Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
A nearby sector is occupied by Xsotan. While they don't attack unless provoked, the threat still makes all of us nervous.↵ We need someone to drive them out.↵ ↵ Sector: (${x} : ${y}) | 附近的一个星区被索坦占领了。尽管不去挑衅他们就不会遭受攻击,他们的存在仍然对我们构成威胁。 我们需要有人去赶走它们。 星区:(${x} : ${y}) | Details | |
A nearby sector is occupied by Xsotan. While they don't attack unless provoked, the threat still makes all of us nervous.↵ We need someone to drive them out.↵ ↵ Sector: (${x} : ${y}) 附近的一个星区被索坦占领了。尽管不去挑衅他们就不会遭受攻击,他们的存在仍然对我们构成威胁。↵ 我们需要有人去赶走它们。↵ ↵ 星区:(${x} : ${y}) You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thank you for taking care of them. We transferred the reward to your account. | 感谢您解决那些家伙,我们已经向您发送了报酬。 | Details | |
Thank you for taking care of them. We transferred the reward to your account. 感谢您解决那些家伙,我们已经向您发送了报酬。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Earned %1% credits for wiping out a group of Xsotan. | 已消灭索坦并获得 %1% 货币。 | Details | |
Earned %1% credits for wiping out a group of Xsotan. 已消灭索坦并获得 %1% 货币。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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You were tasked to take care of a group of Xsotan that appears to have settled in sector (${location.x}:${location.y}). | 你的任务是去“照顾”下一群索坦,他们似乎已经在(${location.x}:${location.y})定居下来了。 | Details | |
You were tasked to take care of a group of Xsotan that appears to have settled in sector (${location.x}:${location.y}). 你的任务是去“照顾”下一群索坦,他们似乎已经在(${location.x}:${location.y})定居下来了。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Wipe out Xsotan in (${location.x}:${location.y}) | 消灭 (${location.x}:${location.y}) 的索坦 | Details | |
Wipe out Xsotan in (${location.x}:${location.y}) 消灭 (${location.x}:${location.y}) 的索坦 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Wipe out Xsotan | 歼灭索坦 | Details | |
Wipe out Xsotan 歼灭索坦 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Deliver ${amount} ${displayName} to a station near this location in 20 minutes.↵ ↵ You will need ${cargoSpace} free cargo space to take in the goods.↵ ↵ You will have to make a deposit of ¢${deposit}, which will be reimbursed upon delivery of the goods.↵ ↵ Deposit: ¢${deposit}↵ Time Limit: 20 minutes↵ Reward: ¢${reward} | 在 20 分钟内向附近的目标空间站交付${amount} ${displayName}。 你需要有 ${cargoSpace} 单位的空余货舱空间来储存这些货物。 需要先支付 ¢${deposit} 押金,会在交付完成后退还。 押金:¢${deposit} 时间限制:20 分钟 报酬:¢${reward} | Details | |
Deliver ${amount} ${displayName} to a station near this location in 20 minutes.↵ ↵ You will need ${cargoSpace} free cargo space to take in the goods.↵ ↵ You will have to make a deposit of ¢${deposit}, which will be reimbursed upon delivery of the goods.↵ ↵ Deposit: ¢${deposit}↵ Time Limit: 20 minutes↵ Reward: ¢${reward} 在 20 分钟内向附近的目标空间站交付${amount} ${displayName}。↵ ↵ 你需要有 ${cargoSpace} 单位的空余货舱空间来储存这些货物。↵ ↵ 需要先支付 ¢${deposit} 押金,会在交付完成后退还。↵ ↵ 押金:¢${deposit}↵ 时间限制:20 分钟↵ 报酬:¢${reward} You have to log in to edit this translation.
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A new ingredients list was added. You can track it from your missions log. | 材料清单已添加至任务日志,可随时查阅。 | Details | |
A new ingredients list was added. You can track it from your missions log. 材料清单已添加至任务日志,可随时查阅。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Collect the following ingredients to build a ${rarity} ${turret} Turret. | 收集以下材料以建造一座${rarity}${turret}炮塔。 | Details | |
Collect the following ingredients to build a ${rarity} ${turret} Turret. 收集以下材料以建造一座${rarity}${turret}炮塔。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Ingredients List: ${turret} Turret | 材料清单:${turret}炮塔 | Details | |
Ingredients List: ${turret} Turret 材料清单:${turret}炮塔 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Earned %1% Credits for finding out what happened to the freighters | 已从调查货船失踪案中获得 %1% 货币。 | Details | |
Earned %1% Credits for finding out what happened to the freighters 已从调查货船失踪案中获得 %1% 货币。 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thank you for defeating the pirates Mail Subject | 感谢帮我们击退海盗 | Details | |
Thank you for defeating the pirates 感谢帮我们击退海盗 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thank you! ↵ ↵ We heard you defeated some pirates that were lurking on the trade route. ↵ ↵ You may keep the cargo we gave you.↵ ↵ Greetings,↵ ↵ Lieutenant Omask. | 万分感谢! 我们听说你已经搞定了在商路上为非作歹的海盗。 你可以留着我们给你的货物。 幸会, Omask 上尉 | Details | |
Thank you! ↵ ↵ We heard you defeated some pirates that were lurking on the trade route. ↵ ↵ You may keep the cargo we gave you.↵ ↵ Greetings,↵ ↵ Lieutenant Omask. 万分感谢!↵ ↵ 我们听说你已经搞定了在商路上为非作歹的海盗。↵ ↵ 你可以留着我们给你的货物。↵ ↵ 幸会,↵ ↵ Omask 上尉 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Lieutenant Omask | Omask 上尉 | Details | |
Lieutenant Omask Omask 上尉 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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Thank you for returning our people Mail Subject | 感谢解救我们的人民 | Details | |
Thank you for returning our people 感谢解救我们的人民 You have to log in to edit this translation.
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