví ? You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Since this scumbag Bottan has gotten his hands on this Xsotan technology, he's become a real pain. ↵ ↵ He's built up a big smuggling ring, and since then has been betraying people non-stop. | Od té doby, co se ten šmejd Bottan dostal k technologii Xsotan, je z něj pořádná otrava. Vybudoval velkou pašeráckou síť a od té doby bez ustání zrazuje lidi. | Details | |
Since this scumbag Bottan has gotten his hands on this Xsotan technology, he's become a real pain. ↵ ↵ He's built up a big smuggling ring, and since then has been betraying people non-stop. Od té doby, co se ten šmejd Bottan dostal k technologii Xsotan, je z něj pořádná otrava. ↵ ↵ Vybudoval velkou pašeráckou síť a od té doby bez ustání zrazuje lidi. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I'll be careful. | Budu opatrný. | Details | |
I'll be careful. Budu opatrný. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You should beware of Bottan. He's a smuggler who doesn't have the courage to fly his own deals, even though he has the most advanced hyperspace engine I've ever seen.↵ ↵ He lets others do his dirty work for him, so he won't get in trouble. | Měli byste si dávat pozor na Bottan. Je to pašerák, který nemá odvahu létat podle vlastních obchodů, přestože má nejpokročilejší hyperprostorový engine, jaký jsem kdy viděl. Nechává ostatní dělat za něj špinavou práci, takže se nedostane do problémů. | Details | |
You should beware of Bottan. He's a smuggler who doesn't have the courage to fly his own deals, even though he has the most advanced hyperspace engine I've ever seen.↵ ↵ He lets others do his dirty work for him, so he won't get in trouble. Měli byste si dávat pozor na Bottan. Je to pašerák, který nemá odvahu létat podle vlastních obchodů, přestože má nejpokročilejší hyperprostorový engine, jaký jsem kdy viděl.↵ ↵ Nechává ostatní dělat za něj špinavou práci, takže se nedostane do problémů. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I know, but as far as I know, nobody has ever caught him. ↵ ↵ Apparently his hyperspace engine is extremely advanced and he can jump to anywhere in the entire galaxy! | Já vím, ale pokud vím, nikdo ho nikdy nechytl. Podle všeho je jeho hyperprostorový motor nesmírně vyspělý a dokáže skočit kamkoliv v celé galaxii! | Details | |
I know, but as far as I know, nobody has ever caught him. ↵ ↵ Apparently his hyperspace engine is extremely advanced and he can jump to anywhere in the entire galaxy! Já vím, ale pokud vím, nikdo ho nikdy nechytl. ↵ ↵ Podle všeho je jeho hyperprostorový motor nesmírně vyspělý a dokáže skočit kamkoliv v celé galaxii! You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I'll leave now. | Odcházím. | Details | |
I'll leave now. Odcházím. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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That sounds interesting. | To zní zajímavě. | Details | |
That sounds interesting. To zní zajímavě. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I hear there's a smuggler around here who got his hands on some Xsotan technology. | Slyšel jsem, že je tu někde poblíž pašerák, který se dostal k nějaké xsotanské technologii. | Details | |
I hear there's a smuggler around here who got his hands on some Xsotan technology. Slyšel jsem, že je tu někde poblíž pašerák, který se dostal k nějaké xsotanské technologii. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Goodbye. | Nashledanou. | Details | |
Goodbye. Nashledanou. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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This is getting a little too dark for me. | Začíná to být na mě trochu moc temné. | Details | |
This is getting a little too dark for me. Začíná to být na mě trochu moc temné. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Oh wow, you're gullible!↵ ↵ The universe can't implode, and we're only subjects that have been made up by someone. Once that someone wants us gone, we'll go. | Páni, ty jsi ale důvěřivec! Vesmír nemůže implodovat a my jsme jen subjekty, které si někdo vymyslel. Jakmile nás ten někdo bude chtít odstranit, odejdeme. | Details | |
Oh wow, you're gullible!↵ ↵ The universe can't implode, and we're only subjects that have been made up by someone. Once that someone wants us gone, we'll go. Páni, ty jsi ale důvěřivec!↵ ↵ Vesmír nemůže implodovat a my jsme jen subjekty, které si někdo vymyslel. Jakmile nás ten někdo bude chtít odstranit, odejdeme. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I guess I'll have to try. | Myslím, že to budu muset zkusit. | Details | |
I guess I'll have to try. Myslím, že to budu muset zkusit. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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I've heard the universe might implode. | Slyšel jsem, že by se vesmír mohl zhroutit. | Details | |
I've heard the universe might implode. Slyšel jsem, že by se vesmír mohl zhroutit. You have to log in to edit this translation.
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